177 research outputs found

    Teacher Motivation and the Use of Computer-based Interactive Multimedia

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    The purposes of this study were (a) to describe the use of multimedia within a participating population of teachers, and (b) to identify factors that motivate teachers to use multimedia for instructional purposes. Teachers from the Oneida Special School District located in Oneida, Tennessee, were invited to participate in this study. This study was conducted in two phases. Phase I used a questionnaire to collect data on the use and development of multimedia. Forty-six teachers participated in this portion of the study. Phase II used an interview process to identify the factors that motivated teachers to use multimedia in the classroom. Five respondents from among the 21 respondents reporting the highest usage of multimedia resources were interviewed. Some of the findings of the Phase I questionnaire indicated that 64% of the respondents reported using some type of edutainment software, while 47% of the respondents reported using the Internet. Respondents also reported using commercially produced multimedia resources or resources created by groups or other individuals far more then self-created multimedia resources. An analysis of the Phase II interview transcripts indicated that teachers were motivated to use and develop multimedia when they believed it was a potentially powerful tool, when they perceived it as relevant to the educational setting, and when they valued the use of multimedia resources. Beliefs, relevance, relatedness, and personal value were identified as important factors that motivated these teachers to integrate technology and multimedia within the educational setting

    Commentary on: Stutt, A. and Motta, E. (2004). Semantic Learning Webs

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    Abstract: Overall, the authors present a succinct argument for the learning community supported by complex semantic networks. To substantiate the potential of their vision, they present a case study in the domain of global warming to illustrate the ways in which knowledge charts (representations of community knowledge), knowledge neighbourhoods, and knowledge navigation (tools to assist processing of knowledge) might be implemented. In doing so, they highlight the importance for learning systems and environments to be able to support the complex learning requirements of the individual knowledge seeker. Paper: Stutt, A. and Motta, E. (2004) Semantic Learning Webs Editors: Terry Anderson and Denise Whitelock

    Teachers' TV second stage impact study research : qualitative research

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    Cognitive Learning and Motivation of First Year Secondary School Students Using an Interactive and Multimedia-enhanced e-Book made with iBooks Author

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    In this study, multimedia and interactive e-book content was explored to determine the impact on 1st year Irish secondary school students, specifically looking at cognitive learning and student motivation. To achieve this, a controlled experiment was undertaken using a comparison between a test group and a control group. The test group was given an interactive and multimedia enhanced e-book, developed with interactive widgets of the iBooks Author for the iPad. The control group was presented with the same material, but the widgets were replaced with static materials. The study found that some widgets were more successful for learning than others, and that the ibook format indicates a high level of motivation in students

    A Synthetic Teaching-Learning Model: A Contextualized Study

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    The paper aims at institutionalizing instructional technology with a view to improving the quality of education. The conceptual framework developed in this paper reviews the existing status of training programs in light of the suggested initiatives of education sectors reforms (Ministry of Education, Government of Pakistan -August-2003). It has been argued that major purpose of imparting professional training to teachers and administrators should be directed towards improvement of quality of education. In stating the problem the malaise underlining the teaching-learning process has been identified as a core issue. The teaching-learning process which is the hallmark of quality of education has been stalled because of the limitations inherent in the current education system

    A aprendizagem como critério de avaliação de conteúdos educativos on-line

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    A escassez de estudos sistemáticos sobre a utilização pedagógica de software educativo e a quase ausência de padrões de qualidade pedagógica, foram algumas das constatações abordadas na reflexão que tivemos oportunidade de fazer no primeiro seminário SACAUSEF1 e que, em nossa opinião, continuam a justificar a necessidade de trabalho cuidado e em profundidade no domínio da avaliação da qualidade deste tipo de materiais de apoio ao ensino e à aprendizagem (Costa, 2005). Como nessa altura também defendemos, é necessário, por outro lado, que os critérios de avaliação usados acompanhem a evolução tecnológica que se tem verificado nos últimos tempos e nos permitam, igualmente, uma avaliação adequada da qualidade dos diferentes tipos de conteúdos educativos cada vez em maior número disponíveis na Internet. No entanto, como estes conteúdos podem assumir propósitos e configurações muito diversas, será prudente que qualquer sistema de avaliação comece por definir o que se entende por “conteúdos educativos” e, só a partir daí, estabeleça os critérios de qualidade mais pertinentes e relevantes

    Meeting the Standards in Primary ICT

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    This practical guide to using ICT in the primary classroom addresses all the concerns of student teachers and provides plenty of ideas and advice on how to incorporate ICT into classroom practice on a daily basis. The authors bring together theory and practice to help prospective and new teachers acquire and develop the skills required for using ICT effectively. Meeting the Standards in Primary ICT is split into three sections which will: help assess the readers' ICT skills, knowledge and understanding discuss ways of incorporating ICT for teaching across the primary curriculum help the reader to think about ICT and their own professional learning and development. This book will be an invaluable resource for all student teachers on primary training courses, lecturers and mentors supporting trainees on these courses and newly qualified teachers (NQTs)

    The use of information and communications technology in history teaching in secondary schools in England and Wales 1970-2003

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    The thesis considers the ways in which developments in Information and\ud Communications Technology (ICT) have impacted on history teachers' practice in\ud secondary school history in England and Wales since the introduction of computers into\ud schools in the early 1970s.\ud This is done by examining the historical record relating to the use of ICT in\ud secondary history, and by empirical investigations conducted between 1995 and 2003.\ud The empirical element of the thesis explores the perspectives of history teachers and\ud history trainee teachers on the use of ICT in secondary history, using questionnaire and\ud interview survey approaches.\ud The first chapter establishes the purposes, rationale and focus of the thesis. Key\ud terms and concepts are defined and relevant literature reviewed. The research approach\ud is justified and key questions outlined.\ud The second chapter places the study in the context of the impact of ICT on education\ud more generally by exploring historical perspectives on the use of ICT in secondary\ud education in England and Wales. The chapter demonstrates that there are 'different\ud stories' about the role which ICT has played in secondary schools and differing views\ud about the potential of ICT for enhancing educational outcomes.\ud Chapter 3 focuses on the use of ICT in secondary history and examines differing\ud strands of the historical record in this area, pointing out areas where there are\ud contradictions and uncertainties about the role of ICT in secondary history.\ud Chapters 4 and 5 detail the empirical enquiries of the author in exploring secondary\ud history teacher and trainee perspectives on the use of ICT.\ud The final chapter draws together the outcomes of the investigations. Conclusions are\ud presented under four headings: implications of the research approach adopted, contribution to knowledge in the field, implications for policymaking in the field of ICT\ud and education, future role of ICT in secondary history