8 research outputs found

    Getting the real-time precise round-trip time for stepping stone detection

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    Stepping stone attacks are often used by network intruders to hide their identities. The Round Trip Times (RTT) between the send packets and corresponding echo packets for the connection chains of stepping stones are critical for detecting such attacks. In this paper, we propose a novel real-time RTT getting algorithm for stepping stones which is based on the estimation of the current RTT value. Our experiments show that it is far more precise than the previous real-time RTT getting algorithms. We also present the probability analysis which shows that our algorithm has a high matching rate and a high accurate rate

    Exploratory study to explore the role of ICT in the process of knowledge management in an Indian business environment

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    In the 21st century and the emergence of a digital economy, knowledge and the knowledge base economy are rapidly growing. To effectively be able to understand the processes involved in the creating, managing and sharing of knowledge management in the business environment is critical to the success of an organization. This study builds on the previous research of the authors on the enablers of knowledge management by identifying the relationship between the enablers of knowledge management and the role played by information communication technologies (ICT) and ICT infrastructure in a business setting. This paper provides the findings of a survey collected from the four major Indian cities (Chennai, Coimbatore, Madurai and Villupuram) regarding their views and opinions about the enablers of knowledge management in business setting. A total of 80 organizations participated in the study with 100 participants in each city. The results show that ICT and ICT infrastructure can play a critical role in the creating, managing and sharing of knowledge in an Indian business environment

    Backdoor attack detection based on stepping stone detection approach

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    Network intruders usually use a series of hosts (stepping stones) to conceal the tracks of their intrusion in the network. This type of intrusion can be detected through an approach called Stepping Stone Detection (SSD). In the past years, SSD was confined to the detection of only this type of intrusion. In this dissertation, we consider the use of SSD concepts in the field of backdoor attack detection. The application of SSD in this field results in many advantages. First, the use of SSD makes the backdoor attack detection and the scan process time faster. Second, this technique detects all types of backdoor attack, both known and unknown, even if the backdoor attack is encrypted. Third, this technique reduces the large storage resources used by traditional antivirus tools in detecting backdoor attacks. This study contributes to the field by extending the application of SSD-based techniques, which are usually used in SSD-based environments only, into backdoor attack detection environments. Through an experiment, the accuracy of SSD-based backdoor attack detection is shown as very high

    The enablers and implementation model for mobile KMS in Australian healthcare

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    In this research project, the enablers in implementing mobile KMS in Australian regional healthcare will be investigated, and a validated framework and guidelines to assist healthcare in implementing mobile KMS will also be proposed with both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The outcomes for this study are expected to improve the understanding the enabling factors in implementing mobile KMS in Australian healthcare, as well as provide better guidelines for this process

    A quick-response real-time stepping stone detection scheme

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    Stepping stone attacks are often used by network intruders to hide their identities. To detect and block stepping stone attacks, a stepping stone detection scheme should be able to correctly identify a stepping-stone in a very short time and in real-time. However, the majority of past research has failed to indicate how long or how many packets it takes for the monitor to detect a stepping stone. In this paper, we propose a novel quick-response real-time stepping stones detection scheme which is based on packet delay properties. Our experiments show that it can identify a stepping stone within 20 seconds which includes false positives and false negatives of less than 3%

    Detecting backdoor using stepping stone detection approach

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    Several techniques are used by intruders to hide the track of intrusion in the network.One of these techniques executes by using series of hosts in network (stepping stones chain), which can be detected by using an approach, called Stepping Stone Detection (SSD). However, during all previous years, SSD was only confined to detect this type of intrusion.This paper discusses the using of SSD approach and potential applications in other emerging field by introduce the using of SSD concepts in backdoor attack detection field.This research shows that by using SSD to detect backdoor attack can be gained very low false negative and false positive rates and reduces the scan process time detection

    Characterization of communication channels in terms of traffic and network architecture: a review

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    Software tools face accessibility and availability limitations in monitoring and industrial control processes when communications are affected by long distances. Likewise, real-time answers and stability are also limited by the traffic conditions in LAN network. Ethernet networks are widely-used in industrial communications due to high performance in multiswitch configuration. However, they are not the most appropriate solution for real-time applications, given the difficulty in measuring response times in data transmission, and even more so when the network topologies are different and traffic levels are permanently varying. This paper presents a review of the characterization of communication channels in terms of traffic and network architecture,  identifying  unexplored  areas  and  promoting  new alternatives that may be easily adopted by the industrial sector.  In  conclusion,  a  technique  integrated  by  architecture  and  traffic  characteristics  in  network  analysis may  performance  in  heterogeneous  systems  for  industrial applications via web.Las herramientas de software presentan limitaciones de acceso y disponibilidad en los procesos de monitoreo y control industrial, cuando las comunicaciones son afectadas por grandes distancias. Asimismo, las respuestas en tiempo real y la estabilidad también son limitadas por las condiciones de tráfico en redes LAN. Es conocido que las redes Ethernet son ampliamente usadas en comunicaciones industriales por su alto rendimiento en configuraciones de switches. Sin embargo, no han sido la solución adecuada para aplicaciones en tiempo real, dado el inconveniente de medir el tiempo de respuesta en la transmisión de datos, y más aún, cuando las topologías de las redes son diferentes y los niveles de tráfico varían permanentemente. En este artículo, se presenta una revisión del estado del arte sobre la caracterización de canales de comunicación en términos de tráfico y arquitectura de la red, donde se determinan campos que aún quedan abiertos en esta área del conocimiento, y se inquieta hacia nuevas alternativas que puedan ser fácilmente adoptables por el sector industrial. Como conclusión, se establece que una técnica integrada por la arquitectura y las características del tráfico en el análisis de redes mejora las perspectivas de rendimiento en sistemas heterogéneos para aplicaciones industriales vía web

    Modeling and defense against propagation of worms in networks

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    Worms are widely believed to be one of the most serious challenges in network security research. In order to prevent worms from propagating, we present a microcosmic model, which can benefit the security industry by allowing them to save significant money in the deployment of their security patching schemes