38 research outputs found

    Project proposal for mobile coffee shop and coffee maker for solar plate: a sustainable revitalization

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    O café é um produto muito comum no Brasil e em outros países no mundo inteiro. Percebeu-se um aumento substancial de cafeterias gourmet, cada uma com sua proposta arquitetônica e de design inovadores, atuais. Paralelamente a este fato, discute-se que o futuro das Cidades Inteligentes será baseado principalmente em serviços oferecidos. Os sistemas inteligentes melhoram as deficiências na cidade através da adoção de princípios de desenvolvimento urbano sustentável, como por exemplo, limitar as emissões de CO2. A abordagem da cidade inteligente com a preocupação sustentável carrega um elevado potencial para se tornar um modelo ideal para resolver a emergência climática e construir as cidades do futuro. Pensando no café como um produto consumido por um número muito grande de pessoas, o presente trabalho propõe um anteprojeto de cafeteria que funciona com placa solar, sendo uma proposta de revitalização de cafeteria sustentável para cidades inteligentes. As estruturas fotovoltaicas para o telhado/cobertura da cafeteria permitem a geração de energia sustentável e seu emprego apresenta algumas vantagens aos usuários, como conforto, segurança, baixa emissão de CO2, qualidade de vida e das cidades.Coffee is a very common product in Brazil and in other countries worldwide. There was a substantial increase in gourmet cafeterias, each with its current, innovative architectural and design proposal. Parallel to this fact, it is argued that the future of Smart Cities will be based mainly on services offered. Intelligent systems improve deficiencies in the city by adopting principles of sustainable urban development, such as limiting CO2 emissions. The smart city approach to sustainable concern has a high potential to become an ideal model to solve the climate emergency and build the cities of the future. Thinking of coffee as a product consumed by a very large number of people, this paper proposes a preliminary coffee shop that works with solar panels, being a proposal to revitalize a sustainable coffee shop for smart cities. The photovoltaic structures for the roof / roof of the cafeteria allow the generation of sustainable energy and its use presents some advantages to users, such as comfort, safety, low CO2 emissions, quality of life and cities

    Estimating mobility of tourists. New Twitter-based procedure

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    Twitter has been actively researched as a human mobility proxy. Tweets can contain two classes of geographical metadata: the location from which a tweet was published, and the place where the tweet is estimated to have been published. Nevertheless, Twitter also presents tweets without any geographical metadata when querying for tweets on a specific location. This study presents a methodology which includes an algorithm for estimating the geographical coordinates to tweets for which Twitter doesn't assign any. Our objective is to determine the origin and the route that a tourist followed, even if Twitter doesn't return geographically identified data. This is carried out through geographical searches of tweets inside a defined area. Once a tweet is found inside an area, but its metadata contains no explicit geographical coordinates, its coordinates are estimated by iteratively performing geographical searches, with a decreasing geographical searching radius. This algorithm was tested in two touristic villages of Madrid (Spain) and a major city in Canada. A set of tweets without geographical coordinates in these areas were found and processed. The coordinates of a subset of them were successfully estimated.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PID2020-116040RB-I00Universidade de Vigo/CISU

    Digital co-construction of relational values : understanding the role of social media for sustainability

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    Unidad de excelencia María de Maeztu MdM-2015-0552There is a deeply relational aspect to the systems people employ for sorting through and prioritizing plural values assigned to social-ecological interactions. Spurred by interpersonal relationships and adhesion to societal core values, such as justice and reciprocity, relational values go beyond instrumental and intrinsic approaches to understanding human behaviour vis-à-vis the environment. Currently, this relational dimension of values is entering the spotlight of the cultural ecosystem services (CES) literature focusing on non-material benefits and values people derive from ecosystems, such as aesthetics and sense of place. Relational values foster reflections on appropriateness and morality of preferences and respective behaviours in contributing to collective flourishment across space and time, holding implications for social-ecological justice and sustainability. Recently, several studies explored the potential of using social media data for assessing values ascribed to CES, but did not look at how this emerging approach could contribute to an enhanced understanding of relational values. In order to take up this goal, we conducted a systematic review, screening 140 publications and selecting 29 as relevant for exploring the extent to which relational CES values are inferable through social media. Our results show that social media data can reveal CES values' plural and relational dimension. Social media platforms, thus, can be understood as new arenas for the co-construction of values, where relational values stemming from social-ecological interactions are negotiated and defined. Yet, work on their implications for social-ecological justice and sustainability needs to be extended

    The spatial accessibility of attractive parks in Chicago and a proposed planning support system to evaluate the accessibility of POIs

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    Urban parks play an essential role in meeting the ecological, social, and recreational requirements of residents. Access to urban parks reflects people's quality of life. The present research focused on the cumulative accessibility by walking and driving to attractive urban parks for different population groups in Chicago. The present study used the ratings and the number of reviews on Google Maps to evaluate each parks' attractiveness. The results present the cumulative accessibility scores using gravity, linear, and kernel models. In addition, the spatial distribution of the accessibility to parks for population groups of different races and levels of income are shown at the 90 m X 90 m land cell scale and at the community level. Highly attractive parks that people walk to receive a high accessibility score. However, parks with high accessibility scores that people drive to were along the major highways. The present study also determined that the Black and high-income populations have a higher accessibility score to parks than other population groups. Moreover, a planning supporting system is proposed that uses rating data that can be gathered from apps such as Google Maps and Yelp to evaluate all types of Points of Interest (POIs) in parks

    GroundsWell: Community-engaged and data-informed systems transformation of Urban Green and Blue Space for population health – a new initiative

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    [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review]Natural environments, such as parks, woodlands and lakes, have positive impacts on health and wellbeing. Urban Green and Blue Spaces (UGBS), and the activities that take place in them, can significantly influence the health outcomes of all communities, and reduce health inequalities. Improving access and quality of UGBS needs understanding of the range of systems (e.g. planning, transport, environment, community) in which UGBS are located. UGBS offers an ideal exemplar for testing systems innovations as it reflects place-based and whole society processes, with potential to reduce non-communicable disease (NCD) risk and associated social inequalities in health. UGBS can impact multiple behavioural and environmental aetiological pathways. However, the systems which desire, design, develop, and deliver UGBS are fragmented and siloed, with ineffective mechanisms for data generation, knowledge exchange and mobilisation. Further, UGBS need to be co-designed with and by those whose health could benefit most from them, so they are appropriate, accessible, valued and used well. This paper describes a major new prevention research programme and partnership, GroundsWell, which aims to transform UGBS-related systems by improving how we plan, design, evaluate and manage UGBS so that it benefits all communities, especially those who are in poorest health. We use a broad definition of health to include physical, mental, social wellbeing and quality of life. Our objectives are to transform systems so that UGBS are planned, developed, implemented, maintained and evaluated with our communities and data systems to enhance health and reduce inequalities. GroundsWell will use interdisciplinary, problem-solving approaches to accelerate and optimise community collaborations among citizens, users, implementers, policymakers and researchers to impact research, policy, practice and active citizenship. GroundsWell will be shaped and developed in three pioneer cities (Belfast, Edinburgh, Liverpool) and their regional contexts, with embedded translational mechanisms to ensure that outputs and impact have UK-wide and international application. Keyword

    GroundsWell: Community-engaged and data-informed systems transformation of Urban Green and Blue Space for population health – a new initiative

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    This is the published version. Available on open access from F1000 Research via the DOI in this record[version 1; peer review: 1 approved].Data availability: No data are available with this article.Natural environments, such as parks, woodlands and lakes, have positive impacts on health and wellbeing. Urban Green and Blue Spaces (UGBS), and the activities that take place in them, can significantly influence the health outcomes of all communities, and reduce health inequalities. Improving access and quality of UGBS needs understanding of the range of systems (e.g. planning, transport, environment, community) in which UGBS are located. UGBS offers an ideal exemplar for testing systems innovations as it reflects place-based and whole society processes, with potential to reduce non-communicable disease (NCD) risk and associated social inequalities in health. UGBS can impact multiple behavioural and environmental aetiological pathways. However, the systems which desire, design, develop, and deliver UGBS are fragmented and siloed, with ineffective mechanisms for data generation, knowledge exchange and mobilisation. Further, UGBS need to be co-designed with and by those whose health could benefit most from them, so they are appropriate, accessible, valued and used well. This paper describes a major new prevention research programme and partnership, GroundsWell, which aims to transform UGBS-related systems by improving how we plan, design, evaluate and manage UGBS so that it benefits all communities, especially those who are in poorest health. We use a broad definition of health to include physical, mental, social wellbeing and quality of life. Our objectives are to transform systems so that UGBS are planned, developed, implemented, maintained and evaluated with our communities and data systems to enhance health and reduce inequalities. GroundsWell will use interdisciplinary, problem-solving approaches to accelerate and optimise community collaborations among citizens, users, implementers, policymakers and researchers to impact research, policy, practice and active citizenship. GroundsWell will be shaped and developed in three pioneer cities (Belfast, Edinburgh, Liverpool) and their regional contexts, with embedded translational mechanisms to ensure that outputs and impact have UK-wide and international application.UK Prevention Research PartnershipHSC Research and Development Office Northern Irelan

    A tag is worth a thousand pictures : A framework for an empirically grounded typology of relational values through social media

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    Unidad de excelencia María de Maeztu CEX2019-000940-MEnvironmental values depend on social-ecological interactions and, in turn, influence the production of the underlying biophysical ecosystems. Understanding the nuanced nature of the values that humans ascribe to the environment is thus a key frontier for environmental science and planning. The development of many of these values depends on social-ecological interactions, such as outdoor recreation, landscape aesthetic appreciation or educational experiences with and within nature that can be articulated through the framework of cultural ecosystem services (CES). However, the non-material and intangible nature of CES has challenged previous attempts to assess the multiple and subjective values that people attach to them. In particular, this study focuses on assessing relational values ascribed to CES, here defined as values resonating with core principles of justice, reciprocity, care, and responsibility towards humans and more-than-humans. Building on emerging approaches for inferring relational CES values through social media (SM) images, this research explores the additional potential of a combined analysis of both the visual and textual content of SM data. To do so, we developed an inductive, empirically grounded coding protocol as well as a values typology that could be iteratively tested and verified by three different researchers to improve the consistency and replicability of the assessment. As a case study, we collected images and texts shared on the photo-sharing platform Flickr between 2004 and 2017 that were geotagged within the peri-urban park of Collserola, at the outskirts of Barcelona, Spain. Results reveal a wide spectrum of nine CES values within the park boundaries that show positive and negative correlations among each other, providing useful information for landscape planning and management. Moreover, the study highlights the need for spatial, temporal and demographic analysis, as well as for supervised machine learning techniques to further leverage SM data into contextual and just decision-making and planning