29 research outputs found

    Classification and information structure of the Terrestrial Laser Scanner: methodology for analyzing the registered data of Vila Vella, historic center of Tossa de Mar

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    This paper presents a methodology for an architectural survey, based on the Terrestrial Laser Scanning technology TLS, not as a simple measurement and representation work, but with the purpose understanding the projects being studied, starting from the analysis, as a process of distinction and separation of the parts of a whole, in order to know their principles or elements. As a case study we start from the Vila Vella recording, conducted by the City’s Virtual Modeling Laboratory in 2008, being taken up from the start, in relation to the registration, georeferencing, filtering and handling. Aimed at a later stage of decomposition and composition of data, in terms of floor plan and facades, using semiautomatic classification techniques, for the detection of vegetation as well as the relationship of the planes of the surfaces, leading to reorganize the information from 3D data to 2D and 2.5D, considering information management, as well as the characteristics of the case study presented, in the development of methods for the construction and exploitation of new databases, to be exploited by the Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing.Peer Reviewe

    Classification and information structure of the Terrestrial Laser Scanner: methodology for analyzing the registered data of Vila Vella, historic center of Tossa de Mar

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    This paper presents a methodology for an architectural survey, based on the Terrestrial Laser Scanning technology TLS, not as a simple measurement and representation work, but with the purpose understanding the projects being studied, starting from the analysis, as a process of distinction and separation of the parts of a whole, in order to know their principles or elements. As a case study we start from the Vila Vella recording, conducted by the City’s Virtual Modeling Laboratory in 2008, being taken up from the start, in relation to the registration, georeferencing, filtering and handling. Aimed at a later stage of decomposition and composition of data, in terms of floor plan and facades, using semiautomatic classification techniques, for the detection of vegetation as well as the relationship of the planes of the surfaces, leading to reorganize the information from 3D data to 2D and 2.5D, considering information management, as well as the characteristics of the case study presented, in the development of methods for the construction and exploitation of new databases, to be exploited by the Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing.Peer Reviewe

    Relevé du patrimoine architectural par relevé laser, vision par ordinateur, et exploitation des règles architecturales

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    Le relevé laser donne la possibilité de scanner un grand nombre de points en peu de temps. Cependant, la création d'un modèle 3D à partir de ces données reste un travail important. Nous présentons une méthode pour faciliter cette tâche de modélisation. Notre approche est basée sur deux étapes. La première consiste à coupler le scanner laser à une caméra afin de guider le relevé par l'image. La deuxième étape consiste à modéliser les connaissances architecturales via une bibliothèque d'objets paramétrés

    Procesos de segmentación de nubes de puntos. Segmentación y clasificación de la tecnología de láser escáner terrestre TLS

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    Este reporte se centra en resumir el estado del arte de las técnicas actuales de segmentación de nubes de puntos y desarrollar una metodología para estructurar adecuadamente la información proveniente de la tecnología TLS, concluyendo con una aplicación, en el reporte Clasificación del patrimonio industrial de Fabra i Coats, metodología para la clasificación del patrimonio arquitectónico industrial.Preprin

    Registration between Multiple Laser Scanner Data Sets

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    Using genetic algorithms in computer vision : registering images to 3D surface model

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    This paper shows a successful application of genetic algorithms in computer vision. We aim at building photorealistic 3D models of real-world objects by adding textural information to the geometry. In this paper we focus on the 2D-3D registration problem: given a 3D geometric model of an object, and optical images of the same object, we need to find the precise alignment of the 2D images to the 3D model. We generalise the photo-consistency approach of Clarkson et al. who assume calibrated cameras, thus only the pose of the object in the world needs to be estimated. Our method extends this approach to the case of uncalibrated cameras, when both intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters are unknown. We formulate the problem as an optimisation and use a genetic algorithm to find a solution. We use semi-synthetic data to study the effects of different parameter settings on the registration. Additionally, experimental results on real data are presented to demonstrate the efficiency of the method

    State of research in automatic as-built modelling

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    This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Elsevier via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aei.2015.01.001Building Information Models (BIMs) are becoming the official standard in the construction industry for encoding, reusing, and exchanging information about structural assets. Automatically generating such representations for existing assets stirs up the interest of various industrial, academic, and governmental parties, as it is expected to have a high economic impact. The purpose of this paper is to provide a general overview of the as-built modelling process, with focus on the geometric modelling side. Relevant works from the Computer Vision, Geometry Processing, and Civil Engineering communities are presented and compared in terms of their potential to lead to automatic as-built modelling.We acknowledge the support of EPSRC Grant NMZJ/114,DARPA UPSIDE Grant A13–0895-S002, NSF CAREER Grant N. 1054127, European Grant Agreements No. 247586 and 334241. We would also like to thank NSERC Canada, Aecon, and SNC-Lavalin for financially supporting some parts of this research


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    Automatic Registration of Optical Aerial Imagery to a LiDAR Point Cloud for Generation of City Models

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    This paper presents a framework for automatic registration of both the optical and 3D structural information extracted from oblique aerial imagery to a Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) point cloud without prior knowledge of an initial alignment. The framework employs a coarse to fine strategy in the estimation of the registration parameters. First, a dense 3D point cloud and the associated relative camera parameters are extracted from the optical aerial imagery using a state-of-the-art 3D reconstruction algorithm. Next, a digital surface model (DSM) is generated from both the LiDAR and the optical imagery-derived point clouds. Coarse registration parameters are then computed from salient features extracted from the LiDAR and optical imagery-derived DSMs. The registration parameters are further refined using the iterative closest point (ICP) algorithm to minimize global error between the registered point clouds. The novelty of the proposed approach is in the computation of salient features from the DSMs, and the selection of matching salient features using geometric invariants coupled with Normalized Cross Correlation (NCC) match validation. The feature extraction and matching process enables the automatic estimation of the coarse registration parameters required for initializing the fine registration process. The registration framework is tested on a simulated scene and aerial datasets acquired in real urban environments. Results demonstrates the robustness of the framework for registering optical and 3D structural information extracted from aerial imagery to a LiDAR point cloud, when co-existing initial registration parameters are unavailable