664 research outputs found

    Extension of Wirtinger's Calculus to Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces and the Complex Kernel LMS

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    Over the last decade, kernel methods for nonlinear processing have successfully been used in the machine learning community. The primary mathematical tool employed in these methods is the notion of the Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space. However, so far, the emphasis has been on batch techniques. It is only recently, that online techniques have been considered in the context of adaptive signal processing tasks. Moreover, these efforts have only been focussed on real valued data sequences. To the best of our knowledge, no adaptive kernel-based strategy has been developed, so far, for complex valued signals. Furthermore, although the real reproducing kernels are used in an increasing number of machine learning problems, complex kernels have not, yet, been used, in spite of their potential interest in applications that deal with complex signals, with Communications being a typical example. In this paper, we present a general framework to attack the problem of adaptive filtering of complex signals, using either real reproducing kernels, taking advantage of a technique called \textit{complexification} of real RKHSs, or complex reproducing kernels, highlighting the use of the complex gaussian kernel. In order to derive gradients of operators that need to be defined on the associated complex RKHSs, we employ the powerful tool of Wirtinger's Calculus, which has recently attracted attention in the signal processing community. To this end, in this paper, the notion of Wirtinger's calculus is extended, for the first time, to include complex RKHSs and use it to derive several realizations of the Complex Kernel Least-Mean-Square (CKLMS) algorithm. Experiments verify that the CKLMS offers significant performance improvements over several linear and nonlinear algorithms, when dealing with nonlinearities.Comment: 15 pages (double column), preprint of article accepted in IEEE Trans. Sig. Pro

    Adaptive filtering algorithms for quaternion-valued signals

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    Advances in sensor technology have made possible the recoding of three and four-dimensional signals which afford a better representation of our actual three-dimensional world than the ``flat view'' one and two-dimensional approaches. Although it is straightforward to model such signals as real-valued vectors, many applications require unambiguous modeling of orientation and rotation, where the division algebra of quaternions provides crucial advantages over real-valued vector approaches. The focus of this thesis is on the use of recent advances in quaternion-valued signal processing, such as the quaternion augmented statistics, widely-linear modeling, and the HR-calculus, in order to develop practical adaptive signal processing algorithms in the quaternion domain which deal with the notion of phase and frequency in a compact and physically meaningful way. To this end, first a real-time tracker of quaternion impropriety is developed, which allows for choosing between strictly linear and widely-linear quaternion-valued signal processing algorithms in real-time, in order to reduce computational complexity where appropriate. This is followed by the strictly linear and widely-linear quaternion least mean phase algorithms that are developed for phase-only estimation in the quaternion domain, which is accompanied by both quantitative performance assessment and physical interpretation of operations. Next, the practical application of state space modeling of three-phase power signals in smart grid management and control systems is considered, and a robust complex-valued state space model for frequency estimation in three-phase systems is presented. Its advantages over other available estimators are demonstrated both in an analytical sense and through simulations. The concept is then expanded to the quaternion setting in order to make possible the simultaneous estimation of the system frequency and its voltage phasors. Furthermore, a distributed quaternion Kalman filtering algorithm is developed for frequency estimation over power distribution networks and collaborative target tracking. Finally, statistics of stable quaternion-valued random variables, that include quaternion-valued Gaussian random variables as a special case, is investigated in order to develop a framework for the modeling and processing of heavy-tailed quaternion-valued signals.Open Acces

    The HR-Calculus: Enabling Information Processing with Quaternion Algebra

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    From their inception, quaternions and their division algebra have proven to be advantageous in modelling rotation/orientation in three-dimensional spaces and have seen use from the initial formulation of electromagnetic filed theory through to forming the basis of quantum filed theory. Despite their impressive versatility in modelling real-world phenomena, adaptive information processing techniques specifically designed for quaternion-valued signals have only recently come to the attention of the machine learning, signal processing, and control communities. The most important development in this direction is introduction of the HR-calculus, which provides the required mathematical foundation for deriving adaptive information processing techniques directly in the quaternion domain. In this article, the foundations of the HR-calculus are revised and the required tools for deriving adaptive learning techniques suitable for dealing with quaternion-valued signals, such as the gradient operator, chain and product derivative rules, and Taylor series expansion are presented. This serves to establish the most important applications of adaptive information processing in the quaternion domain for both single-node and multi-node formulations. The article is supported by Supplementary Material, which will be referred to as SM

    Signal processing with Fourier analysis, novel algorithms and applications

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    Fourier analysis is the study of the way general functions may be represented or approximated by sums of simpler trigonometric functions, also analogously known as sinusoidal modeling. The original idea of Fourier had a profound impact on mathematical analysis, physics and engineering because it diagonalizes time-invariant convolution operators. In the past signal processing was a topic that stayed almost exclusively in electrical engineering, where only the experts could cancel noise, compress and reconstruct signals. Nowadays it is almost ubiquitous, as everyone now deals with modern digital signals. Medical imaging, wireless communications and power systems of the future will experience more data processing conditions and wider range of applications requirements than the systems of today. Such systems will require more powerful, efficient and flexible signal processing algorithms that are well designed to handle such needs. No matter how advanced our hardware technology becomes we will still need intelligent and efficient algorithms to address the growing demands in signal processing. In this thesis, we investigate novel techniques to solve a suite of four fundamental problems in signal processing that have a wide range of applications. The relevant equations, literature of signal processing applications, analysis and final numerical algorithms/methods to solve them using Fourier analysis are discussed for different applications in the electrical engineering/computer science. The first four chapters cover the following topics of central importance in the field of signal processing: • Fast Phasor Estimation using Adaptive Signal Processing (Chapter 2) • Frequency Estimation from Nonuniform Samples (Chapter 3) • 2D Polar and 3D Spherical Polar Nonuniform Discrete Fourier Transform (Chapter 4) • Robust 3D registration using Spherical Polar Discrete Fourier Transform and Spherical Harmonics (Chapter 5) Even though each of these four methods discussed may seem completely disparate, the underlying motivation for more efficient processing by exploiting the Fourier domain signal structure remains the same. The main contribution of this thesis is the innovation in the analysis, synthesis, discretization of certain well known problems like phasor estimation, frequency estimation, computations of a particular non-uniform Fourier transform and signal registration on the transformed domain. We conduct propositions and evaluations of certain applications relevant algorithms such as, frequency estimation algorithm using non-uniform sampling, polar and spherical polar Fourier transform. The techniques proposed are also useful in the field of computer vision and medical imaging. From a practical perspective, the proposed algorithms are shown to improve the existing solutions in the respective fields where they are applied/evaluated. The formulation and final proposition is shown to have a variety of benefits. Future work with potentials in medical imaging, directional wavelets, volume rendering, video/3D object classifications, high dimensional registration are also discussed in the final chapter. Finally, in the spirit of reproducible research we release the implementation of these algorithms to the public using Github

    Widely Linear State Space Filtering of Improper Complex Signals

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    Complex signals are the backbone of many modern applications, such as power systems, communication systems, biomedical sciences and military technologies. However, standard complex valued signal processing approaches are suited to only a subset of complex signals known as proper, and are inadequate of the generality of complex signals, as they do not fully exploit the available information. This is mainly due to the inherent blindness of the algorithms to the complete second order statistics of the signals, or due to under-modelling of the underlying system. The aim of this thesis is to provide enhanced complex valued, state space based, signal processing solutions for the generality of complex signals and systems. This is achieved based on the recent advances in the so called augmented complex statistics and widely linear modelling, which have brought to light the limitations of conventional statistical complex signal processing approaches. Exploiting these developments, we propose a class of widely linear adaptive state space estimation techniques, which provide a unified framework and enhanced performance for the generality of complex signals, compared with conventional approaches. These include the linear and nonlinear Kalman and particle filters, whereby it is shown that catering for the complete second order information and system models leads to significant performance gains. The proposed techniques are also extended to the case of cooperative distributed estimation, where nodes in a network collaborate locally to estimate signals, under a framework that caters for general complex signals, as well as the cross-correlations between observation noises, unlike earlier solutions. The analysis of the algorithms are supported by numerous case studies, including frequency estimation in three phase power systems, DIFAR sonobuoy underwater target tracking, and real-world wind modeling and prediction.Open Acces

    Adaptive signal processing algorithms for noncircular complex data

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    The complex domain provides a natural processing framework for a large class of signals encountered in communications, radar, biomedical engineering and renewable energy. Statistical signal processing in C has traditionally been viewed as a straightforward extension of the corresponding algorithms in the real domain R, however, recent developments in augmented complex statistics show that, in general, this leads to under-modelling. This direct treatment of complex-valued signals has led to advances in so called widely linear modelling and the introduction of a generalised framework for the differentiability of both analytic and non-analytic complex and quaternion functions. In this thesis, supervised and blind complex adaptive algorithms capable of processing the generality of complex and quaternion signals (both circular and noncircular) in both noise-free and noisy environments are developed; their usefulness in real-world applications is demonstrated through case studies. The focus of this thesis is on the use of augmented statistics and widely linear modelling. The standard complex least mean square (CLMS) algorithm is extended to perform optimally for the generality of complex-valued signals, and is shown to outperform the CLMS algorithm. Next, extraction of latent complex-valued signals from large mixtures is addressed. This is achieved by developing several classes of complex blind source extraction algorithms based on fundamental signal properties such as smoothness, predictability and degree of Gaussianity, with the analysis of the existence and uniqueness of the solutions also provided. These algorithms are shown to facilitate real-time applications, such as those in brain computer interfacing (BCI). Due to their modified cost functions and the widely linear mixing model, this class of algorithms perform well in both noise-free and noisy environments. Next, based on a widely linear quaternion model, the FastICA algorithm is extended to the quaternion domain to provide separation of the generality of quaternion signals. The enhanced performances of the widely linear algorithms are illustrated in renewable energy and biomedical applications, in particular, for the prediction of wind profiles and extraction of artifacts from EEG recordings
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