17 research outputs found

    Genetically encoded fluorescent redox probes.

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    Redox processes are involved in almost every cell of the body as a consequence of aerobic life. In the past decades, redox biology has been increasingly recognized as one of the key themes in cell signaling. The progress has been accelerated by development of fluorescent probes that can monitor redox conditions and dynamics in cells and cell compartments. This short paper focuses on fluorescent redox probes that are genetically encoded, and discusses their properties, molecular mechanism, advantages and pitfalls. Our recent work on reaction-based encoded probes that are responsive to particular redox signaling molecules is also reviewed. Future challenges and directions are also commented

    Fluorescent sensors for biological applications.

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    Fluorescence is one of the most important analytical methods used in biological studies. In the past decade or two, instrumentation in this field has greatly advanced, and now it is possible to detect single photons or fluorescent molecules [1,2], or break the Abbe diffraction limit to distinguish two points spaced less than 50 nm apart [3]. Concurrently, the development of improved fluorescent probes, which can be coupled with state-of-the-art instruments, has been equally important. This special issue on "fluorescent biosensors" in Sensors reports recent results from eight research groups in the field of sensor development. It includes three review articles, and six research articles reporting original results. [...]

    Antioxidant Therapy in Parkinson's Disease: Insights From Drosophila melanogaster

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    Reactive oxygen species (ROS) play an important role as endogenous mediators in several cellular signalling pathways. However, at high concentrations they can also exert deleterious effects by reacting with many macromolecules including DNA, proteins and lipids. The precise balance between ROS production and their removal via numerous enzymatic and nonenzymatic molecules is of fundamental importance for cell survival. Accordingly, many neurodegenerative disorders, including Parkinson\u2019s disease (PD), are associated with excessive levels of ROS, which induce oxidative damage. With the aim of coping with the progression of PD, antioxidant compounds are currently receiving increasing attention as potential co-adjuvant molecules in the treatment of these diseases, and many studies have been performed to evaluate the purported protective effects of several antioxidant molecules. In the present review, we present and discuss the relevance of the use of Drosophila melanogaster as an animal model with which to evaluate the therapeutic potential of natural and synthetic antioxidants. The conservation of most of the PD-related genes between humans and D. melanogaster, along with the animal\u2019s rapid life cycle and the versatility of genetic tools, makes fruit flies an ideal experimental system for rapid screening of antioxidant-based treatments

    Oksüdatiivse stressi detekteerimine fluorestseeruva bioreporteriga bakteris Escherichia coli ampitsilliini juuresolekul

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    Antibiootikumide laialdase kasutuse tõttu on probleemiks antibiootikumidele resistentseid geene kandvad või ekspesseerivad bakterid. Seega tuleks leida uusi antibiootikume või suurendada olemasolevate efektiivsust. Reaktiivsete hapniku liikide suurendamisega või kaitsemehhanismide mõjutamisega võiks saavutada antibiootikumide efektiivsema toime. Bioreportereid on geneetiliselt muundatud mikroobirakud, mis suudavad keskkonnast tuvastada erinevaid ühendeid. Käesolevas bakalaureusetöös konstrueeriti kaks redoks-tundlikku fluorestseeruvat bioreporterit.. Need signaliseerisid suurenenud oksüdatiivse stressi taset antibiootikumide juuresolekul. Antud reportersüsteem töötab, kuid vajab lisakatsetus