227 research outputs found

    Computer Vision for Multimedia Geolocation in Human Trafficking Investigation: A Systematic Literature Review

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    The task of multimedia geolocation is becoming an increasingly essential component of the digital forensics toolkit to effectively combat human trafficking, child sexual exploitation, and other illegal acts. Typically, metadata-based geolocation information is stripped when multimedia content is shared via instant messaging and social media. The intricacy of geolocating, geotagging, or finding geographical clues in this content is often overly burdensome for investigators. Recent research has shown that contemporary advancements in artificial intelligence, specifically computer vision and deep learning, show significant promise towards expediting the multimedia geolocation task. This systematic literature review thoroughly examines the state-of-the-art leveraging computer vision techniques for multimedia geolocation and assesses their potential to expedite human trafficking investigation. This includes a comprehensive overview of the application of computer vision-based approaches to multimedia geolocation, identifies their applicability in combating human trafficking, and highlights the potential implications of enhanced multimedia geolocation for prosecuting human trafficking. 123 articles inform this systematic literature review. The findings suggest numerous potential paths for future impactful research on the subject

    Low-rank SIFT: An Affine Invariant Feature for Place Recognition

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    In this paper, we present a novel affine-invariant feature based on SIFT, leveraging the regular appearance of man-made objects. The feature achieves full affine invariance without needing to simulate over affine parameter space. Low-rank SIFT, as we name the feature, is based on our observation that local tilt, which are caused by changes of camera axis orientation, could be normalized by converting local patches to standard low-rank forms. Rotation, translation and scaling invariance could be achieved in ways similar to SIFT. As an extension of SIFT, our method seeks to add prior to solve the ill-posed affine parameter estimation problem and normalizes them directly, and is applicable to objects with regular structures. Furthermore, owing to recent breakthrough in convex optimization, such parameter could be computed efficiently. We will demonstrate its effectiveness in place recognition as our major application. As extra contributions, we also describe our pipeline of constructing geotagged building database from the ground up, as well as an efficient scheme for automatic feature selection

    Horizon Report 2009

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    El informe anual Horizon investiga, identifica y clasifica las tecnologías emergentes que los expertos que lo elaboran prevén tendrán un impacto en la enseñanza aprendizaje, la investigación y la producción creativa en el contexto educativo de la enseñanza superior. También estudia las tendencias clave que permiten prever el uso que se hará de las mismas y los retos que ellos suponen para las aulas. Cada edición identifica seis tecnologías o prácticas. Dos cuyo uso se prevé emergerá en un futuro inmediato (un año o menos) dos que emergerán a medio plazo (en dos o tres años) y dos previstas a más largo plazo (5 años)

    Image Geolocation Through Hierarchical Classification and Dictionary-Based Recogntion

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    Image geolocation, estimating GPS coordinates from an image, is a relatively new endeavor in the field of computer vision. This thesis presents two approaches to obtain the coordinates: hierarchical and dictionary-based. The hierarchical approach uses SVMs to first determine the general environment of the image and then estimates the exact location within that environment. The dictionary-based approaches are performed with linear and non-linear dictionaries using K-SVD and KK-SVD. Both methods are performed on the image feature gist and histograms of the image's color, SIFT descriptors, textons, and lines. Both the hierarchical and dictionary-based approaches build upon and combine existing systems to provide improved accuracy on a data set of twelve locations belonging to four environmental types

    Shinsō gakushū ni yoru afōdaburu āban konpyūtingu jitsugen ni muketa kenkyū

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    Location Inference for Non-geotagged Tweets in User Timelines

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