7 research outputs found

    Towards the Use of Similarity Distances to Music Genre Classification: a Comparative Study

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    Music genre classification is a challenging research concept, for which open questions remain regarding classification approach, music piece representation, distances between/within genres, and so on. In this paper an investigation on the classification of generated music pieces is performed, based on the idea that grouping close related known pieces in different sets -or clusters- and then generating in an automatic way a new song which is somehow "inspired" in each set, the new song would be more likely to be classified as belonging to the set which inspired it, based on the same distance used to separate the clusters. Different music pieces representations and distances among pieces are used; obtained results are promising, and indicate the appropriateness of the used approach even in a such a subjective area as music genre classification is.This work was supported by IT900-16 Research Team from the Basque Government

    DadaGP: A Dataset of Tokenized GuitarPro Songs for Sequence Models

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    Originating in the Renaissance and burgeoning in the digital era, tablatures are a commonly used music notation system which provides explicit representations of instrument fingerings rather than pitches. GuitarPro has established itself as a widely used tablature format and software enabling musicians to edit and share songs for musical practice, learning, and composition. In this work, we present DadaGP, a new symbolic music dataset comprising 26,181 song scores in the GuitarPro format covering 739 musical genres, along with an accompanying tokenized format well-suited for generative sequence models such as the Transformer. The tokenized format is inspired by event-based MIDI encodings, often used in symbolic music generation models. The dataset is released with an encoder/decoder which converts GuitarPro files to tokens and back. We present results of a use case in which DadaGP is used to train a Transformer-based model to generate new songs in GuitarPro format. We discuss other relevant use cases for the dataset (guitar-bass transcription, music style transfer and artist/genre classification) as well as ethical implications. DadaGP opens up the possibility to train GuitarPro score generators, fine-tune models on custom data, create new styles of music, AI-powered songwriting apps, and human-AI improvisation

    An Industry Driven Genre Classification Application using Natural Language Processing

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    With the advent of digitized music, many online streaming companies such as Spotify have capitalized on a listener’s need for a common stream platform. An essential component of such a platform is the recommender systems that suggest to the constituent user base, related tracks, albums and artists. In order to sustain such a recommender system, labeling data to indicate which genre it belongs to is essential. Most recent academic publications that deal with music genre classification focus on the use of deep neural networks developed and applied within the music genre classification domain. This thesis attempts to use some of the highly sophisticated techniques, such as Hierarchical Attention Networks that exist within the text classification domain in order to classify tracks of different genres. In order to do this, the music is first separated into different tracks (drums, vocals, bass and accompaniment) and converted into symbolic text data. Due to the sophistication of the distributed machine learning system (over five computers, each possessing a graphical processing units greater than a GTX 1070) present in this thesis, it is capable of classifying contemporary genres with an impressive peak accuracy of over 93%, when comparing the results with that of competing classifiers. It is also argued that through the use text classification, the ex- pert domain knowledge which musicians and people involved with musicological techniques, can be attracted to improving reccomender systems within the music information retrieval research domain

    Methodological contributions by means of machine learning methods for automatic music generation and classification

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    189 p.Ikerketa lan honetan bi gai nagusi landu dira: musikaren sorkuntza automatikoa eta sailkapena. Musikaren sorkuntzarako bertso doinuen corpus bat hartu da abiapuntu moduan doinu ulergarri berriak sortzeko gai den metodo bat sortzeko. Doinuei ulergarritasuna hauen barnean dauden errepikapen egiturek ematen dietela suposatu da, eta metodoaren hiru bertsio nagusi aurkeztu dira, bakoitzean errepikapen horien definizio ezberdin bat erabiliz.Musikaren sailkapen automatikoan hiru ataza garatu dira: generoen sailkapena, familia melodikoen taldekatzea eta konposatzaileen identifikazioa. Musikaren errepresentazio ezberdinak erabili dira ataza bakoitzerako, eta ikasketa automatikoko hainbat teknika ere probatu dira, emaitzarik hoberenak zeinek ematen dituen aztertzeko.Gainbegiratutako sailkapenaren alorrean ere binakako sailkapenaren gainean lana egin da, aurretik existitzen zen metodo bat optimizatuz. Hainbat datu baseren gainean probatu da garatutako teknika, baita konposatzaile klasikoen piezen ezaugarriez osatutako datu base batean ere

    Methodological contributions by means of machine learning methods for automatic music generation and classification

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    189 p.Ikerketa lan honetan bi gai nagusi landu dira: musikaren sorkuntza automatikoa eta sailkapena. Musikaren sorkuntzarako bertso doinuen corpus bat hartu da abiapuntu moduan doinu ulergarri berriak sortzeko gai den metodo bat sortzeko. Doinuei ulergarritasuna hauen barnean dauden errepikapen egiturek ematen dietela suposatu da, eta metodoaren hiru bertsio nagusi aurkeztu dira, bakoitzean errepikapen horien definizio ezberdin bat erabiliz.Musikaren sailkapen automatikoan hiru ataza garatu dira: generoen sailkapena, familia melodikoen taldekatzea eta konposatzaileen identifikazioa. Musikaren errepresentazio ezberdinak erabili dira ataza bakoitzerako, eta ikasketa automatikoko hainbat teknika ere probatu dira, emaitzarik hoberenak zeinek ematen dituen aztertzeko.Gainbegiratutako sailkapenaren alorrean ere binakako sailkapenaren gainean lana egin da, aurretik existitzen zen metodo bat optimizatuz. Hainbat datu baseren gainean probatu da garatutako teknika, baita konposatzaile klasikoen piezen ezaugarriez osatutako datu base batean ere

    Personalized large scale classification of public tenders on hadoop

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    Ce projet a été réalisé dans le cadre d’un partenariat entre Fujitsu Canada et Université Laval. Les besoins du projets ont été centrés sur une problématique d’affaire définie conjointement avec Fujitsu. Le projet consistait à classifier un corpus d’appels d’offres électroniques avec une approche orienté big data. L’objectif était d’identifier avec un très fort rappel les offres pertinentes au domaine d’affaire de l’entreprise. Après une séries d’expérimentations à petite échelle qui nous ont permise d’illustrer empiriquement (93% de rappel) l’efficacité de notre approche basé sur l’algorithme BNS (Bi-Normal Separation), nous avons implanté un système complet qui exploite l’infrastructure technologique big data Hadoop. Nos expérimentations sur le système complet démontrent qu’il est possible d’obtenir une performance de classification tout aussi efficace à grande échelle (91% de rappel) tout en exploitant les gains de performance rendus possible par l’architecture distribuée de Hadoop.This project was completed as part of an innovation partnership with Fujitsu Canada and Université Laval. The needs and objectives of the project were centered on a business problem defined jointly with Fujitsu. Our project aimed to classify a corpus of electronic public tenders based on state of the art Hadoop big data technology. The objective was to identify with high recall public tenders relevant to the IT services business of Fujitsu Canada. A small scale prototype based on the BNS algorithm (Bi-Normal Separation) was empirically shown to classify with high recall (93%) the public tender corpus. The prototype was then re-implemented on a full scale Hadoop cluster using Apache Pig for the data preparation pipeline and using Apache Mahout for classification. Our experimentation show that the large scale system not only maintains high recall (91%) on the classification task, but can readily take advantage of the massive scalability gains made possible by Hadoop’s distributed architecture