5 research outputs found

    A Trustworthy Approach to the Adaptive Composition of GeoServices

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    AbstractFor the automatic generation of geographical information service chain, this article defines the quality of service (QoS) metrics based on service response time, reliability, and matching degree, among others, and the error propagation model. Based on the semantic matching and trustworthiness assessment of the geographical information services, this article proposes a trustworthy adaptive composition framework and implementation algorithm for geographical information services, ensuring the composition of service chains to better meet various QoS constraints. The effectiveness of this approach is proven in the simulation experiments

    Quality Model for the Evaluation of Geospatial Web Services within the Spatial Data Infrastructure of Uruguay

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    Quality of Service (QoS), applied in particular to Web Services, is an area of increasing interest. One approach to deal with QoS issues is the identification of quality characteristics, usually documented in quality models. Geospatial Web Services are standardized service interfaces which facilitate the processing and exchange of distributed geographic information. These services represent the technological backbone of Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI), which are data-exchange frameworks geared towards promoting the availability and exploitation of geographic information. This paper proposes a quality model for the evaluation of Geospatial Web Services within IDEuy: the SDI of Uruguay. The development of this model was based on requirements pertaining to the Uruguayan context, leading international SDI initiatives and related work. The application of the model to evaluate services within IDEuy is also presented.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    Quality Model for the Evaluation of Geospatial Web Services within the Spatial Data Infrastructure of Uruguay

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    Quality of Service (QoS), applied in particular to Web Services, is an area of increasing interest. One approach to deal with QoS issues is the identification of quality characteristics, usually documented in quality models. Geospatial Web Services are standardized service interfaces which facilitate the processing and exchange of distributed geographic information. These services represent the technological backbone of Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI), which are data-exchange frameworks geared towards promoting the availability and exploitation of geographic information. This paper proposes a quality model for the evaluation of Geospatial Web Services within IDEuy: the SDI of Uruguay. The development of this model was based on requirements pertaining to the Uruguayan context, leading international SDI initiatives and related work. The application of the model to evaluate services within IDEuy is also presented.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    Proceedings of the 1st WSEAS International Conference on "Environmental and Geological Science and Engineering (EG'08)"

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    This book contains the proceedings of the 1st WSEAS International Conference on Environmental and Geological Science and Engineering (EG'08) which was held in Malta, September 11-13, 2008. This conference aims to disseminate the latest research and applications in Renewable Energy, Mineral Resources, Natural Hazards and Risks, Environmental Impact Assessment, Urban and Regional Planning Issues, Remote Sensing and GIS, and other relevant topics and applications. The friendliness and openness of the WSEAS conferences, adds to their ability to grow by constantly attracting young researchers. The WSEAS Conferences attract a large number of well-established and leading researchers in various areas of Science and Engineering as you can see from http://www.wseas.org/reports. Your feedback encourages the society to go ahead as you can see in http://www.worldses.org/feedback.htm The contents of this Book are also published in the CD-ROM Proceedings of the Conference. Both will be sent to the WSEAS collaborating indices after the conference: www.worldses.org/indexes In addition, papers of this book are permanently available to all the scientific community via the WSEAS E-Library. Expanded and enhanced versions of papers published in this conference proceedings are also going to be considered for possible publication in one of the WSEAS journals that participate in the major International Scientific Indices (Elsevier, Scopus, EI, ACM, Compendex, INSPEC, CSA .... see: www.worldses.org/indexes) these papers must be of high-quality (break-through work) and a new round of a very strict review will follow. (No additional fee will be required for the publication of the extended version in a journal). WSEAS has also collaboration with several other international publishers and all these excellent papers of this volume could be further improved, could be extended and could be enhanced for possible additional evaluation in one of the editions of these international publishers. Finally, we cordially thank all the people of WSEAS for their efforts to maintain the high scientific level of conferences, proceedings and journals

    Service level agreements in spatial data infrastructures

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit entwickelt ein Konzept für die Integration von Service Level Agreements (SLAs) in Geodateninfrastrukturen (GDIs). Der ausgewählten mehrstufigen Ansatz beinhaltet die Entwicklung eines abstrakten SLA-Modells und einer web-basierten SLA-Management-Architektur. Das Ziel des abstrakten SLA-Modells ist die konzeptionelle Beschreibung der Struktur und des Inhaltes von SLAs speziell für die ausgewählten Anwendungsbereiche. Der Zweck der web-basierten SLA-Management-Architektur ist es, die (Online-) Aushandlung von SLAs in bereits existierenden GDIs zu ermöglichen, ohne dass eine vorherige (Offline-) Kommunikation zwischen Dienstanbieter und Dienstnutzer vonnöten ist. Der gewählte Policy-basierte Ansatz deckt nicht nur die Aushandlung von SLAs und die eigentliche Dienstnutzung ab, es wird der vollständige Lebenszyklus von SLAs unterstützt. Dazu gehört sowohl die permanente Überwachung der angebotenen Dienste als auch die permanente Evaluierung aller aktiven SLAs.This thesis develops a concept for the integration of Service Level Agreements (SLAs) in Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDIs). The selected multi-step approach involves the development of an abstract SLA model and a web-based SLA management architecture. The aim of the abstract SLA model is to describe the domain-specific structure and content of SLAs that can be applied in SDIs from a conceptual point of view. The purpose of the web-based SLA management architecture is to enable the on-demand and online negotiation of SLAs in established SDIs without the need of prior offline communication between service providers and service consumers. The selected policy-based approach covers not only agreement negotiation and service consumption, but also the complete agreement life cycle including service monitoring and agreement evaluation.<br/