177 research outputs found

    Generic Correlation Increases Noncoherent MIMO Capacity

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    We study the high-SNR capacity of MIMO Rayleigh block-fading channels in the noncoherent setting where neither transmitter nor receiver has a priori channel state information. We show that when the number of receive antennas is sufficiently large and the temporal correlation within each block is "generic" (in the sense used in the interference-alignment literature), the capacity pre-log is given by T(1-1/N) for T<N, where T denotes the number of transmit antennas and N denotes the block length. A comparison with the widely used constant block-fading channel (where the fading is constant within each block) shows that for a large block length, generic correlation increases the capacity pre-log by a factor of about four.Comment: To be presented at IEEE Int. Symp. Inf. Theory (ISIT) 2013, Istanbul, Turke

    Oversampling Increases the Pre-Log of Noncoherent Rayleigh Fading Channels

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    We analyze the capacity of a continuous-time, time-selective, Rayleigh block-fading channel in the high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regime. The fading process is assumed stationary within each block and to change independently from block to block; furthermore, its realizations are not known a priori to the transmitter and the receiver (noncoherent setting). A common approach to analyzing the capacity of this channel is to assume that the receiver performs matched filtering followed by sampling at symbol rate (symbol matched filtering). This yields a discrete-time channel in which each transmitted symbol corresponds to one output sample. Liang & Veeravalli (2004) showed that the capacity of this discrete-time channel grows logarithmically with the SNR, with a capacity pre-log equal to 1−Q/N1-{Q}/{N}. Here, NN is the number of symbols transmitted within one fading block, and QQ is the rank of the covariance matrix of the discrete-time channel gains within each fading block. In this paper, we show that symbol matched filtering is not a capacity-achieving strategy for the underlying continuous-time channel. Specifically, we analyze the capacity pre-log of the discrete-time channel obtained by oversampling the continuous-time channel output, i.e., by sampling it faster than at symbol rate. We prove that by oversampling by a factor two one gets a capacity pre-log that is at least as large as 1−1/N1-1/N. Since the capacity pre-log corresponding to symbol-rate sampling is 1−Q/N1-Q/N, our result implies indeed that symbol matched filtering is not capacity achieving at high SNR.Comment: To appear in the IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Noncoherent Capacity of Underspread Fading Channels

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    We derive bounds on the noncoherent capacity of wide-sense stationary uncorrelated scattering (WSSUS) channels that are selective both in time and frequency, and are underspread, i.e., the product of the channel's delay spread and Doppler spread is small. For input signals that are peak constrained in time and frequency, we obtain upper and lower bounds on capacity that are explicit in the channel's scattering function, are accurate for a large range of bandwidth and allow to coarsely identify the capacity-optimal bandwidth as a function of the peak power and the channel's scattering function. We also obtain a closed-form expression for the first-order Taylor series expansion of capacity in the limit of large bandwidth, and show that our bounds are tight in the wideband regime. For input signals that are peak constrained in time only (and, hence, allowed to be peaky in frequency), we provide upper and lower bounds on the infinite-bandwidth capacity and find cases when the bounds coincide and the infinite-bandwidth capacity is characterized exactly. Our lower bound is closely related to a result by Viterbi (1967). The analysis in this paper is based on a discrete-time discrete-frequency approximation of WSSUS time- and frequency-selective channels. This discretization explicitly takes into account the underspread property, which is satisfied by virtually all wireless communication channels.Comment: Submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Massive MIMO for Internet of Things (IoT) Connectivity

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    Massive MIMO is considered to be one of the key technologies in the emerging 5G systems, but also a concept applicable to other wireless systems. Exploiting the large number of degrees of freedom (DoFs) of massive MIMO essential for achieving high spectral efficiency, high data rates and extreme spatial multiplexing of densely distributed users. On the one hand, the benefits of applying massive MIMO for broadband communication are well known and there has been a large body of research on designing communication schemes to support high rates. On the other hand, using massive MIMO for Internet-of-Things (IoT) is still a developing topic, as IoT connectivity has requirements and constraints that are significantly different from the broadband connections. In this paper we investigate the applicability of massive MIMO to IoT connectivity. Specifically, we treat the two generic types of IoT connections envisioned in 5G: massive machine-type communication (mMTC) and ultra-reliable low-latency communication (URLLC). This paper fills this important gap by identifying the opportunities and challenges in exploiting massive MIMO for IoT connectivity. We provide insights into the trade-offs that emerge when massive MIMO is applied to mMTC or URLLC and present a number of suitable communication schemes. The discussion continues to the questions of network slicing of the wireless resources and the use of massive MIMO to simultaneously support IoT connections with very heterogeneous requirements. The main conclusion is that massive MIMO can bring benefits to the scenarios with IoT connectivity, but it requires tight integration of the physical-layer techniques with the protocol design.Comment: Submitted for publicatio

    Soft-decision multiple-symbol differential sphere detection and decision-feedback differential detection for differential QAM dispensing with channel estimation in the face of rapidly fading channels

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    Turbo detection performed by exchanging extrinsic information between the soft-decision QAM detector and the channel decoder is beneficial for the sake of exploring the bit dependency imposed both by modulation and by channel coding. However, when the soft-decision coherent QAM detectors are provided with imperfect channel estimates in rapidly fading channels, they tend to produce potentially unreliable LLRs that deviate from the true probabilities, which degrades the turbo detection performance. Against this background, in this paper, we propose a range of new soft-decision multiple-symbol differential sphere detection (MSDSD) and decision-feedback differential detection (DFDD) solutions for differential QAM (DQAM), which dispense with channel estimation in the face of rapidly fading channels. Our proposed design aims for solving the two inherent problems in soft-decision DQAM detection design, which have also been the most substantial obstacle in the way of offering a solution for turbo detected MSDSD aided differential MIMO schemes using QAM: 1) how to facilitate the soft-decision detection of the DQAM's amplitudes, which-in contrast to the DPSK phases-do not form a unitary matrix, and 2) how to separate and streamline the DQAM's soft-decision amplitude and phase detectors. Our simulation results demonstrate that our proposed MSDSD aided DQAM solution is capable of substantially outperforming its MSDSD aided DPSK counterpart in coded systems without imposing a higher complexity. Moreover, our proposed DFDD aided DQAM solution is shown to outperform the conventional solutions in literature. Our discussions on the important subject of coherent versus noncoherent schemes suggest that compared to coherent square QAM relying on realistic imperfect channel estimation, MSDSD aided DQAM may be deemed as a better candidate for turbo detection assisted coded systems operating at high Doppler frequencie

    Lens antenna arrays: an efficient framework for sparse-aware large-MIMO communications

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    The recent increase in the demand for higher data transmission rates in wireless communications has entailed many implementation issues that can only be resolved by going through a full paradigm shift. Making use of the millimetric spectrum bands is a very attractive solution to the shortage of radio resources but, to garner all their potential, new techniques must be developed. Most of them are contained in the Massive Multiple Input Multiple Output (M-MIMO) framework: the idea of using very large antenna arrays for cellular communications. In this thesis, we propose the usage of Lens Antenna Arrays (LAA) to avoid the unbearable power and infrastructure costs posed by traditional M-MIMO architectures. This novel communication system exploits the angular-dependent power focusing capabilities of an electromagnetic lens to discern between waves with different angles of arrival and departure, without explicit signal processing. The work presented in this document motivates the use of LAAs in mmWave communications, studies some of their mathematical properties and proposes their application in noncoherent schemes. Numerical results validate the performance of this novel kind of systems and confirm their strengths in both multi-user and block fading settings. LAAs that use noncoherent methods appear to be very suitable for vehicular communications and densely populated cellular networks.En los últimos tiempos, el incremento en la demanda de mayor velocidad de transmisión de datos en redes de comunicación inalámbricas ha conllevado varios problemas de implementación que solo se podrán resolver a través de un cambio total de paradigma. Utilizar bandas milimétricas del espectro es una solución muy atractiva a la escasez de recursos de radio pero, para poder extraer todo su potencial, es necesario desarrollar nuevas técnicas. La mayor parte de éstas pasa por la infraestructura Massive Multiple Input Multiple Output (M-MIMO): la idea de usar matrices de antenas muy grandes para comunicaciones celulares. En esta tesis, proponemos el uso de matrices de antenas con lente, o Lens Antenna Arrays (LAA), para evitar los inasumibles costes energéticos y de instalación propios de las arquitecturas M-MIMO tradicionales. Este novedoso sistema de comunicaciones explota las capacidades de concentración de energía con dependencia angular de las lentes electromagnéticas para distinguir entre ondas con distintas direcciones de llegada y de salida, sin procesado de la señal explícito. El trabajo presentado en este documento motiva el uso de los LAAs en comunicaciones en bandas milimétricas (mmWave), estudia varias propiedades matemáticas y propone su aplicación en esquemas no coherentes. Resultados numéricos validan su ejecución y confirman sus fortalezas en entornos multiusuario y con desvanecimiento en bloque. Los LAAs que utilizan métodos no coherentes parecen ser idóneos para comunicaciones vehiculares y para redes celulares altamente pobladas.En els darrers temps, l'increment en la demanda de major velocitat de transmissió de dades en xarxes de comunicació inalàmbriques ha comportat diversos problemes d'implementació que tan sols es podran resoldre a través d'un canvi total de paradigma. Utilitzar les bandes mil·limètriques de l'espectre és una solució molt atractiva a l'escassetat de recursos de ràdio però, per tal d'extreure'n tot el seu potencial, és necessari desenvolupar noves tècniques. La majoria d'aquestes passa per la infraestructura Massive Multiple Input Multiple Output (M-MIMO): la idea d'utilitzar matrius d'antenes molt grans per a comunicacions cel·lulars. En aquesta tesi, proposem l'ús de matrius d'antenes amb lent, o Lens Antenna Arrays (LAA), per tal d'evitar els inassumibles costos energètics i d'instal·lació propis d'arquitectures M-MIMO tradicionals. Aquest innovador sistema de comunicacions explota les capacitats de concentració d'energia amb dependència angular de les lents electromagnètiques per tal de distingir entre ones amb diferents direccions d'arribada i de sortida, sense processament de senyal explícit. El treball presentat en aquest document motiva l'ús dels LAAs per comunicacions en bandes mil·limètriques (mmWave), n'estudia diverses propietats matemàtiques i proposa la seva aplicació en esquemes no coherents. Resultats numèrics en validen l'execució i confirmen les seves fortaleses en entorns multi-usuari i amb esvaïment en bloc. Els LAAs que utilitzen mètodes no coherents semblen ser idonis per a comunicacions vehiculars i per a xarxes cel·lulars altament poblades
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