573 research outputs found

    Towards Semantic Integration of Heterogeneous Sensor Data with Indigenous Knowledge for Drought Forecasting

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    In the Internet of Things (IoT) domain, various heterogeneous ubiquitous devices would be able to connect and communicate with each other seamlessly, irrespective of the domain. Semantic representation of data through detailed standardized annotation has shown to improve the integration of the interconnected heterogeneous devices. However, the semantic representation of these heterogeneous data sources for environmental monitoring systems is not yet well supported. To achieve the maximum benefits of IoT for drought forecasting, a dedicated semantic middleware solution is required. This research proposes a middleware that semantically represents and integrates heterogeneous data sources with indigenous knowledge based on a unified ontology for an accurate IoT-based drought early warning system (DEWS).Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, In Proceedings of the Doctoral Symposium of the 16th International Middleware Conference (Middleware Doct Symposium 2015), Ivan Beschastnikh and Wouter Joosen (Eds.). ACM, New York, NY, US

    CAREER: Data Management for Ad-Hoc Geosensor Networks

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    This project explores data management methods for geosensor networks, i.e. large collections of very small, battery-driven sensor nodes deployed in the geographic environment that measure the temporal and spatial variations of physical quantities such as temperature or ozone levels. An important task of such geosensor networks is to collect, analyze and estimate information about continuous phenomena under observation such as a toxic cloud close to a chemical plant in real-time and in an energy-efficient way. The main thrust of this project is the integration of spatial data analysis techniques with in-network data query execution in sensor networks. The project investigates novel algorithms such as incremental, in-network kriging that redefines a traditional, highly computationally intensive spatial data estimation method for a distributed, collaborative and incremental processing between tiny, energy and bandwidth constrained sensor nodes. This work includes the modeling of location and sensing characteristics of sensor devices with regard to observed phenomena, the support of temporal-spatial estimation queries, and a focus on in-network data aggregation algorithms for complex spatial estimation queries. Combining high-level data query interfaces with advanced spatial analysis methods will allow domain scientists to use sensor networks effectively in environmental observation. The project has a broad impact on the community involving undergraduate and graduate students in spatial database research at the University of Maine as well as being a key component of a current IGERT program in the areas of sensor materials, sensor devices and sensor. More information about this project, publications, simulation software, and empirical studies are available on the project\u27s web site (http://www.spatial.maine.edu/~nittel/career/)

    Cooperative information augmentation in a geosensor network

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    This paper presents a concept for the collaborative distributed acquisition and refinement of geo-related information. The underlying idea is to start with a massive amount of moving sensors which can observe and measure a spatial phenomenon with an unknown, possibly low accuracy. Linking these measurements with a limited number of measuring units with higher order accuracy leads to an information and quality augmentation in the mass sensor data. This is achieved by distributed information integration and processing in a local communication range. The approach will be demonstrated with the example where cars measure rainfall indirectly by the wiper frequencies. The a priori unknown relationship between wiper frequency and rainfall is incrementally determined and refined in the sensor network. For this, neighboring information of both stationary rain gauges of higher accuracy and neighboring cars with their associated measurement accuracy are integrated. In this way, the quality of the measurement units can be enhanced. In the paper the concept for the approach is presented, together with first experiments in a simulation environment. Each sensor is described as an individual agent with certain processing and communication possibilities. The movement of cars is based on given traffic models. Experiments with respect to the dependency of car density, station density and achievable accuracies are presented. Finally, extensions of this approach to other applications are outlined

    Support Vector Methods for Higher-Level Event Extraction in Point Data

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    Phenomena occur both in space and time. Correspondingly, ability to model spatiotemporal behavior translates into ability to model phenomena as they occur in reality. Given the complexity inherent when integrating spatial and temporal dimensions, however, the establishment of computational methods for spatiotemporal analysis has proven relatively elusive. Nonetheless, one method, the spatiotemporal helix, has emerged from the field of video processing. Designed to efficiently summarize and query the deformation and movement of spatiotemporal events, the spatiotemporal helix has been demonstrated as capable of describing and differentiating the evolution of hurricanes from sequences of images. Being derived from image data, the representations of events for which the spatiotemporal helix was originally created appear in areal form (e.g., a hurricane covering several square miles is represented by groups of pixels). ii Many sources of spatiotemporal data, however, are not in areal form and instead appear as points. Examples of spatiotemporal point data include those from an epidemiologist recording the time and location of cases of disease and environmental observations collected by a geosensor at the point of its location. As points, these data cannot be directly incorporated into the spatiotemporal helix for analysis. However, with the analytic potential for clouds of point data limited, phenomena represented by point data are often described in terms of events. Defined as change units localized in space and time, the concept of events allows for analysis at multiple levels. For instance lower-level events refer to occurrences of interest described by single data streams at point locations (e.g., an individual case of a certain disease or a significant change in chemical concentration in the environment) while higher-level events describe occurrences of interest derived from aggregations of lower-level events and are frequently described in areal form (e.g., a disease cluster or a pollution cloud). Considering that these higher-level events appear in areal form, they could potentially be incorporated into the spatiotemporal helix. With deformation being an important element of spatiotemporal analysis, however, at the crux of a process for spatiotemporal analysis based on point data would be accurate translation of lower-level event points into representations of higher-level areal events. A limitation of current techniques for the derivation of higher-level events is that they imply bias a priori regarding the shape of higher-level events (e.g., elliptical, convex, linear) which could limit the description of the deformation of higher-level events over time. The objective of this research is to propose two newly developed kernel methods, support vector clustering (SVC) and support vector machines (SVMs), as means for iii translating lower-level event points into higher-level event areas that follow the distribution of lower-level points. SVC is suggested for the derivation of higher-level events arising in point process data while SVMs are explored for their potential with scalar field data (i.e., spatially continuous real-valued data). Developed in the field of machine learning to solve complex non-linear problems, both of these methods are capable of producing highly non-linear representations of higher-level events that may be more suitable than existing methods for spatiotemporal analysis of deformation. To introduce these methods, this thesis is organized so that a context for these methods is first established through a description of existing techniques. This discussion leads to a technical explanation of the mechanics of SVC and SVMs and to the implementation of each of the kernel methods on simulated datasets. Results from these simulations inform discussion regarding the application potential of SVC and SVMs

    Monitoring Dynamic Spatial Fields Using Responsive Geosensor Networks

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    Many environmental phenomena (e.g., changes in global levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide) can be modeled as variations of attributes over regions of space and time, called dynamic spatial fields. The goal of this project is to provide efficient ways for sensor networks to monitor such fields, and to report significant changes in them. The focus is on qualitative changes, such as splitting of areas or emergence of holes in a region of study. The approach is to develop qualitative and topological methods to deal with changes. Qualitative properties form a small, discrete space, whereas quantitative values form a large, continuous space, and this enables efficiencies to be gained over traditional quantitative methods. The combinatorial map model of the spatial embedding of the sensor network is rich enough so that for each sensor, its position, and the distances and bearings of neighboring sensors, are easily computed. The sensors are responsive to changes to the spatial field, so that sensors are activated in the vicinity of interesting developments in the field, while sensors are deactivated in quiescent locations. All computation and message passing is local , with no centralized control. Optimization is addressed through use of techniques in qualitative representation and reasoning, and efficient update through a dynamic and responsive underlying spatial framework. Effective deployment of very large arrays of sensors for environmental monitoring has important scientific and societal benefits. The project is integrated with the NSF IGERT program on Sensor Science, Engineering, and Informatics at the University of Maine, which will enhance educational and outreach opportunities. The project Web site (http://www.spatial.maine.edu/~worboys/sensors.html) will be used for broad results dissemination

    Efficient, decentralized detection of qualitative spatial events in a dynamic scalar field

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    This paper describes an efficient, decentralized algorithm to monitor qualitative spatial events in a dynamic scalar field. The events of interest involve changes to the critical points (i.e., peak, pits and passes) and edges of the surface network derived from the field. Four fundamental types of event (appearance, disappearance, movement and switch) are defined. Our algorithm is designed to rely purely on qualitative information about the neighborhoods of nodes in the sensor network and does not require information about nodes' coordinate positions. Experimental investigations confirm that our algorithm is efficient, with O(n) overall communication complexity (where n is the number of nodes in the sensor network), an even load balance and low operational latency. The accuracy of event detection is comparable to established centralized algorithms for the identification of critical points of a surface network. Our algorithm is relevant to a broad range of environmental monitoring applications of sensor networks

    Linking Moving Object Databases with Ontologies

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    This work investigates the supporting role of ontologies for supplementing the information contained in moving object databases. Details of the spatial representation as well as the sensed location of moving objects are frequently stored within a database schema. However, this knowledge lacks the semantic detail necessary for reasoning about characteristics that are specific to each object. Ontologies contribute semantic descriptions for moving objects and provide the foundation for discovering similarities between object types. These similarities can be drawn upon to extract additional details about the objects around us. The primary focus of the research is a framework for linking ontologies with databases. A major benefit gained from this kind of linking is the augmentation of database knowledge and multi-granular perspectives that are provided by ontologies through the process of generalization. Methods are presented for linking based on a military transportation scenario where data on vehicle position is collected from a sensor network and stored in a geosensor database. An ontology linking tool, implemented as a stand alone application, is introduced. This application associates individual values from the geosensor database with classes from a military transportation device ontology and returns linked value-class pairs to the user as a set of equivalence relations (i.e., matches). This research also formalizes a set of motion relations between two moving objects on a road network. It is demonstrated that the positional data collected from a geosensor network and stored in a spatio-temporal database, can provide a foundation for computing relations between moving objects. Configurations of moving objects, based on their spatial position, are described by motion relations that include isBehind and inFrontOf. These relations supply a user context about binary vehicle positions relative to a reference object. For example, the driver of a military supply truck may be interested in knowing what types of vehicles are in front of the truck. The types of objects that participate in these motion relations correspond to particular classes within the military transportation device ontology. This research reveals that linking a geosensor database to the military transportation device ontology will facilitate more abstract or higher-level perspectives of these moving objects, supporting inferences about moving objects over multiple levels of granularity. The details supplied by the generalization of geosensor data via linking, helps to interpret semantics and respond to user questions by extending the preliminary knowledge about the moving objects within these relations

    A service-oriented middleware for integrated management of crowdsourced and sensor data streams in disaster management

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    The increasing number of sensors used in diverse applications has provided a massive number of continuous, unbounded, rapid data and requires the management of distinct protocols, interfaces and intermittent connections. As traditional sensor networks are error-prone and difficult to maintain, the study highlights the emerging role of “citizens as sensors” as a complementary data source to increase public awareness. To this end, an interoperable, reusable middleware for managing spatial, temporal, and thematic data using Sensor Web Enablement initiative services and a processing engine was designed, implemented, and deployed. The study found that its approach provided effective sensor data-stream access, publication, and filtering in dynamic scenarios such as disaster management, as well as it enables batch and stream management integration. Also, an interoperability analytics testing of a flood citizen observatory highlighted even variable data such as those provided by the crowd can be integrated with sensor data stream. Our approach, thus, offers a mean to improve near-real-time applications

    Modelling potential movement in constrained travel environments using rough space-time prisms

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    The widespread adoption of location-aware technologies (LATs) has afforded analysts new opportunities for efficiently collecting trajectory data of moving individuals. These technologies enable measuring trajectories as a finite sample set of time-stamped locations. The uncertainty related to both finite sampling and measurement errors makes it often difficult to reconstruct and represent a trajectory followed by an individual in space-time. Time geography offers an interesting framework to deal with the potential path of an individual in between two sample locations. Although this potential path may be easily delineated for travels along networks, this will be less straightforward for more nonnetwork-constrained environments. Current models, however, have mostly concentrated on network environments on the one hand and do not account for the spatiotemporal uncertainties of input data on the other hand. This article simultaneously addresses both issues by developing a novel methodology to capture potential movement between uncertain space-time points in obstacle-constrained travel environments