337 research outputs found
The Influence of Snow Cover Changes on Red Deer (Cervus elaphus L.) Migrations in the Western Part of Gorski Kotar Region in Croatia
Background and Purpose: Animal migrations are a direct result of reproduction, behaviour characteristics, predators, population density, disturbance, loss of habitat, climatic, vegetational and nutritional factors. The availability and accessibility of natural food in winter months is dependent on snow cover. The main objective of this study was to determine the migrational activities of red deer and to examine the dependency between migrations and climatic factors.
Materials and Methods: The study was carried out in the northwest Dinarid mountains, i.e. in the western part of Gorski Kotar region, which represents a large integral forest complex, distinctive due to its significant vertical drops, diverse relief characteristics and habitat conditions. Data on red deer migrations was collected over a 12 year period from hunting records, gamekeeper logs and records from game counting and monitoring.
Results and Conclusions: The results of the macroclimatic analysis show a statistically significant difference (p<0.05) between the monitored weather stations in the study area. The Klana site stood out as the most appropriate red deer winter habitat, based on climatic conditions. Climatic conditions play a key role in seasonal red deer migrations or non-migrations. The Crni Lug site was assessed to be the least favourable due to macroclimatic conditions (snow depth)
New records of alien plants – Ludwigia peploides (Kunth) P. H. Raven, Reynoutria sachalinensis (F. Schmidt) Nakai and Nicotiana glauca Graham in Croatia
Invasive alien species Ludwigia peploides, Reynoutria sachalinensis and Nicotiana glauca, currently registered in Croatia with small number of records, were found during fieldwork undertaken mostly through the national monitoring of waters from 2018 to 2020. Ludwigia peploides was previously recorded only once in the River Ilova, the existing data for R. sachalinensis indicate only three confirmed findings, in Čabar, Karlovac and Donja Stubica, while the previous data for N. glauca include several localities in Central and Southern Dalmatia. The new records are as follows: two findings of L. peploides refer to the River Česma (Obedišće and Sišćani); three records of R. sachalinensis refer to Gorski Kotar (Gerovo and Čabar), while N. glauca is newly recorded in the Neretva River Valley (Krvavac) and the island of Krk. Despite their potential invasiveness, all three are still locally naturalized and currently their spread is very slow and limited in Croatia
Rani razvoj goranskih govora
U radu se razmatra povijest hrvatskih govora u Gorskome kotaru, koji se obično smatraju kajkavskim govorima. Obrađuju se različite promjene u akcentuaciji, konsonantizmu i vokalizmu do približno 16. stoljeća. One se uspoređuju sa sličnim promjenama u susjednim kajkavskim, slovenskim, čakavskim i štokavskim dijalektima. Najstarije nam izoglose pokazuju da goranske govore ne možemo smatrati doseljenim izdaleka ili miješanim. Moramo ih smjestiti u Gorski kotar već prije otomanskih nadiranja u 15. i 16. stoljeću. Raspravlja se o tome da je Gorski kotar dijalektno područje kroz koje teče više izoglosa koje postaju razumljive kad smještamo ovo područje u perspektivu okolnih južnoslavenskih narječja.The article discusses the history of the Croatian dialects spoken in the Gorski Kotar region usually regarded as belonging to the Kajkavian dialect group of the Croatian language. Several early accentual, consonantal and vocal developments are analyzed. These developments are compared to similar developments in the neighbouring Kajkavian, Slovene, Čakavian and Štokavian dialects. This leads to the conclusion that the oldest isoglosses in the area indicate that the Gorski Kotar dialects cannot be regarded as the result of recent migrations or as “mixed dialects”. The Gorski Kotar dialects can be placed in Gorski Kotar before Ottoman invasions in the 15th and 16th centuries. It is argued that Gorski Kotar forms a dialect area with local differences, which become understandable if we take into account the features of the surrounding South Slavic dialects
Historical development and politico-geographical characteristics of the border and borderland between the Republic of Croatia and Republic of Slovenia on Žumberak and in the Rivers Kupa and Čabranka Valley
Iako prirodna osnova ne može biti odlučujući kriterij pri povlačenju granica, povijesni i političko-geografski razvoj istraživanog područja ukazuje da su pri razgraničenju Republike Hrvatske i Republike Slovenije u znatnoj mjeri korištene prirodne međe. Taj zaključak vrijedi i za analizirane sektore koji se vežu za Žumberačku goru i doline rijeke Kupe i Čabranke. Uz prirodne pogodnosti, s obzirom na to da je tu međa povučena na vršnim grebenima gorskog masiva (Žumberačka gora / Gorjanci) i na riječnim tokovima, treba naglasiti činjenicu da je ona prilagođena prostornoj organizaciji života pograničja. Upravo stoga ona je ovdje subsekventnog i kooperativnog tipa. Evolucijski gledano, granica i pograničje prošli su razvoj od terra nullius, zatim frontijera i konačno, od 16. st. na rijekama Kupi i Čabranki postoji međa linijskog obilježja, a od 1816. godine i na Žumberku. Granica, dakle, ima vjekovni kontinuitet, unatoč prijeporima o državno i imovinsko-pravnoj pripadnosti istraživanog područja u pojedinim povijesnim razdobljima. Time se može objasniti da su navedeni sektori u današnjem razdoblju najmanje sporni u razgraničenju dvaju suvereniteta.Although natural basis cannot be a decisive criterion in defining borders, historical and politico-geographic development of the researched area reveals that natural bounds have been considerably used in the boundary demarcation between the Republic of Croatia and Republic of Slovenia. This can be also concluded for the analyzed sectors which are tied with the Žumberak Mountain and the Kupa and Čabranka River valleys. Besides natural favours (the boundary line runs over the top ridges of the mountain massif of Žumberak/Gorjanci, as well as along the river flows), one must point out the fact that it is adapted to spatial organization of the borderland. Therefore, the boundary line is subsequent and co-operative here. Evolutionally, the border and borderland developed from terra nullius, frontier, and, finally, since the 16th century, have become a boundary line on the rivers Kupa and Čabranka, and since 1816, on Žumberak. Consequently, in spite of disputes in particular historical periods about the researched area\u27s state and property appurtenance, the border has a centuries-old continuity. This can explain that nowadays the quoted sectors are least disputable in the boundary demarcation of the two sovereignties
Dijalekti u Gorskom kotaru
U Gorskome kotaru govori se svim našim narječjima, kajkavskim, štokavskim i čakavskim, ali rijetki su dijalektolozi koji ih istražuju. U radu se iznosi pregled osnovnih fonoloških i morfoloških karakteristika zabilježenih u dosadašnjim istraživanjima na tom području. Uz zabilježene potvrde promatranih osobina, radu je priložen fonološki zapis jednoga goranskoga idioma.All three Croatian dialectal groups are spoken in the county of Gorski Kotar: Kajkavian, Štokavian and čakavian, but they have not been the object of significant research. This paper presents an overview of basic phonological and morphological characteristics that have been cited in previous research in this area. This paper consists of the reported confirmation of observed features and a phonological record of one phonological idiom from Gorski Kotar
Makromiceti Gorskog kotara (Hrvatska) III
An annotated list of non-gilled lignicolous macromycetes (Aphyllophorales s. 1. and larger Heterobasidiomycetes), established up to now in the region of Gorski Kotar (Croatia) is presented. Most finds are from the Risnjak National Park which was intensively investigated; other localities were visited briefly from one to a few times. Interesting or rare species are discussed.Na području Gorskoga kotara ustanovljene su dosad 164 vrste lignikolnih gljiva iz reda Aphyllophorales (dodan je i malen broj krupnijih Heterobasidiomycetes) i prikazane u sistematskom popisu. Oko polovica je već prije publicirana, većinom iz nacionalnog parka Risnjak, no mnogo ih je sabrano naknadno i na drugim lokalitetima, ili se utvrdilo da su na tom području češće nazočne nego se mislilo.
Ovdje se za tu regiju navodi prvi put 87 vrsta.
Podaci o istraživanim lokalitetima te datumi posjeta navedeni su u engleskom tekstu, gdje su uz pojedine vrste dodane i primjedbe o njihovoj rasprostranjenosti.
Uz mnoge obične vrste pronađen je i određen broj rjeđih ili vrlo rijetkih, kako je istaknuto u diskusiji. S druge strane, neke inače česte sabrane su samo jednom ili dvaput što se može protumačiti time da su lokaliteti posjećivani u velikim vremenskim razmacima i ne uvijek u najboljoj sezoni za razvoj plodišta.
Većina ovdje publiciranih gljiva poznata je iz šuma bukve i jele u različitim našim krajevima, gdje rastu pretežno na bukvi i na jeli (odnosno smreki) i, čini se, karakteristične su za takve šume. Intenzivnijim i češćim istraživanjima sigurno bi se pronašlo još mnogo takvih vrsta, pa se ovaj popis može smatrati samo preliminarnim
Fonološki opis govora grada Gerovo (prema zapisu Božidara Finke)
V pričujočem prispevku je prikazan govor kraja Gerovo v Gorskem kotarju v Republiki Hrvaški v obliki fonološkega opisa. Opis sloni na gradivu, ki ga je zbral Božidar Finka leta 1966 za tedanji Srpskohrvatski dijalektološki atlas. Vendar pa v nekaterih primerih ni bilo mogoče z gotovostjo vzpostaviti sistema. Zato je gradivo dopolnjeno z gradivom, ki je bilo zbrano z lastnim terenskim delom v kraju Gerovo.
Govor hrvaška dialektologija tradicionalno uvršča med kajkavske govore hrvaškega jezika, vendar pa ta ne izkazuje kajkavskih definicijskih lastnosti, temveč slovenske. Zato se v opisu izhaja iz izhodiščno splošnoslovenskega fonološkega sistema.
In this paper the phonology of the dialect of the town of Gerovo in Gorski kotar in Croatia is presented in the form of a phonological description. The description is based on the material collected by Božidar Finka in 1966 for the Serbo-Croatian dialectological atlas. In some cases the system could not be determined, therefore additions were made with the material gathered by the author in the town of Gerovo. Traditionally, Croatian dialectology classifies the speech of Gerovo as a variety of the Kajkavian dialect group, but the Kajkavian determinative characteristics can not be applied to it. However, Slovene characteristics can be. Therefore, in the description of the speech we take the basic Slovene system as a point of departure
The genetic population study of Balkan Silver Fir (Abies alba Mill.)
Background and Purpose: Silver fir (Abies albaMill.) is one of the most important forest tree species in theWestern Balkan area from both economic and ecological aspect. Its distribution has for years been the subject of scientific research, the reason being that silver fir from these areas displays very interesting morphological and genetic differentiation. Material and methods: The development of modern methods and the use of nad5-4 marker have solved the problem of contact zones of silver fir originating from the Apennine and Balkan glacial refugia in the Western Balkan area. The objective of this study was to determine the boundary of gene introgression of silver fir derived from the Apennine and Balkan glacial refugia in the western Balkan populations with the use of isoenzymes. Twenty-four selected populations from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia were investigated. Nine enzyme systems were studied, polymorphic gene loci were scored and so were their allelic types. The analysis of general genetic parameters did not allowfor any conclusion, and neither did the analysis of genetic distances. For this reason, the allele distribution was analyzed. Results and Conclusions: Statistical analysis showed the separation of the populations from Croatia which belong to the group west of the contact zone. In the populations along the contact zone and in those from the eastern part, the grouping did not show any regularity or any clinal variability. The main reason for this is attributed to high ecological diversity, fragmentation and the occurrence of genetic drift. It can be concluded that silver fir originating from the Balkan refugium was more widely distributed in the past, but is now constantly retreating in relation to that originating from the Apennines. Another hypothesis is that it may have reached southern Germany through a similar gene flow. The impact of the alleles originating from the Apennine refugium is also present in the eastern parts of Bosnia
Temeljni cilj ovoga rada jest analizirati prometno opterećenje na cestovnoj mreži Primorsko
- goranske županije do 2030. godine. Da bi se cilj rada i ostvario najprije su prikupljeni podatci
iz sekundarnih izvora o samoj županiji, prostornom obuhvatu i stanovništvu kao bi se upoznalo
samo područje obuhvata. Potom su analizirana gospodarska kretanja za protekla razdoblja kako
bi se elaboriralo samo područje obuhvata. Prikupljeni su i prezentirani podaci o gospodarskim
kretanjima te podaci o prosječnom dnevnom i prosječnom ljetnom godišnjem prometu na
odabranim cestovnim prometnicama na području Primorsko-goranske županije. Analiza
prometnog opterećenja na cestovnoj mreži Primorsko-goranske županije temelji se na
metodama deskriptivne statistike. Prognoziranje prometnog opterećenja na području cestovne
mreže Primorsko-goranske županije izvršeno je pomoću metoda stope rasta i metode regresije.
Potom je komparativnom metodom odabrana statistički prikladnija metoda
Natural regeneration of ice-damaged fir-beech stands in the area of Gerovo
U radu se analiziraju struktura i prirodno pomlaĎivanje jelovo-bukovih sastojina na području šumarije Gerovo i to nakon sanacije posljedica ledoloma koji se dogodio u veljači 2014. godine. Istraţivanje je provedeno na tri pokusne plohe različitog intenziteta ledoloma. Prva ploha nalazi se u G. j. Lazac (32. odjel), druga ploha u G. j. Lividraga (80. odjel), a treća ploha u G. j. Lividraga (84. odjel). Na temelju analize stanja na plohama i dobivenih rezultata moţe zaključiti slijedeće: 1) Na sve tri plohe je narušena preborna struktura sastojina. Što je odstupanje od normalne preborne strukture izraţenije to je intenzitet oštećenja sastojine od ledoloma veći; 2) Analizom strukture sastojina utvrĎeno je kako su najviše stradala stabla do 30 cm prsnog promjera, odnosno stabla srednjestojnog i podstojnog dijela sastojine; 3) Mladi naraštaj najvećim dijelom spada u visinsku klasu ponika, osobito u sastojinama u kojima je intenzitet ledoloma bio veći; 4) Što je struktura sastojine bliskija normalnoj to su izraţeniji brojnost i raznovrsnost prirodnoga pomlatka po vrstama i visinama; 5) Ploha 3 je po strukturi najbliţa normalnoj prebornoj, pa se smatra da će vrijeme da se ponovo uspostavi normalna preborna struktura biti najkraće. Na plohi 2 utvrĎeno je oštećenje srednjeg intenziteta, pa se pravilnim gospodarenjem i njegovanjem stabala srednjeg i donjeg sloja koji nije u potpunosti izgubljen, u duţem vremenskom razdoblju ponovo moţe uspostaviti preborna struktura. Najteţi slučaj nalazimo na plohi 1 gdje u potpunosti izostaju srednji i donji sloj, pa će vrijeme za uspostavu preborne strukture biti najdulj
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