635 research outputs found

    Unitary Space Time Constellation Analysis: An Upper Bound for the Diversity

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    The diversity product and the diversity sum are two very important parameters for a good-performing unitary space time constellation. A basic question is what the maximal diversity product (or sum) is. In this paper we are going to derive general upper bounds on the diversity sum and the diversity product for unitary constellations of any dimension nn and any size mm using packing techniques on the compact Lie group U(n).Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, submitted to IEEE trans. inf

    A measure preserving mapping for structured Grassmannian constellations in SIMO channels

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    In this paper, we propose a new structured Grassmannian constellation for noncoherent communications over single-input multiple-output (SIMO) Rayleigh block-fading channels. The constellation, which we call Grass-Lattice, is based on a measure preserving mapping from the unit hypercube to the Grassmannian of lines. The constellation structure allows for on-the-fly symbol generation, low-complexity decoding, and simple bit-to-symbol Gray coding. Simulation results show that Grass-Lattice has symbol error rate performance close to that of a numerically optimized unstructured constellation, and is more power efficient than other structured constellations proposed in the literature.This work was supported by Huawei Technologies Sweden, under the project GRASSCOM. The work of D. Cuevas was also partly supported under grant FPU20/03563 funded by Ministerio de Universidades (MIU), Spain. The work of Carlos Beltr´an was also partly supported under grant PID2020-113887GB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033. The work ofI. Santamaria was also partly supported under grant PID2019-104958RB-C43(ADELE) funded by MCIN/ AEI /10.13039/501100011033

    Union bound minimization approach for designing grassmannian constellations

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    In this paper, we propose an algorithm for designing unstructured Grassmannian constellations for noncoherent multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) communications over Rayleigh block-fading channels. Unlike the majority of existing unitary space-time or Grassmannian constellations, which are typically designed to maximize the minimum distance between codewords, in this work we employ the asymptotic pairwise error probability (PEP) union bound (UB) of the constellation as the design criterion. In addition, the proposed criterion allows the design of MIMO Grassmannian constellations specifically optimized for a given number of receiving antennas. A rigorous derivation of the gradient of the asymptotic UB on a Cartesian product of Grassmann manifolds, is the main technical ingredient of the proposed gradient descent algorithm. A simple modification of the proposed cost function, which weighs each pairwise error term in the UB according to the Hamming distance between the binary labels assigned to the respective codewords, allows us to jointly solve the constellation design and the bit labeling problem. Our simulation results show that the constellations designed with the proposed method outperform other structured and unstructured Grassmannian designs in terms of symbol error rate (SER) and bit error rate (BER), for a wide range of scenarios.This work was supported by Huawei Technologies, Sweden under the project GRASSCOM. The work of D. Cuevas was also partly supported under grant FPU20/03563 funded by Ministerio de Universidades (MIU), Spain. The work of Carlos Beltr´an was also partly supported under grant PID2020-113887GB-I00 funded by MCIN/ AEI /10.13039/501100011033. The work of I. Santamaria was also partly supported under grant PID2019-104958RB-C43 (ADELE) funded by MCIN/ AEI /10.13039/501100011033

    Density of Spherically-Embedded Stiefel and Grassmann Codes

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    The density of a code is the fraction of the coding space covered by packing balls centered around the codewords. This paper investigates the density of codes in the complex Stiefel and Grassmann manifolds equipped with the chordal distance. The choice of distance enables the treatment of the manifolds as subspaces of Euclidean hyperspheres. In this geometry, the densest packings are not necessarily equivalent to maximum-minimum-distance codes. Computing a code's density follows from computing: i) the normalized volume of a metric ball and ii) the kissing radius, the radius of the largest balls one can pack around the codewords without overlapping. First, the normalized volume of a metric ball is evaluated by asymptotic approximations. The volume of a small ball can be well-approximated by the volume of a locally-equivalent tangential ball. In order to properly normalize this approximation, the precise volumes of the manifolds induced by their spherical embedding are computed. For larger balls, a hyperspherical cap approximation is used, which is justified by a volume comparison theorem showing that the normalized volume of a ball in the Stiefel or Grassmann manifold is asymptotically equal to the normalized volume of a ball in its embedding sphere as the dimension grows to infinity. Then, bounds on the kissing radius are derived alongside corresponding bounds on the density. Unlike spherical codes or codes in flat spaces, the kissing radius of Grassmann or Stiefel codes cannot be exactly determined from its minimum distance. It is nonetheless possible to derive bounds on density as functions of the minimum distance. Stiefel and Grassmann codes have larger density than their image spherical codes when dimensions tend to infinity. Finally, the bounds on density lead to refinements of the standard Hamming bounds for Stiefel and Grassmann codes.Comment: Two-column version (24 pages, 6 figures, 4 tables). To appear in IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    From Random Matrix Theory to Coding Theory : Volume of a Metric Ball in Unitary Group

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    Volume estimates of metric balls in manifolds find diverse applications in information and coding theory. In this paper, new results for the volume of a metric ball in unitary group are derived via tools from random matrix theory. The first result is an integral representation of the exact volume, which involves a Toeplitz determinant of Bessel functions. A simple but accurate limiting volume formula is then obtained by invoking Szego's strong limit theorem for large Toeplitz matrices. The derived asymptotic volume formula enables analytical evaluation of some coding-theoretic bounds of unitary codes. In particular, the Gilbert-Varshamov lower bound and the Hamming upper bound on the cardinality as well as the resulting bounds on code rate and minimum distance are derived. Moreover, bounds on the scaling law of code rate are found. Finally, a closed-form bound on the diversity sum relevant to unitary space-time codes is obtained, which was only computed numerically in the literature.Peer reviewe