43 research outputs found

    Optimal seismic retrofitting of existing RC frames through soft-computing approaches

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    2016 - 2017Ph.D. Thesis proposes a Soft-Computing approach capable of supporting the engineer judgement in the selection and design of the cheapest solution for seismic retrofitting of existing RC framed structure. Chapter 1 points out the need for strengthening the existing buildings as one of the main way of decreasing economic and life losses as direct consequences of earthquake disasters. Moreover, it proposes a wide, but not-exhaustive, list of the most frequently observed deficiencies contributing to the vulnerability of concrete buildings. Chapter 2 collects the state of practice on seismic analysis methods for the assessment the safety of the existing buildings within the framework of a performancebased design. The most common approaches for modeling the material plasticity in the frame non-linear analysis are also reviewed. Chapter 3 presents a wide state of practice on the retrofitting strategies, intended as preventive measures aimed at mitigating the effect of a future earthquake by a) decreasing the seismic hazard demands; b) improving the dynamic characteristics supplied to the existing building. The chapter presents also a list of retrofitting systems, intended as technical interventions commonly classified into local intervention (also known “member-level” techniques) and global intervention (also called “structure-level” techniques) that might be used in synergistic combination to achieve the adopted strategy. In particular, the available approaches and the common criteria, respectively for selecting an optimum retrofit strategy and an optimal system are discussed. Chapter 4 highlights the usefulness of the Soft-Computing methods as efficient tools for providing “objective” answer in reasonable time for complex situation governed by approximation and imprecision. In particular, Chapter 4 collects the applications found in the scientific literature for Fuzzy Logic, Artificial Neural Network and Evolutionary Computing in the fields of structural and earthquake engineering with a taxonomic classification of the problems in modeling, simulation and optimization. Chapter 5 “translates” the search for the cheapest retrofitting system into a constrained optimization problem. To this end, the chapter includes a formulation of a novel procedure that assembles a numerical model for seismic assessment of framed structures within a Soft-Computing-driven optimization algorithm capable to minimize the objective function defined as the total initial cost of intervention. The main components required to assemble the procedure are described in the chapter: the optimization algorithm (Genetic Algorithm); the simulation framework (OpenSees); and the software environment (Matlab). Chapter 6 describes step-by-step the flow-chart of the proposed procedure and it focuses on the main implementation aspects and working details, ranging from a clever initialization of the population of candidate solutions up to a proposal of tuning procedure for the genetic parameters. Chapter 7 discusses numerical examples, where the Soft-Computing procedure is applied to the model of multi-storey RC frames obtained through simulated design. A total of fifteen “scenarios” are studied in order to assess its “robustness” to changes in input data. Finally, Chapter 8, on the base of the outcomes observed, summarizes the capabilities of the proposed procedure, yet highlighting its “limitations” at the current state of development. Some possible modifications are discussed to enhance its efficiency and completeness. [edited by author]XVI n.s

    Proceeding Of Mechanical Engineering Research Day 2015 (MERD’15)

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    This Open Access e-Proceeding contains 74 selected papers from the Mechanical Engineering Research Day 2015 (MERD’15) event, which is held in Kampus Teknologi, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) - Melaka, Malaysia, on 31 March 2015. The theme chosen for this event is ‘Pioneering Future Discovery’. The response for MERD’15 is overwhelming as the technical committees have received more than 90 papers from various areas of mechanical engineering. From the total number of submissions, the technical committees have selected 74 papers to be included in this proceeding. The selected papers are grouped into 12 categories: Advanced Materials Processing; Automotive Engineering; Computational Modeling and Analysis & CAD/CAE; Energy Management & Fuels and Lubricants; Hydraulics and Pneumatics & Mechanical Control; Mechanical Design and Optimization; Noise, Vibration and Harshness; Non-Destructive Testing & Structural Mechanics; Surface Engineering and Coatings; Others Related Topic. With the large number of submissions from the researchers in other faculties, the event has achieved its main objective which is to bring together educators, researchers and practitioners to share their findings and perhaps sustaining the research culture in the university. The topics of MERD’15 are based on a combination of advanced research methodologies, application technologies and review approaches. As the editor-in-chief, we would like to express our gratitude to the editorial board members for their tireless effort in compiling and reviewing the selected papers for this proceeding. We would also like to extend our great appreciation to the members of the Publication Committee and Secretariat for their excellent cooperation in preparing the proceedings of MERD’15

    Contributions to the development of the CRO-SL algorithm: Engineering applications problems

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    This Ph.D. thesis discusses advanced design issues of the evolutionary-based algorithm \textit{"Coral Reef Optimization"}, in its Substrate-Layer (CRO-SL) version, for optimization problems in Engineering Applications. The problems that can be tackled with meta-heuristic approaches is very wide and varied, and it is not exclusive of engineering. However we focus the Thesis on it area, one of the most prominent in our time. One of the proposed application is battery scheduling problem in Micro-Grids (MGs). Specifically, we consider an MG that includes renewable distributed generation and different loads, defined by its power profiles, and is equipped with an energy storage device (battery) to address its programming (duration of loading / discharging and occurrence) in a real scenario with variable electricity prices. Also, we discuss a problem of vibration cancellation over structures of two and four floors, using Tuned Mass Dampers (TMD's). The optimization algorithm will try to find the best solution by obtaining three physical parameters and the TMD location. As another related application, CRO-SL is used to design Multi-Input-Multi-Output Active Vibration Control (MIMO-AVC) via inertial-mass actuators, for structures subjected to human induced vibration. In this problem, we will optimize the location of each actuator and tune control gains. Finally, we tackle the optimization of a textile modified meander-line Inverted-F Antenna (IFA) with variable width and spacing meander, for RFID systems. Specifically, the CRO-SL is used to obtain an optimal antenna design, with a good bandwidth and radiation pattern, ideal for RFID readers. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) has become one of the most numerous manufactured devices worldwide due to a reliable and inexpensive means of locating people. They are used in access and money cards and product labels and many other applications.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1806.02654 by other author

    Temporal integration of loudness as a function of level

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    Contributions to the development of the CRO-SL algorithm: Engineering applications problems

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    Esta tesis doctoral aborda el diseño del algoritmo evolutivo Coral Reef Optimization, en su versión Substrate-Layer, para la optimización de problemas en diferentes ámbitos de la ingeniería. Los algoritmos evolutivos han sido ampliamente aplicados a problemas de optimización difícilmente abordables de manera analítica, ya sea por tener espacios de búsqueda enormes o por ser no lineales. Si bien la ejecución de estos algoritmos no supone un gran coste computacional hoy en día, sí lo supone las funciones de coste que constantemente deben evaluar. La creciente capacidad de procesamiento en la tecnología le abre las puertas al abordaje de problemas temporalmente costosos por medio de la metaheurística. Uno de los inconvenientes de esta, es que no hay forma de saber a priori cuál de ellos es mejor para un problema específico, y sea cual sea la elección, la ejecución del mismo no te asegura que vayas a obtener el óptimo. Es por este motivo por el cual se ha elegido el algoritmo CRO-SL, ya que permite combinar los procesos de búsqueda más potentes, ayudándose entre ellos para alcanzar el óptimo global. La problemática a la que se puede aplicar la metaheurística es muy variada y no tiene por qué ser exclusiva de la ingeniería, sin embargo en esta tesis sí vamos a centrarla en ella. Una de las aplicaciones que vamos a ver es el diseño de una antena de tipo F invertida (IFA), para sistemas de IDentificación por Radio-Frecuencia (RFID). Estas han sido muy utilizadas en productos a lo largo de todo el mundo tanto en tarjetas de crédito como en etiquetas de productos debido a su pequeño tamaño y a una fabricación sencilla y barata. En concreto, en este trabajo se usarán como conductores láminas de cobre y como dieléctrico, fieltro. Se pretende así, diseñar el ancho y el espaciamiento de estas tiras de cobre para que emita en un ancho de banda determinado con una calidad determinada. También se abordará un problema de control de vibración en estructuras de dos y cuatro pisos mediante el uso de elementos amortiguadores pasivos, TMD's(Tunned Mass Dampers). Esta aplicación viene motivada por la necesidad de mitigar las vibraciones procedentes de la tierra, como pudiera ser en un terremoto. En este caso el algoritmo no sólo intentará optimizar las características físicas de los TMD's sino también su colocación dentro del edificio. En tercer lugar, se realizará un control activo de las vibraciones que generamos los humanos al caminar en una estructura civil, mediante el uso de actuadores de masa inercial. En este problema se tratará de optimizar la localización de los actuadores así como sintonizar las ganancias de control. Por último veremos un problema de optimización de planificación de las baterías en micro-redes(MG). Específicamente, consideramos una MG que incluye generación renovable y diferentes cargas, definidas por sus perfiles de potencia, y está equipada con un dispositivo de almacenamiento de energía (batería) para abordar su programación (duración de carga / descarga y ocurrencia) en un escenario real de precios variables de electricidad. Mediante la aplicación del CRO-SL a estos problemas se pretende cumplir dos objetivos. El primero es comprobar la aptitud del propio algoritmo en las aplicaciones mencionadas. Para ello además se realizarán experimentos con los algoritmos más populares y los resultados podrán ser comparados entre sí. El segundo es promover el uso del CRO-SL como herramienta de comparación entre métodos de exploración. Algunos de los algoritmos metaheurísticos se basan en la iteración de un proceso de búsqueda sobre una población de individuos codificados, que encarnan la solución a un determinado problema. El CRO-SL toma prestado la forma en la que otros algoritmos cambian a sus individuos, y forma nuevas soluciones de manera paralela. Entre los algoritmos evolutivos más conocidos que vamos a ver durante el desarrollo de esta tesis se encuentran los algoritmos Harmony Search, Differential Evolution y Genetic Algorithm. Además se verán otro tipo de mutaciones como la de tipo Gaussiana, mutación simple o cruce multipunto. Por último, durante el desarrollo de esta tesis también se ha probado una nueva forma de búsqueda basada en atractores extraños. Gracias a la capacidad de comparación del CRO-SL podremos ver si esta nueva forma de búsqueda es útil o no

    Predicting room acoustical behavior with the ODEON computer model

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    Nuclear Power Plants

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    This book covers various topics, from thermal-hydraulic analysis to the safety analysis of nuclear power plant. It does not focus only on current power plant issues. Instead, it aims to address the challenging ideas that can be implemented in and used for the development of future nuclear power plants. This book will take the readers into the world of innovative research and development of future plants. Find your interests inside this book