8 research outputs found

    Ghosts in Discrete Tomography

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    On the Reconstruction of Static and Dynamic Discrete Structures

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    We study inverse problems of reconstructing static and dynamic discrete structures from tomographic data (with a special focus on the `classical' task of reconstructing finite point sets in Rd\mathbb{R}^d). The main emphasis is on recent mathematical developments and new applications, which emerge in scientific areas such as physics and materials science, but also in inner mathematical fields such as number theory, optimization, and imaging. Along with a concise introduction to the field of discrete tomography, we give pointers to related aspects of computerized tomography in order to contrast the worlds of continuous and discrete inverse problems

    Ghosts in Discrete Tomography

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    Switching components, also named as bad configurations, interchanges, and ghosts (according to different scenarios), play a key role in the study of ambiguous configurations, which often appear in Discrete Tomography and in several other areas of research. In this paper we give an upper bound for the minimal size bad configurations associated to a given set SSS of lattice directions. In the special but interesting case of four directions, we show that the general argument can be considerably improved, and we present an algebraic method which provides such an improvement. Moreover, it turns out that finding bad configurations is in fact equivalent to finding multiples of a suitable polynomial in two variables, having only coefficients from the set −1,0,1{-1,0,1}{-1,0,1}. The general problem of describing all polynomials having such multiples seems to be very hard (Borwein and Erdélyi, in Ill J Math 41(4):667–675, 1997). However, in our particular case, it is hopeful to give some kind of solution. In the context of Digital Image Analysis, it represents an explicit method for the construction of ghosts, and consequently might be of interest in image processing, also in view of efficient algorithms to encode data