56,825 research outputs found

    Catalytic residues in hydrolases: analysis of methods designed for ligand-binding site prediction

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    The comparison of eight tools applicable to ligand-binding site prediction is presented. The methods examined cover three types of approaches: the geometrical (CASTp, PASS, Pocket-Finder), the physicochemical (Q-SiteFinder, FOD) and the knowledge-based (ConSurf, SuMo, WebFEATURE). The accuracy of predictions was measured in reference to the catalytic residues documented in the Catalytic Site Atlas. The test was performed on a set comprising selected chains of hydrolases. The results were analysed with regard to size, polarity, secondary structure, accessible solvent area of predicted sites as well as parameters commonly used in machine learning (F-measure, MCC). The relative accuracies of predictions are presented in the ROC space, allowing determination of the optimal methods by means of the ROC convex hull. Additionally the minimum expected cost analysis was performed. Both advantages and disadvantages of the eight methods are presented. Characterization of protein chains in respect to the level of difficulty in the active site prediction is introduced. The main reasons for failures are discussed. Overall, the best performance offers SuMo followed by FOD, while Pocket-Finder is the best method among the geometrical approaches

    Hyperspectral Unmixing Overview: Geometrical, Statistical, and Sparse Regression-Based Approaches

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    Imaging spectrometers measure electromagnetic energy scattered in their instantaneous field view in hundreds or thousands of spectral channels with higher spectral resolution than multispectral cameras. Imaging spectrometers are therefore often referred to as hyperspectral cameras (HSCs). Higher spectral resolution enables material identification via spectroscopic analysis, which facilitates countless applications that require identifying materials in scenarios unsuitable for classical spectroscopic analysis. Due to low spatial resolution of HSCs, microscopic material mixing, and multiple scattering, spectra measured by HSCs are mixtures of spectra of materials in a scene. Thus, accurate estimation requires unmixing. Pixels are assumed to be mixtures of a few materials, called endmembers. Unmixing involves estimating all or some of: the number of endmembers, their spectral signatures, and their abundances at each pixel. Unmixing is a challenging, ill-posed inverse problem because of model inaccuracies, observation noise, environmental conditions, endmember variability, and data set size. Researchers have devised and investigated many models searching for robust, stable, tractable, and accurate unmixing algorithms. This paper presents an overview of unmixing methods from the time of Keshava and Mustard's unmixing tutorial [1] to the present. Mixing models are first discussed. Signal-subspace, geometrical, statistical, sparsity-based, and spatial-contextual unmixing algorithms are described. Mathematical problems and potential solutions are described. Algorithm characteristics are illustrated experimentally.Comment: This work has been accepted for publication in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensin

    Traditional Teaching About Angles Compared To An Active Learning Approach That Focuses On Students Skills In Seeing, Measuring And Reasoning, Including The Use Of Dynamic Geometry Software: Differences In Achievement

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    This research was about an intervention developed for students at the junior high school level, in which the researcher was teaching the concept of angles through paper exercises as well as dynamic geometry software (DGS), using an active learning approach. This research was to find out the impacts of the use of such an approach on students in their learning activities. The researcher compared two parallel classes at the same level, which were the first level of junior high school (age 13-14 years old). The experimental class was taught by the researcher according to the designed intervention. Meanwhile, the control class was taught by the collaborative teacher according to her regular teaching method without using DGS. The data were collected by means of tests (pretest and the posttest), questionnaires, and interviews. Analysis of the pretest scores shows that the experimental class did better than the control class did, but there was initially no significant difference. After the intervention, analysis shows that the experimental class did better than the control class in the end, and the difference was significant. Key words: Active learning, DGS, Student’s achievement, Traditional teachin

    Developing The Attitude And Creativity In Mathematics Education

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    The structures in a traditionally-organized classroom of mathematics teaching can usually be linked readily with the routine classroom activities of teacher-exposition and teacher-supervised desk work, teacher’s initiation, teacher’s direction and strongly teacher’s expectations of the outcome of student learning. If the teacher wants to develop appropriate attitude and creativities in mathematics teaching learning it needs for him to develop innovation in mathematics teaching. The teacher may face challenge to develop various style of teaching i.e. various and flexible method of teaching, discussion method, problem-based method, various style of classroom interaction, contextual and or realistic mathematics approach. To develop mathematical attitude and creativity in mathematics teaching learning processes, the teacher may understand the nature and have the highly skill of implementing the aspects of the following: mathematics teaching materials, teacher’s preparation, student’s motivation and apperception, various interactions, small-group discussions, student’s works sheet development, students’ presentations, teacher’s facilitations, students’ conclusions, and the scheme of cognitive development.In the broader sense of developing attitude and creativity of mathematics learning, the teacher may needs to in-depth understanding of the nature of school mathematics, the nature of students learn mathematics and the nature of constructivism in learning mathematics. Key Word: mathematical attitude, creativity in mathematics, innovation of mathematics teaching,school mathematics