19 research outputs found

    Generic initial ideals of points and curves

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    Let I be the defining ideal of a smooth irreducible complete intersection space curve C with defining equations of degrees a and b. We use the partial elimination ideals introduced by Mark Green to show that the lexicographic generic initial ideal of I has Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity 1+ab(a-1)(b-1)/2 with the exception of the case a=b=2, where the regularity is 4. Note that ab(a-1)(b-1)/2 is exactly the number of singular points of a general projection of C to the plane. Additionally, we show that for any term ordering tau, the generic initial ideal of a generic set of points in P^r is a tau-segment ideal.Comment: AMS Latex, 20 pages, v2: 19 pages, updated references, minor corrections, proofs of some elementary facts shortened or removed. To appear in J. Symbolic Computatio

    Generic circuits sets and general initial ideals with respect to weights

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    We study the set of circuits of a homogeneous ideal and that of its truncations, and introduce the notion of generic circuits set. We show how this is a well-defined invariant that can be used, in the case of initial ideals with respect to weights, as a counterpart of the (usual) generic initial ideal with respect to monomial orders. As an application we recover the existence of the generic fan introduced by R\"omer and Schmitz for studying generic tropical varieties. We also consider general initial ideals with respect to weights and show, in analogy to the fact that generic initial ideals are Borel-fixed, that these are fixed under the action of certain Borel subgroups of the general linear group.Comment: 10 page

    The Degree Complexity of Smooth Surfaces of codimension 2

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    D.Bayer and D.Mumford introduced the degree complexity of a projective scheme for the given term order as the maximal degree of the reduced Gr\"{o}bner basis. It is well-known that the degree complexity with respect to the graded reverse lexicographic order is equal to the Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity (\cite{BS}). However, little is known about the degree complexity with respect to the graded lexicographic order (\cite{A}, \cite{CS}). In this paper, we study the degree complexity of a smooth irreducible surface in \p^4 with respect to the graded lexicographic order and its geometric meaning. Interestingly, this complexity is closely related to the invariants of the double curve of a surface under the generic projection. As results, we prove that except a few cases, the degree complexity of a smooth surface SS of degree dd with h0(IS(2))0h^0(\mathcal I_S(2))\neq 0 in \p^4 is given by 2+(degY1(S)12)ρa(Y1(S))2+\binom{\deg Y_1(S)-1}{2}-\rho_{a}(Y_{1}(S)), where Y1(S)Y_1(S) is a double curve of degree (d12)ρa(SH)\binom{d-1}{2}-\rho_{a}(S \cap H) under a generic projection of SS (Theorem \ref{mainthm2}). Exceptional cases are either a rational normal scroll or a complete intersection surface of (2,2)(2,2)-type or a Castelnuovo surface of degree 5 in \p^4 whose degree complexities are in fact equal to their degrees. This complexity can also be expressed only in terms of the maximal degree of defining equations of ISI_S (Corollary \ref{cor:01} and \ref{cor:02}). We also provide some illuminating examples of our results via calculations done with {\it Macaulay 2} (Example \ref{Exam:01}).Comment: 18 pages. Some theorems and examples are added. The case of singular space curves is delete

    Partial elimination ideals and secant cones

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    For any k \in \Nat, we show that the cone of (k+1)(k+1)-secant lines of a closed subscheme ZPKnZ \subset \mathbb{P}^n_K over an algebraically closed field KK running through a closed point pPKnp \in \mathbb{P}^n_K is defined by the kk-th partial elimination ideal of ZZ with respect to pp. We use this fact to give an algorithm for computing secant cones. Also, we show that under certain conditions partial elimination ideals describe the length of the fibres of a multiple projection in a way similar to the way they do for simple projections. Finally, we study some examples illustrating these results, computed by means of {\sc Singular}.Comment: 18 pages; revised version, to appear in Journal of Algebr

    Ideals with an assigned initial ideal

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    The stratum St(J,<) (the homogeneous stratum Sth(J,<) respectively) of a monomial ideal J in a polynomial ring R is the family of all (homogeneous) ideals of R whose initial ideal with respect to the term order < is J. St(J,<) and Sth(J,<) have a natural structure of affine schemes. Moreover they are homogeneous w.r.t. a non-standard grading called level. This property allows us to draw consequences that are interesting from both a theoretical and a computational point of view. For instance a smooth stratum is always isomorphic to an affine space (Corollary 3.6). As applications, in Sec. 5 we prove that strata and homogeneous strata w.r.t. any term ordering < of every saturated Lex-segment ideal J are smooth. For Sth(J,Lex) we also give a formula for the dimension. In the same way in Sec. 6 we consider any ideal R in k[x0,..., xn] generated by a saturated RevLex-segment ideal in k[x,y,z]. We also prove that Sth(R,RevLex) is smooth and give a formula for its dimension.Comment: 14 pages, improved version, some more example

    Matrix-F5 algorithms over finite-precision complete discrete valuation fields

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    Let (f_1,,f_s)Q_p[X_1,,X_n]s(f\_1,\dots, f\_s) \in \mathbb{Q}\_p [X\_1,\dots, X\_n]^s be a sequence of homogeneous polynomials with pp-adic coefficients. Such system may happen, for example, in arithmetic geometry. Yet, since Q_p\mathbb{Q}\_p is not an effective field, classical algorithm does not apply.We provide a definition for an approximate Gr{\"o}bner basis with respect to a monomial order w.w. We design a strategy to compute such a basis, when precision is enough and under the assumption that the input sequence is regular and the ideals f_1,,f_i\langle f\_1,\dots,f\_i \rangle are weakly-ww-ideals. The conjecture of Moreno-Socias states that for the grevlex ordering, such sequences are generic.Two variants of that strategy are available, depending on whether one lean more on precision or time-complexity. For the analysis of these algorithms, we study the loss of precision of the Gauss row-echelon algorithm, and apply it to an adapted Matrix-F5 algorithm. Numerical examples are provided.Moreover, the fact that under such hypotheses, Gr{\"o}bner bases can be computed stably has many applications. Firstly, the mapping sending (f_1,,f_s)(f\_1,\dots,f\_s) to the reduced Gr{\"o}bner basis of the ideal they span is differentiable, and its differential can be given explicitly. Secondly, these hypotheses allows to perform lifting on the Grobner bases, from Z/pkZ\mathbb{Z}/p^k \mathbb{Z} to Z/pk+kZ\mathbb{Z}/p^{k+k'} \mathbb{Z} or Z.\mathbb{Z}. Finally, asking for the same hypotheses on the highest-degree homogeneous components of the entry polynomials allows to extend our strategy to the affine case

    Segments and Hilbert schemes of points

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    Using results obtained from the study of homogeneous ideals sharing the same initial ideal with respect to some term order, we prove the singularity of the point corresponding to a segment ideal with respect to the revlex term order in the Hilbert scheme of points in Pn\mathbb{P}^n. In this context, we look inside properties of several types of "segment" ideals that we define and compare. This study led us to focus our attention also to connections between the shape of generators of Borel ideals and the related Hilbert polynomial, providing an algorithm for computing all saturated Borel ideals with the given Hilbert polynomial.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figures. Comments and suggestions are welcome