4 research outputs found

    Improving routing in networks of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Reactive-Greedy-Reactive

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    Because of their specific characteristics, Unmanned Aeronautical Ad-hoc Networks (UAANETs) can be classified as a special kind of mobile ad hoc networks. Because of the high mobility of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, designing a good routing protocol for UAANETs is challenging. Here, we present a new protocol called Reactive-Greedy-Reactive (RGR) as a promising routing protocol in high mobility and density-variable scenarios. RGR combines features of reactive MANET routing protocols such as Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector with geographic routing protocols, exploiting the unique characteristics of UAANETs. In addition to combining reactive and geographic routing, the protocol has a number of features to further improve the overall performance. We present the rationale and design of the protocol, discuss the specific performance improvements in detail and provide extensive simulation results that demonstrate that RGR outperforms purely reactive or geographic routing protocols. The results also demonstrate the impact of the various protocol modifications

    PrivHab+ : A secure geographic routing protocol for DTN

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    Altres ajuts: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona 472-03-01/2012We present PrivHab+, a secure geographic routing protocol that learns about the mobility habits of the nodes of the network and uses this information in a secure manner. PrivHab+ is designed to operate in areas that lack of network, using the store-carry-and-forward approach. PrivHab+ compares nodes and chooses the best choice to carry messages towards a known geographical location. To achieve a high performance and low overhead, PrivHab+ uses information about the usual whereabouts of the nodes to make optimal routing decisions. PrivHab+ makes use of cryptographic techniques from secure multi-party computation to preserve nodes' privacy while taking routing decisions. The overhead introduced by PrivHab+ is evaluated using a proof-of-concept implementation, and its performance is studied under the scope of a realistic application of podcast distribution. PrivHab+ is compared, through simulation, with a set of well-known delay-tolerant routing algorithms in two different scenarios of remote rural areas

    Розвиток методів маршрутизації в повітряних ad-hoc мережах

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    Відповідно до мети дослідження, в даній роботі проаналізовані алгоритми маршрутизації в FANET мережах із самоорганізацією. Проаналізовано архітектуру та функціонування БПЛА вузлів мережі. Розроблено удосконалений метод маршрутизації на основі прогнозування мобільності вузлів і динамічним механізмом флуду в повітряних радіомережах із самоорганізацією FANET Оцінено ефективність запропонованого методу.In accordance with the purpose of the study, this paper describes results of the analysis of the routing algorithms in self-organized FANET networks. The architecture and operation of UAV network nodes analyzed. An improved routing method based on node mobility prediction and dynamic flood mechanism in aerial radio networks FANET with self-organization has been developed. The effectiveness of the proposed method is evaluated