16 research outputs found

    Generic Controllability of 3D Swimmers in a Perfect Fluid

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    We address the problem of controlling a dynamical system governing the motion of a 3D weighted shape changing body swimming in a perfect fluid. The rigid displacement of the swimmer results from the exchange of momentum between prescribed shape changes and the flow, the total impulse of the fluid-swimmer system being constant for all times. We prove the following tracking results: (i) Synchronized swimming: Maybe up to an arbitrarily small change of its density, any swimmer can approximately follow any given trajectory while, in addition, undergoing approximately any given shape changes. In this statement, the control consists in arbitrarily small superimposed deformations; (ii) Freestyle swimming: Maybe up to an arbitrarily small change of its density, any swimmer can approximately tracks any given trajectory by combining suitably at most five basic movements that can be generically chosen (no macro shape changes are prescribed in this statement)

    Optimal Strokes for Driftless Swimmers: A General Geometric Approach

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    Swimming consists by definition in propelling through a fluid by means of bodily movements. Thus, from a mathematical point of view, swimming turns into a control problem for which the controls are the deformations of the swimmer. The aim of this paper is to present a unified geometric approach for the optimization of the body deformations of so-called driftless swimmers. The class of driftless swimmers includes, among other, swimmers in a 3D Stokes flow (case of micro-swimmers in viscous fluids) or swimmers in a 2D or 3D potential flow. A general framework is introduced, allowing the complete analysis of five usual nonlinear optimization problems to be carried out. The results are illustrated with examples coming from the literature and with an in-depth study of a swimmer in a 2D potential flow. Numerical tests are also provided

    Asymptotic analysis of a Neumann problem in a domain with cusp. Application to the collision problem of rigid bodies in a perfect fluid

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    We study a two dimensional collision problem for a rigid solid immersed in a cavity filled with a perfect fluid. We are led to investigate the asymptotic behavior of the Dirichlet energy associated to the solution of a Laplace Neumann problem as the distance ε>0\varepsilon>0 between the solid and the cavity's bottom tends to zero. Denoting by α>0\alpha>0 the tangency exponent at the contact point, we prove that the solid always reaches the cavity in finite time, but with a non zero velocity for α<2\alpha <2 (real shock case), and with null velocity for α⩾2\alpha \geqslant 2 (smooth landing case). Our proof is based on a suitable change of variables sending to infinity the cusp singularity at the contact. More precisely, for every ε⩾0\varepsilon\geqslant 0, we transform the Laplace Neumann problem into a generalized Neumann problem set on a domain containing a horizontal strip ]0,ℓε[×]0,1[]0,\ell_\varepsilon[\times ]0,1[, where ℓε→+∞\ell_\varepsilon\to +\infty

    The N -Link Swimmer in Three Dimensions: Controllability and Optimality Results

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    The controllability of a fully three-dimensional N -link swimmer is studied. After deriving the equations of motion in a low Reynolds number fluid by means of Resistive Force Theory, the controllability of the minimal 2-link swimmer is tackled using techniques from Geometric Control Theory. The shape of the 2-link swimmer is described by two angle parameters. It is shown that the associated vector fields that govern the dynamics generate, via taking their Lie brackets, all eight linearly independent directions in the combined configuration and shape space, leading to controllability; the swimmer can move from any starting configuration and shape to any target configuration and shape by operating on the two shape variables. The result is subsequently extended to the N -link swimmer. Finally, the minimal time optimal control problem and the minimization of the power expended are addressed and a qualitative description of the optimal strategies is provided

    External boundary control of the motion of a rigid body immersed in a perfect two-dimensional fluid

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    We consider the motion of a rigid body due to the pressure of a surrounded two-dimensional irrotational perfect incompressible fluid, the whole system being confined in a bounded domain with an impermeable condition on a part of the external boundary. Thanks to an impulsive control strategy we prove that there exists an appropriate boundary condition on the remaining part of the external boundary (allowing some fluid going in and out the domain) such that the immersed rigid body is driven from some given initial position and velocity to some final position and velocity in a given positive time, without touching the external boundary. The controlled part of the external boundary is assumed to have a nonvoid interior and the final position is assumed to be in the same connected component of the set of possible positions as the initial position

    Swim-like motion of bodies immersed in an ideal fluid

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    The connection between swimming and control theory is attracting increasing attention in the recent literature. Starting from an idea of Alberto Bressan [A. Bressan, Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 20 (2008) 1\u201335]. we study the system of a planar body whose position and shape are described by a finite number of parameters, and is immersed in a 2-dimensional ideal and incompressible fluid in terms of gauge field on the space of shapes. We focus on a class of deformations measure preserving which are diffeomeorphisms whose existence is ensured by the Riemann Mapping Theorem. After making the first order expansion for small deformations, we face a crucial problem: the presence of possible non vanishing initial impulse. If the body starts with zero initial impulse we recover the results present in literature (Marsden, Munnier and oths). If instead the body starts with an initial impulse different from zero, the swimmer can self-propel in almost any direction if it can undergo shape changes without any bound on their velocity. This interesting observation, together with the analysis of the controllability of this system, seems innovative. Mathematics Subject Classification. 74F10, 74L15, 76B99, 76Z10. Received June 14, 2016. Accepted March 18, 2017. 1. Introduction In this work we are interested in studying the self-propulsion of a deformable body in a fluid. This kind of systems is attracting an increasing interest in recent literature. Many authors focus on two different type of fluids. Some of them consider swimming at micro scale in a Stokes fluid [2,4\u20136,27,35,40], because in this regime the inertial terms can be neglected and the hydrodynamic equations are linear. Others are interested in bodies immersed in an ideal incompressible fluid [8,18,23,30,33] and also in this case the hydrodynamic equations turn out to be linear. We deal with the last case, in particular we study a deformable body -typically a swimmer or a fish- immersed in an ideal and irrotational fluid. This special case has an interesting geometric nature and there is an attractive mathematical framework for it. We exploit this intrinsically geometrical structure of the problem inspired by [32,39,40], in which they interpret the system in terms of gauge field on the space of shapes. The choice of taking into account the inertia can apparently lead to a more complex system, but neglecting the viscosity the hydrodynamic equations are still linear, and this fact makes the system more manageable. The same fluid regime and existence of solutions of these hydrodynamic equations has been studied in [18] regarding the motion of rigid bodies

    Control of locomotion systems and dynamics in relative periodic orbits

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    The connection between the dynamics in relative periodic orbits of vector fields with noncompact symmetry groups and periodic control for the class of control systems on Lie groups known as `(robotic) locomotion systems' is well known, and has led to the identification of (geometric) phases. We take an approach which is complementary to the existing ones, advocating the relevance|for trajectory generation in these control systems|of the quali-tative properties of the dynamics in relative periodic orbits. There are two particularly important features. One is that motions in relative periodic orbits of noncompact groups can only be of two types: Either they are quasi-periodic, or they leave any compact set as t →±∞ (`drifting motions'). Moreover, in a given group, one of the two behaviours may be predominant. The second is that motions in a relative periodic orbit exhibit `spiralling', `meandering' behaviours, which are routinely detected in numerical integrations. Since a quantitative description of meandering behaviours for drifting motions appears to be missing, we provide it here for a class of Lie groups that includes those of interest in locomotion (semidirect products of a compact group and a normal vector space). We illustrate these ideas on some examples (a kinematic car robot, a planar swimmer)