16,255 research outputs found

    KIDE4I: A Generic Semantics-Based Task-Oriented Dialogue System for Human-Machine Interaction in Industry 5.0

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    In Industry 5.0, human workers and their wellbeing are placed at the centre of the production process. In this context, task-oriented dialogue systems allow workers to delegate simple tasks to industrial assets while working on other, more complex ones. The possibility of naturally interacting with these systems reduces the cognitive demand to use them and triggers acceptation. Most modern solutions, however, do not allow a natural communication, and modern techniques to obtain such systems require large amounts of data to be trained, which is scarce in these scenarios. To overcome these challenges, this paper presents KIDE4I (Knowledge-drIven Dialogue framEwork for Industry), a semantic-based task-oriented dialogue system framework for industry that allows workers to naturally interact with industrial systems, is easy to adapt to new scenarios and does not require great amounts of data to be constructed. This work also reports the process to adapt KIDE4I to new scenarios. To validate and evaluate KIDE4I, it has been adapted to four use cases that are relevant to industrial scenarios following the described methodology, and two of them have been evaluated through two user studies. The system has been considered as accurate, useful, efficient, not demanding cognitively, flexible and fast. Furthermore, subjects view the system as a tool to improve their productivity and security while carrying out their tasks.This research was partially funded by the Basque Government’s Elkartek research and innovation program, projects EKIN (grant no KK-2020/00055) and DeepText (grant no KK-2020/00088)

    Generic semantics-based task-oriented dialogue system framework for human-machine interaction in industrial scenarios

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    285 p.En Industria 5.0, los trabajadores y su bienestar son cruciales en el proceso de producción. En estecontexto, los sistemas de diálogo orientados a tareas permiten que los operarios deleguen las tareas mássencillas a los sistemas industriales mientras trabajan en otras más complejas. Además, la posibilidad deinteractuar de forma natural con estos sistemas reduce la carga cognitiva para usarlos y genera aceptaciónpor parte de los usuarios. Sin embargo, la mayoría de las soluciones existentes no permiten unacomunicación natural, y las técnicas actuales para obtener dichos sistemas necesitan grandes cantidadesde datos para ser entrenados, que son escasos en este tipo de escenarios. Esto provoca que los sistemas dediálogo orientados a tareas en el ámbito industrial sean muy específicos, lo que limita su capacidad de sermodificados o reutilizados en otros escenarios, tareas que están ligadas a un gran esfuerzo en términos detiempo y costes. Dados estos retos, en esta tesis se combinan Tecnologías de la Web Semántica contécnicas de Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural para desarrollar KIDE4I, un sistema de diálogo orientadoa tareas semántico para entornos industriales que permite una comunicación natural entre humanos ysistemas industriales. Los módulos de KIDE4I están diseñados para ser genéricos para una sencillaadaptación a nuevos casos de uso. La ontología modular TODO es el núcleo de KIDE4I, y se encarga demodelar el dominio y el proceso de diálogo, además de almacenar las trazas generadas. KIDE4I se haimplementado y adaptado para su uso en cuatro casos de uso industriales, demostrando que el proceso deadaptación para ello no es complejo y se beneficia del uso de recursos

    A common ground for virtual humans: using an ontology in a natural language oriented virtual human architecture

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    When dealing with large, distributed systems that use state-of-the-art components, individual components are usually developed in parallel. As development continues, the decoupling invariably leads to a mismatch between how these components internally represent concepts and how they communicate these representations to other components: representations can get out of synch, contain localized errors, or become manageable only by a small group of experts for each module. In this paper, we describe the use of an ontology as part of a complex distributed virtual human architecture in order to enable better communication between modules while improving the overall flexibility needed to change or extend the system. We focus on the natural language understanding capabilities of this architecture and the relationship between language and concepts within the entire system in general and the ontology in particular. 1

    Proceedings of the 11th European Agent Systems Summer School Student Session

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    This volume contains the papers presented at the Student Session of the 11th European Agent Systems Summer School (EASSS) held on 2nd of September 2009 at Educatorio della Providenza, Turin, Italy. The Student Session, organised by students, is designed to encourage student interaction and feedback from the tutors. By providing the students with a conference-like setup, both in the presentation and in the review process, students have the opportunity to prepare their own submission, go through the selection process and present their work to each other and their interests to their fellow students as well as internationally leading experts in the agent field, both from the theoretical and the practical sector. Table of Contents: Andrew Koster, Jordi Sabater Mir and Marco Schorlemmer, Towards an inductive algorithm for learning trust alignment . . . 5; Angel Rolando Medellin, Katie Atkinson and Peter McBurney, A Preliminary Proposal for Model Checking Command Dialogues. . . 12; Declan Mungovan, Enda Howley and Jim Duggan, Norm Convergence in Populations of Dynamically Interacting Agents . . . 19; Akın Günay, Argumentation on Bayesian Networks for Distributed Decision Making . . 25; Michael Burkhardt, Marco Luetzenberger and Nils Masuch, Towards Toolipse 2: Tool Support for the JIAC V Agent Framework . . . 30; Joseph El Gemayel, The Tenacity of Social Actors . . . 33; Cristian Gratie, The Impact of Routing on Traffic Congestion . . . 36; Andrei-Horia Mogos and Monica Cristina Voinescu, A Rule-Based Psychologist Agent for Improving the Performances of a Sportsman . . . 39; --Autonomer Agent,Agent,Künstliche Intelligenz

    Ontologies Supporting Intelligent Agent-Based Assistance

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    Intelligent agent-based assistants are systems that try to simplify peoples work based on computers. Recent research on intelligent assistance has presented significant results in several and different situations. Building such a system is a difficult task that requires expertise in numerous artificial intelligence and engineering disciplines. A key point in this kind of system is knowledge handling. The use of ontologies for representing domain knowledge and for supporting reasoning is becoming wide-spread in many areas, including intelligent assistance. In this paper we present how ontologies can be used to support intelligent assistance in a multi-agent system context. We show how ontologies may be spread over the multi-agent system architecture, highlighting their role controlling user interaction and service description. We present in detail an ontology-based conversational interface for personal assistants, showing how to design an ontology for semantic interpretation and how the interpretation process uses it for semantic analysis. We also present how ontologies are used to describe decentralized services based on a multi-agent architecture

    Prototype of a Conversational Assistant for Satellite Mission Operations

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    The very first artificial satellite, Sputnik, was launched in 1957 marking a new era. Concurrently, satellite mission operations emerged. These start at launch and finish at the end of mission, when the spacecraft is decommissioned. Running a satellite mission requires the monitoring and control of telemetry data, to verify and maintain satellite health, reconfigure and command the spacecraft, detect, identify and resolve anomalies and perform launch and early orbit operations. The very first chatbot, ELIZA was created in 1966, and also marked a new era of Artificial Intelligence Systems. Said systems answer users’ questions in the most diverse domains, interpreting the human language input and responding in the same manner. Nowadays, these systems are everywhere, and the list of possible applications seems endless. The goal of the present master’s dissertation is to develop a prototype of a chatbot for mission operations. For this purpose implementing a Natural Language Processing (NLP) model for satellite missions allied to a dialogue flow model. The performance of the conversational assistant is evaluated with its implementation on a mission operated by the European Space Agency (ESA), implying the generation of the spacecraft’s Database Knowledge Graph (KG). Throughout the years, many tools have been developed and added to the systems used to monitor and control spacecrafts helping Flight Control Teams (FCT) either by maintaining a comprehensive overview of the spacecraft’s status and health, speeding up failure investigation, or allowing to easily correlate time series of telemetry data. However, despite all the advances made which facilitate the daily tasks, the teams still need to navigate through thousands of parameters and events spanning years of data, using purposely built user interfaces and relying on filters and time series plots. The solution presented in this dissertation and proposed by VisionSpace Technologies focuses on improving operational efficiency whilst dealing with the mission’s complex and extensive databases.O primeiro satélite artificial, Sputnik, foi lançado em 1957 e marcou o início de uma nova era. Simultaneamente, surgiram as operações de missão de satélites. Estas iniciam com o lançamento e terminam com desmantelamento do veículo espacial, que marca o fim da missão. A operação de satélites exige o acompanhamento e controlo de dados de telemetria, com o intuito de verificar e manter a saúde do satélite, reconfigurar e comandar o veículo, detetar, identificar e resolver anomalias e realizar o lançamento e as operações iniciais do satélite. Em 1966, o primeiro Chatbot foi criado, ELIZA, e também marcou uma nova era, de sistemas dotados de Inteligência Artificial. Tais sistemas respondem a perguntas nos mais diversos domínios, para tal interpretando linguagem humana e repondendo de forma similar. Hoje em dia, é muito comum encontrar estes sistemas e a lista de aplicações possíveis parece infindável. O objetivo da presente dissertação de mestrado consiste em desenvolver o protótipo de um Chatbot para operação de satélites. Para este proposito, criando um modelo de Processamento de Linguagem Natural (NLP) aplicado a missoões de satélites aliado a um modelo de fluxo de diálogo. O desempenho do assistente conversacional será avaliado com a sua implementação numa missão operada pela Agência Espacial Europeia (ESA), o que implica a elaboração do grafico de conhecimentos associado à base de dados da missão. Ao longo dos anos, várias ferramentas foram desenvolvidas e adicionadas aos sistemas que acompanham e controlam veículos espaciais, que colaboram com as equipas de controlo de missão, mantendo uma visão abrangente sobre a condição do satélite, acelerando a investigação de falhas, ou permitindo correlacionar séries temporais de dados de telemetria. No entanto, apesar de todos os progressos que facilitam as tarefas diárias, as equipas ainda necessitam de navegar por milhares de parametros e eventos que abrangem vários anos de recolha de dados, usando interfaces para esse fim e dependendo da utilização de filtros e gráficos de series temporais. A solução apresentada nesta dissertação e proposta pela VisionSpace Technologies tem como foco melhorar a eficiência operacional lidando simultaneamente com as suas complexas e extensas bases de dados

    Exploiting Deep Semantics and Compositionality of Natural Language for Human-Robot-Interaction

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    We develop a natural language interface for human robot interaction that implements reasoning about deep semantics in natural language. To realize the required deep analysis, we employ methods from cognitive linguistics, namely the modular and compositional framework of Embodied Construction Grammar (ECG) [Feldman, 2009]. Using ECG, robots are able to solve fine-grained reference resolution problems and other issues related to deep semantics and compositionality of natural language. This also includes verbal interaction with humans to clarify commands and queries that are too ambiguous to be executed safely. We implement our NLU framework as a ROS package and present proof-of-concept scenarios with different robots, as well as a survey on the state of the art

    An information assistant system for the prevention of tunnel vision in crisis management

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    In the crisis management environment, tunnel vision is a set of bias in decision makers’ cognitive process which often leads to incorrect understanding of the real crisis situation, biased perception of information, and improper decisions. The tunnel vision phenomenon is a consequence of both the challenges in the task and the natural limitation in a human being’s cognitive process. An information assistant system is proposed with the purpose of preventing tunnel vision. The system serves as a platform for monitoring the on-going crisis event. All information goes through the system before arrives at the user. The system enhances the data quality, reduces the data quantity and presents the crisis information in a manner that prevents or repairs the user’s cognitive overload. While working with such a system, the users (crisis managers) are expected to be more likely to stay aware of the actual situation, stay open minded to possibilities, and make proper decisions

    Intentional processing as a key for rational behaviour through natural interaction

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    28 pages, 13 figures.-- Special Issue: "Symbiotic Performance between Humans and Intelligent Systems".This paper presents an interaction model pursuing flexible and coherent human–computer interaction. Starting from a cognitive architecture for Natural Interaction, an agent-based design is presented, focusing particularly on the role of the interaction agent. Regarding the intentional processing within this agent, the Threads Model is proposed. Finally, its implementation is described and evaluated to find out the integrity of the intentional approach.We thank the ISYS research group at the Technical University of Madrid and the LABDA research group at the Carlos III University of Madrid for their support during the design and development of the interaction agent, and everyone involved in the ADVICE (IST 1999-11305), VIP-ADVISOR (IST 2001-32440), and recent IntegraTV4All (FIT-350301-2004-2) projects for their hard work