57 research outputs found

    Crosstalk in stereoscopic displays: A review

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    Crosstalk, also known as ghosting or leakage, is a primary factor in determining the image quality of stereoscopic three dimensional (3D) displays. In a stereoscopic display, a separate perspective view is presented to each of the observer’s two eyes in order to experience a 3D image with depth sensation. When crosstalk is present in a stereoscopic display, each eye will see a combination of the image intended for that eye, and some of the image intended for the other eye—making the image look doubled or ghosted. High levels of crosstalk can make stereoscopic images hard to fuse and lack fidelity, so it is important to achieve low levels of crosstalk in the development of high-quality stereoscopic displays. Descriptive and mathematical definitions of these terms are formalized and summarized. The mechanisms by which crosstalk occurs in different stereoscopic display technologies are also reviewed, including micropol 3D liquid crystal displays (LCDs), autostereoscopic (lenticular and parallax barrier), polarized projection, anaglyph, and time-sequential 3D on LCDs, plasma display panels and cathode ray tubes. Crosstalk reduction and crosstalk cancellation are also discussed along with methods of measuring and simulating crosstalk

    Methodology for the Integration of Optomechanical System Software Models with a Radiative Transfer Image Simulation Model

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    Stray light, any unwanted radiation that reaches the focal plane of an optical system, reduces image contrast, creates false signals or obscures faint ones, and ultimately degrades radiometric accuracy. These detrimental effects can have a profound impact on the usability of collected Earth-observing remote sensing data, which must be radiometrically calibrated to be useful for scientific applications. Understanding the full impact of stray light on data scientific utility is of particular concern for lower cost, more compact imaging systems, which inherently provide fewer opportunities for stray light control. To address these concerns, this research presents a general methodology for integrating point spread function (PSF) and stray light performance data from optomechanical system models in optical engineering software with a radiative transfer image simulation model. This integration method effectively emulates the PSF and stray light performance of a detailed system model within a high-fidelity scene, thus producing realistic simulated imagery. This novel capability enables system trade studies and sensitivity analyses to be conducted on parameters of interest, particularly those that influence stray light, by analyzing their quantitative impact on user applications when imaging realistic operational scenes. For Earth science applications, this method is useful in assessing the impact of stray light performance on retrieving surface temperature, ocean color products such as chlorophyll concentration or dissolved organic matter, etc. The knowledge gained from this model integration also provides insight into how specific stray light requirements translate to user application impact, which can be leveraged in writing more informed stray light requirements. In addition to detailing the methodology\u27s radiometric framework, we describe the collection of necessary raytrace data from an optomechanical system model (in this case, using FRED Optical Engineering Software), and present PSF and stray light component validation tests through imaging Digital Imaging and Remote Sensing Image Generation (DIRSIG) model test scenes. We then demonstrate the integration method\u27s ability to produce quantitative metrics to assess the impact of stray light-focused system trade studies on user applications using a Cassegrain telescope model and a stray light-stressing coastal scene under various system and scene conditions. This case study showcases the stray light images and other detailed performance data produced by the integration method that take into account both a system\u27s stray light susceptibility and a scene\u27s at-aperture radiance profile to determine the stray light contribution of specific system components or stray light paths. The innovative contributions provided by this work represent substantial improvements over current stray light modeling and simulation techniques, where the scene image formation is decoupled from the physical system stray light modeling, and can aid in the design of future Earth-observing imaging systems. This work ultimately establishes an integrated-systems approach that combines the effects of scene content and the optomechanical components, resulting in a more realistic and higher fidelity system performance prediction

    Light field image processing: an overview

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    Light field imaging has emerged as a technology allowing to capture richer visual information from our world. As opposed to traditional photography, which captures a 2D projection of the light in the scene integrating the angular domain, light fields collect radiance from rays in all directions, demultiplexing the angular information lost in conventional photography. On the one hand, this higher dimensional representation of visual data offers powerful capabilities for scene understanding, and substantially improves the performance of traditional computer vision problems such as depth sensing, post-capture refocusing, segmentation, video stabilization, material classification, etc. On the other hand, the high-dimensionality of light fields also brings up new challenges in terms of data capture, data compression, content editing, and display. Taking these two elements together, research in light field image processing has become increasingly popular in the computer vision, computer graphics, and signal processing communities. In this paper, we present a comprehensive overview and discussion of research in this field over the past 20 years. We focus on all aspects of light field image processing, including basic light field representation and theory, acquisition, super-resolution, depth estimation, compression, editing, processing algorithms for light field display, and computer vision applications of light field data

    Compensated Row-Column Ultrasound Imaging System

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    Ultrasound imaging is a valuable tool in many applications ranging from material science to medical imaging. While 2-D ultrasound imaging is more commonly used, 3-D ultrasound imaging offers unique opportunities that can only be found with the help of the extra dimension. Acquiring a 3-D ultrasound image can be done in two main ways: mechanically moving a transducer over a region of interest and using a fixed 2-D transducer. Mechanical motion introduces unwanted artifacts and increases image acquisition time, so a fixed 2-D is usually preferred. However, a fully addressed 2-D array will require a significant amount of connections and data to handle. This motivated the exploration of different simplification schemes to make 2-D arrays for 3-D ultrasound imaging feasible. A method that received a lot of attention for making real-time volumetric ultrasound imaging possible is the row-column method. The row-column method simplifies the fully addressed 2-D array by utilizing a set of 1-D arrays arranged in rows and another set in columns, one set will be responsible for transmit beamforming, while the other for receive beamforming. Using this setup, only N+NN+N connections are needed instead of N×NN\times N. This simplification comes at the cost of image quality. Recent advances in row-column ultrasound imaging systems were largely focused on transducer design. However, these imaging systems face a few intrinsic challenges which cannot be addressed through transducer design alone: the issues of sparsity, speckle noise inherent to ultrasound, the spatially varying point spread function, and the ghosting artifacts inherent to the row-column method must all be taken into account. As such, strategies for tackling these intrinsic challenges in row-column imaging would be highly desired to improve imaging quality. In this thesis, we propose a novel compensated row-column ultrasound imaging system where the intrinsic characteristics of the transducer and other aspects of the physical row-column imaging apparatus are leveraged to computationally produce high quality ultrasound imagery. More specifically, the proposed system incorporates a novel conditional random field-driven computational image reconstruction component consisting of two phases: i) characterization and ii) compensation. In the characterization phase, a joint statistical image formation and noise model is introduced for characterizing the intrinsic properties of the physical row-column ultrasound imaging system. In the compensation phase, the developed joint image formation and noise model is incorporated alongside a conditional random field model within an energy minimization framework to reconstruct the compensated row-column ultrasound imagery. To explore the efficacy of the proposed concept, we introduced three different realizations of the proposed compensated row-column ultrasound imaging system. First, we introduce a compensated row-column imaging system based on a novel multilayered conditional random field driven framework to better account for local spatial relationships in the captured data. Second, we incorporated more global relationships by introducing a compensated row-column imaging system based around a novel edge-guided stochastically fully connected random field framework. Third, accounting for the case where the analytical image formation model may not optimally reflect the real-world physical system, we introduce a compensated row-column imaging system based around a data-driven spatially varying point-spread-function learning framework to better characterize the true physical image formation characteristics. While these different realizations of the compensated row-column system have their advantages and disadvantages, which will be discussed throughout this thesis, they all manage to boost the performance of the row-column method to comparable and often higher levels than the fully addressed 2-D array

    Landsat Program

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    Landsat initiated the revolution in moderate resolution Earth remote sensing in the 1970s. With seven successful missions over 40+ years, Landsat has documented - and continues to document - the global Earth land surface and its evolution. The Landsat missions and sensors have evolved along with the technology from a demonstration project in the analog world of visual interpretation to an operational mission in the digital world, with incremental improvements along the way in terms of spectral, spatial, radiometric and geometric performance as well as acquisition strategy, data availability, and products

    A review of laser scanning for geological and geotechnical applications in underground mining

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    Laser scanning can provide timely assessments of mine sites despite adverse challenges in the operational environment. Although there are several published articles on laser scanning, there is a need to review them in the context of underground mining applications. To this end, a holistic review of laser scanning is presented including progress in 3D scanning systems, data capture/processing techniques and primary applications in underground mines. Laser scanning technology has advanced significantly in terms of mobility and mapping, but there are constraints in coherent and consistent data collection at certain mines due to feature deficiency, dynamics, and environmental influences such as dust and water. Studies suggest that laser scanning has matured over the years for change detection, clearance measurements and structure mapping applications. However, there is scope for improvements in lithology identification, surface parameter measurements, logistic tracking and autonomous navigation. Laser scanning has the potential to provide real-time solutions but the lack of infrastructure in underground mines for data transfer, geodetic networking and processing capacity remain limiting factors. Nevertheless, laser scanners are becoming an integral part of mine automation thanks to their affordability, accuracy and mobility, which should support their widespread usage in years to come

    Crosstalk in stereoscopic displays

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    Crosstalk is an important image quality attribute of stereoscopic 3D displays. The research presented in this thesis examines the presence, mechanisms, simulation, and reduction of crosstalk for a selection of stereoscopic display technologies. High levels of crosstalk degrade the perceived quality of stereoscopic displays hence it is important to minimise crosstalk. This thesis provides new insights which are critical to a detailed understanding of crosstalk and consequently to the development of effective crosstalk reduction techniques

    MODIS. Volume 2: MODIS level 1 geolocation, characterization and calibration algorithm theoretical basis document, version 1

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    The EOS Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS) is being developed by NASA for flight on the Earth Observing System (EOS) series of satellites, the first of which (EOS-AM-1) is scheduled for launch in 1998. This document describes the algorithms and their theoretical basis for the MODIS Level 1B characterization, calibration, and geolocation algorithms which must produce radiometrically, spectrally, and spatially calibrated data with sufficient accuracy so that Global change research programs can detect minute changes in biogeophysical parameters. The document first describes the geolocation algorithm which determines geodetic latitude, longitude, and elevation of each MODIS pixel and the determination of geometric parameters for each observation (satellite zenith angle, satellite azimuth, range to the satellite, solar zenith angle, and solar azimuth). Next, the utilization of the MODIS onboard calibration sources, which consist of the Spectroradiometric Calibration Assembly (SRCA), Solar Diffuser (SD), Solar Diffuser Stability Monitor (SDSM), and the Blackbody (BB), is treated. Characterization of these sources and integration of measurements into the calibration process is described. Finally, the use of external sources, including the Moon, instrumented sites on the Earth (called vicarious calibration), and unsupervised normalization sites having invariant reflectance and emissive properties is treated. Finally, algorithms for generating utility masks needed for scene-based calibration are discussed. Eight appendices are provided, covering instrument design and additional algorithm details

    Image Quality Modeling and Optimization for Non-Conventional Aperture Imaging Systems

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    The majority of image quality studies have been performed on systems with conventional aperture functions. These systems have straightforward aperture designs and well-understood behavior. Image quality for these systems can be predicted by the General Image Quality Equation (GIQE). However, in order to continue pushing the boundaries of imaging, more control over the point spread function of an imaging system may be necessary. This requires modifications in the pupil plane of a system, causing a departure from the realm of most image quality studies. Examples include sparse apertures, synthetic apertures, coded apertures and phase elements. This work will focus on sparse aperture telescopes and the image quality issues associated with them, however, the methods presented will be applicable to other non-conventional aperture systems. \\ In this research, an approach for modeling the image quality of non-conventional aperture systems will be introduced. While the modeling approach is based in previous work, a novel validation study will be performed, which accounts for the effects of both broadband illumination and wavefront error. One of the key image quality challenges for sparse apertures is post-processing ringing artifacts. These artifacts have been observed in modeled data, but a validation study will be performed to observe them in measured data and to compare them to model predictions. Once validated, the modeling approach will be used to perform a small set of design studies for sparse aperture systems, including spectral bandpass selection and aperture layout optimization
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