958 research outputs found

    Small Footprint Multilayered Millimeter-Wave Antennas and Feeding Networks for Multi-Dimensional Scanning and High-Density Integrated Systems

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    This paper overviews the state-of-the-art of substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) techniques in the design and realization of innovative low-cost, low-profile and low-loss (L3) millimeter-wave antenna elements, feeding networks and arrays for various wireless applications. Novel classes of multilayered antenna structures and systems are proposed and studied to exploit the vertical dimension of planar structures to overcome certain limita-tions in standard two-dimensional (2-D) topologies. The developed structures are based on two techniques, namely multi-layer stacked structures and E-plane corners. Differ-ent E-plane structures realised with SIW waveguide are presented, thereby demonstrating the potential of the proposed techniques as in multi-polarization antenna feeding. An array of 128 elements shows low SLL and height gain with just 200g of the total weight. Two versions of 2-D scanning multi-beam are presented, which effectively combine frequency scanning with beam forming networks. Adding the benefits of wide band performance to the multilayer structure, two bi-layer structures are investigated. Different stacked antennas and arrays are demonstrated to optimise the targeted antenna performances in the smallest footprint possible. These structures meet the requirement for developing inexpensive compact millimeter-wave antennas and antenna systems. Different structures and architectures are theoretically and experimentally studied and discussed for specific space- and ground-based appli-cations. Practical issues such as high-density integration and high-volume manufacturability are also addressed

    Communication Subsystems for Emerging Wireless Technologies

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    The paper describes a multi-disciplinary design of modern communication systems. The design starts with the analysis of a system in order to define requirements on its individual components. The design exploits proper models of communication channels to adapt the systems to expected transmission conditions. Input filtering of signals both in the frequency domain and in the spatial domain is ensured by a properly designed antenna. Further signal processing (amplification and further filtering) is done by electronics circuits. Finally, signal processing techniques are applied to yield information about current properties of frequency spectrum and to distribute the transmission over free subcarrier channels

    A Circularly Polarized Low-Cost Flat Panel Antenna Array With a High Impedance Surface Meta-Substrate for Satellite On-the-Move Medical IoT Applications

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    A 1×3 linear antenna array consisting of Quad-Arm Curl antenna with a High impedance meta-surface (QACH) is presented. We believe that it is the first linear phased array solution which can provide 360° azimuth coverage. This array has been designed to operate at L-Band (1.518 - 1.675 GHz) and generate right hand circularly polarized radiation to primarily target the Inmarsat BGAN satellite constellation. The metamaterial structure integrated into each antenna element allows a low-profile height of 17.2 mm (λ1.597/10.9). Since the curl element has wideband characteristics, the array is able to provide shared aperture functionality. The array guarantees high gain beam steering for low elevation angles (up to θ = 70° from the zenith) with an average gain of 7.96 dBic at θ = 70°. In comparison, to achieve an equivalent high gain a conventional 4×5 patch array would be required (3 elements vs 20 elements). This means that the proposed array requires 80% fewer phase shifters, amplifiers and LNAs. This translates to a crucial commercial advantage in relation to manufacturing cost. This development can lead to disruption of the existing Satcom market by lowering the barrier-to-entry for customers looking for a mass deployable, low-cost IoT on Satcom solution

    Low-Profile Wideband Antenna Arrays for Mobile Satellite and 5G Communication

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    Three innovative low-profile antenna arrays are designed and tested for vehicular satellite and 5G communication. All of the systems presented target key challenges of GEO, LEO and 5G communication. Each design provides a high level of performance for the given application in a far more compact and lower cost design than existing systems.Firstly, a wideband curl antenna array is developed to enable L-band GEO satellite communication for emergency vehicles. This novel 1×3 rotated array utilises a hybrid switch beam and phase shifting technique to enable full beamforming down to 70° in all directions with 40% lower cost than standard phased array systems. Uniquely, this provides excellent azimuth beam steering at low angles from a linear array. This system also utilises a high impedance surface to reduce the height of the antenna elements by 50% compared to existing curl antenna designs.Secondly, a shared aperture antenna array is developed to enable Ka-band LEO satellite communication for vehicular integration. This system utilise a new combination of circular polarised triangular antennas in an interlaced planar triangular lattice such that the topology provides optimal tessellation. As a result, the system provides high performance beam steering and reconfigurable circular polarisation in a highly compact design. This array has been developed such that it is suitable for common PCB manufacturing methods. Unlike existing shared aperture arrays for LEO terminals, this topology enables reconfigurable circular polarisation in a single, planar PCB structure.Finally, a low-cost wideband compressed spiral antenna array is designed and fabricated for global 5G ground-to-air communication for aircraft. An innovative spiral antenna optimisation is presented where the spiral is highly compressed such that it can provide an axial beam over a wide bandwidth while maintaining a lower profile than existing wideband solutions

    Communications techniques and equipment: A compilation

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    This Compilation is devoted to equipment and techniques in the field of communications. It contains three sections. One section is on telemetry, including articles on radar and antennas. The second section describes techniques and equipment for coding and handling data. The third and final section includes descriptions of amplifiers, receivers, and other communications subsystems

    GigaHertz Symposium 2010

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    Integration of noise modelling into RF receiver design

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    A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Johannesburg, 2017The scientific requirements for Radio Frequency (RF) receivers especially for Radio Astronomy have become more demanding, requiring: compact, low-profile, multi and wideband antennas and more sensitive receivers. Integration of the antenna into the receiver system is often critical to meet these demands. Noise theory to model these more complex systems is well developed but is not implemented in commercial solvers, given the niche market of the receivers it is only available using specialised software. If the system is closely coupled, it becomes necessary for design to incorporate Electromagnetic (EM) and Microwave (MW) modelling into the multi port noise modelling. CAESAR, a combined noise and EM/MW modelling code is available, but to use it requires the exclusive use of the CAESAR software, which is impractical given the utility and wide use of commercial solvers. Mathematical methods are developed to incorporate commercial solvers into the more specialised CAESAR, validated using a folded dipole and applied to a wideband Eleven antenna system, a compact form of a log periodic dipole array. The Eleven antenna consist of eight single ended or four differential ports, with a closely coupled feeding arrangement. Cryogenic measurements are done to verify the modelling, the measured sensitivity matches with the model closely in amplitude and shape, giving confidence to the approach, and allowing modelling but not system optimisation. Optimising the antenna based on receiver design and still being able to use commercial code requires the external scripting of a commercial solver. The EDITFEKO (card based) module of FEKO (a powerful and versatile solver) is used along with the meshing software GMSH and GNU Octave. Optimisation of system sensitivity is demonstrated on a choke horn fed reflector system at 1420MHz. This optimisation method is applied to a practical application, an octave band system (4:5 GHz to 9 GHz) for the Hartebeesthoek Radio Observatory. The design is split into smaller simulations using waveguide modes and the associated S–parameters, the techniques are presented and checked on a truncated system. Initial design and optimisation are given. The combining of specialised multiport noise modelling design and optimisation within commercial EM/MW solvers allows more sensitive and specialised receivers to be built. Index terms— noise modelling, wideband, multiport, corrugated horn, octave band receiver, EM/MW optimisationMT201

    Direct Data Distribution From Low-Earth Orbit

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    NASA Lewis Research Center (LeRC) is developing the space and ground segment technologies necessary to demonstrate a direct data distribution (1)3) system for use in space-to-ground communication links from spacecraft in low-Earth orbit (LEO) to strategically located tracking ground terminals. The key space segment technologies include a K-band (19 GHz) MMIC-based transmit phased array antenna, and a multichannel bandwidth- and power-efficient digital encoder/modulate with an aggregate data rate of 622 Mb/s. Along with small (1.8 meter), low-cost tracking terminals on the ground, the D3 system enables affordable distribution of data to the end user or archive facility through interoperability with commercial terrestrial telecommunications networks. The D3 system is applicable to both government and commercial science and communications spacecraft in LEO. The features and benefits of the D3 system concept are described. Starting with typical orbital characteristics, a set of baseline requirements for representative applications is developed, including requirements for onboard storage and tracking terminals, and sample link budgets are presented. Characteristics of the transmit array antenna and digital encoder/modulator are described. The architecture and components of the tracking terminal are described, including technologies for the next generation terminal. Candidate flights of opportunity for risk mitigation and space demonstration of the D3 features are identified

    A Cross-Mode Universal Digital Pre-Distortion Technology for Low-Sidelobe Active Antenna Arrays in 5G and Satellite Communications

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    A cross-mode universal digital pre-distortion (CMUDPD) technology is proposed here to linearize low-sidelobe active antenna arrays with non-uniform fixed power levels for each branch, which are desired in satellite communications with stringent requirements to minimize interference. In low-sidelobe arrays formed by nonuniform amplitude excitation, conventional digital pre-distortion (DPD) techniques require multiple feedback paths for either one-to-one or average linearization of the PAs, which increases system complexity and is infeasible for large-scale arrays. This is because the power amplifiers (PAs) usually operate in different modes where the supply voltages, bias voltages, and input power levels are different. The proposed CMUDPD method aims at solving this issue by intentionally arranging the PAs to work in different modes but with shared nonlinear characteristics. Based on the nonlinear correlation established among the PAs’ different operating modes, a single feedback path is sufficient to capture the common nonlinearity of all the PAs and determine the parameters of the CMUDPD module. The concept is explained in theory and validated by simulations and experiments using GaN PAs operating with three significantly different output power levels and two orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) signal bandwidths

    High-Efficiency Millimeter-Wave Front-Ends for Large Phased-Array Transmitters

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    The ever-increasing demand for wireless broadband connectivity requires infrastructure capable of supporting data transfer rates at multi-Gbps. To accommodate such heavy traffic, the channel capacity for the given spectrum must be utilized as efficiently as possible. Wideband millimeter-wave phased-array systems can enhance the capacity of the channel by providing multiple steerable directional beams. However the cost, complexity, and high power consumption of phased-array systems are key barriers to the commercialization of such technology. Silicon-based beam-former chips and scalable phased-array technology offer promising solutions to lower the cost of phased-array systems. However, the implementation of low-power phased-array architectures is still a challenge. Millimeter-wave power generation in silicon beam-formers suffers from low efficiency. The stringent linearity requirements for multi-beam wideband arrays further limits the achievable efficiency. In scalable phased-arrays, each module consists of an antenna sub-array and a beam-former chip that feeds the antenna elements. To improve efficiency, a design methodology that considers the beam-former chip and the antenna array as one entity is necessary. In this thesis, power-efficient solutions for a millimeter-wave phased-array transmitter are studied and different high-efficiency power amplifier structures for broadband applications are proposed. Initially, the design of a novel 27-30 GHz RF front-end consisting of a variable gain amplifier, a 360 degree phase shifter, and a two-stage linear power amplifier with output power of 12 dBm is described. It is fabricated using 0.13 μm\mu m SiGe technology. This chip serves as the RF core of a beam-former chip with eight outputs for feeding a 2×\times2 dual-feed sub-array. Such sub-arrays are used as part of large phased-arrays for SATCOM infrastructure. Measurement results show 26.7 \% total efficiency for the designed chip. The chip achieves the highest efficiency among Ka-band phased-array transmitters reported in the literature. In addition, original transformer-based output matching structures are proposed for harmonic-tuned power amplifiers. Harmonic-tuned power amplifiers have high peak-efficiency but their complicated output matching structure can limit their use in beam-former RF front-ends. The proposed output matching structures have the layout footprint of a transformer, making their use in beam-former chips feasible. A 26-38 GHz power amplifier based on a non-inverting 1:1 transformer is fabricated. A measured efficiency of more than 27 \% is achieved across the band with an output power of 12 dBm. Furthermore, two continuous class F1F^{-1} power amplifiers using 1:1 inverting transformers are described. Simulation results show a peak-efficiency of 35 \% and output power of 12 dBm from 24 to 30 GHz. A common-base power amplifier with inverting transformer output matching is also demonstrated. This amplifier achieves a peak-efficiency of 42 \% and peak output power of 16 dBm. Finally, a low-loss Ka-band re-configurable output matching structure based on tunable lines is proposed and implemented. A double-stub matching structure with three tunable segments is proposed to maximize the impedance matching coverage. This structure can potentially compensate for the antenna impedance variation in phased-array antennas