1,120 research outputs found

    Generic Attacks on Misty Schemes -5 rounds is not enough-

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    Misty schemes are classic cryptographic schemes used to construct pseudo-random permutations from 2n2n bits to 2n2n bits by using dd pseudo-random permutations from nn bits to nn bits. These dd permutations will be called the ``internal\u27\u27 permutations, and dd is the number of rounds of the Misty scheme. Misty schemes are important from a practical point of view since for example, the Kasumi algorithm based on Misty schemes has been adopted as the standard blockcipher in the third generation mobile systems. In this paper we describe the best known ``generic\u27\u27 attacks on Misty schemes, i.e. attacks when the internal permutations do not have special properties, or are randomly chosen. We describe known plaintext attacks (KPA), non-adaptive chosen plaintext attacks (CPA-1) and adaptive chosen plaintext and ciphertext attacks (CPCA-2) against these schemes. Some of these attacks were previously known, some are new. One important result of this paper is that we will show that when d=5d=5 rounds, there exist such attacks with a complexity strictly less than 22n2^{2n}. Consequently, at least 6 rounds are necessary to avoid these generic attacks on Misty schemes. When d6d \geq 6 we also describe some attacks on Misty generators, i.e. attacks where more than one Misty permutation is required

    Mirror Theory and Cryptography

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    ``Mirror Theory\u27\u27 is the theory that evaluates the number of solutions of affine systems of equalities (=) and non equalities (\neq) in finite groups. It is deeply related to the security and attacks of many generic cryptographic secret key schemes, for example random Feistel schemes (balanced or unbalanced), Misty schemes, Xor of two pseudo-random bijections to generate a pseudo-random function etc. In this paper we will assume that the groups are abelian. Most of time in cryptography the group is ((Z/2Z)n,)((\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z})^n, \oplus) and we will concentrate this paper on these cases. We will present here general definitions, some theorems, and many examples and computer simulations

    Exercice de style

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    We present the construction and implementation of an 8-bit S-box with a differential and linear branch number of 3. We show an application by designing FLY, a simple block cipher based on bitsliced evaluations of the S-box and bit rotations that targets the same platforms as PRIDE, and which can be seen as a variant of PRESENT with 8-bit S-boxes. It achieves the same performance as PRIDE on 8-bit microcontrollers (in terms of number of instructions per round) while having 1.5 times more equivalent active S-boxes. The S-box also has an efficient implementation with SIMD instructions, a low implementation cost in hardware and it can be masked efficiently thanks to its sparing use of non-linear gates.Cette note présente la construction et l'implémentation d'une boîte S sur 8 bits qui a un branchement linéaire et différentiel de 3.Nous montrons une application en construisant un chiffre par bloc sur 64 bits dont la structure est très simple et est basée sur l'évaluationen tranches (bitsliced) de la boîte S et des rotations sur mots de 8 bits et qui peut être vu comme une variante de PRESENT avec une boîte S de 8 bits. La fonction de tour de ce chiffre peut s'implémenter avec le même nombred'instructions que celle de PRIDE sur micro-controleurs 8-bits, tout en ayant 1,5 fois plus de boîtes S actives (relativement).Cette boîte S peut aussi s'implémenter efficacement avec des instructions SIMD, a un coût faible en matériel etpeut se masquer efficacement grâce au peu de portes non-linéaires nécessaires

    A Survey on Wireless Sensor Network Security

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have recently attracted a lot of interest in the research community due their wide range of applications. Due to distributed nature of these networks and their deployment in remote areas, these networks are vulnerable to numerous security threats that can adversely affect their proper functioning. This problem is more critical if the network is deployed for some mission-critical applications such as in a tactical battlefield. Random failure of nodes is also very likely in real-life deployment scenarios. Due to resource constraints in the sensor nodes, traditional security mechanisms with large overhead of computation and communication are infeasible in WSNs. Security in sensor networks is, therefore, a particularly challenging task. This paper discusses the current state of the art in security mechanisms for WSNs. Various types of attacks are discussed and their countermeasures presented. A brief discussion on the future direction of research in WSN security is also included.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figures, 2 table

    Security of the Misty Structure Beyond the Birthday Bound

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    In this paper, we first prove beyond-birthyday-bound security for the Misty structure. Specifically, we show that an rr-round Misty structure is secure against CCA attacks up to O(2rnr+7)O(2^{\frac{rn}{r+7}}) query complexity, where nn is the size of each round permutation. So for any ϵ>0\epsilon>0, a sufficient number of rounds would guarantee the security of the Misty structure up to 2n(1ϵ)2^{n(1-\epsilon)} query complexity

    Small-Box Cryptography

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    One of the ultimate goals of symmetric-key cryptography is to find a rigorous theoretical framework for building block ciphers from small components, such as cryptographic S-boxes, and then argue why iterating such small components for sufficiently many rounds would yield a secure construction. Unfortunately, a fundamental obstacle towards reaching this goal comes from the fact that traditional security proofs cannot get security beyond 2^{-n}, where n is the size of the corresponding component. As a result, prior provably secure approaches - which we call "big-box cryptography" - always made n larger than the security parameter, which led to several problems: (a) the design was too coarse to really explain practical constructions, as (arguably) the most interesting design choices happening when instantiating such "big-boxes" were completely abstracted out; (b) the theoretically predicted number of rounds for the security of this approach was always dramatically smaller than in reality, where the "big-box" building block could not be made as ideal as required by the proof. For example, Even-Mansour (and, more generally, key-alternating) ciphers completely ignored the substitution-permutation network (SPN) paradigm which is at the heart of most real-world implementations of such ciphers. In this work, we introduce a novel paradigm for justifying the security of existing block ciphers, which we call small-box cryptography. Unlike the "big-box" paradigm, it allows one to go much deeper inside the existing block cipher constructions, by only idealizing a small (and, hence, realistic!) building block of very small size n, such as an 8-to-32-bit S-box. It then introduces a clean and rigorous mixture of proofs and hardness conjectures which allow one to lift traditional, and seemingly meaningless, "at most 2^{-n}" security proofs for reduced-round idealized variants of the existing block ciphers, into meaningful, full-round security justifications of the actual ciphers used in the real world. We then apply our framework to the analysis of SPN ciphers (e.g, generalizations of AES), getting quite reasonable and plausible concrete hardness estimates for the resulting ciphers. We also apply our framework to the design of stream ciphers. Here, however, we focus on the simplicity of the resulting construction, for which we managed to find a direct "big-box"-style security justification, under a well studied and widely believed eXact Linear Parity with Noise (XLPN) assumption. Overall, we hope that our work will initiate many follow-up results in the area of small-box cryptography

    Constructing TI-Friendly Substitution Boxes Using Shift-Invariant Permutations

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    The threat posed by side channels requires ciphers that can be efficiently protected in both software and hardware against such attacks. In this paper, we proposed a novel Sbox construction based on iterations of shift-invariant quadratic permutations and linear diffusions. Owing to the selected quadratic permutations, all of our Sboxes enable uniform 3-share threshold implementations, which provide first order SCA protections without any fresh randomness. More importantly, because of the shift-invariant property, there are ample implementation trade-offs available, in software as well as hardware. We provide implementation results (software and hardware) for a four-bit and an eight-bit Sbox, which confirm that our constructions are competitive and can be easily adapted to various platforms as claimed. We have successfully verified their resistance to first order attacks based on real acquisitions. Because there are very few studies focusing on software-based threshold implementations, our software implementations might be of independent interest in this regard

    D.STVL.9 - Ongoing Research Areas in Symmetric Cryptography

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    This report gives a brief summary of some of the research trends in symmetric cryptography at the time of writing (2008). The following aspects of symmetric cryptography are investigated in this report: • the status of work with regards to different types of symmetric algorithms, including block ciphers, stream ciphers, hash functions and MAC algorithms (Section 1); • the algebraic attacks on symmetric primitives (Section 2); • the design criteria for symmetric ciphers (Section 3); • the provable properties of symmetric primitives (Section 4); • the major industrial needs in the area of symmetric cryptography (Section 5)

    Ongoing Research Areas in Symmetric Cryptography

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    This report is a deliverable for the ECRYPT European network of excellence in cryptology. It gives a brief summary of some of the research trends in symmetric cryptography at the time of writing. The following aspects of symmetric cryptography are investigated in this report: • the status of work with regards to different types of symmetric algorithms, including block ciphers, stream ciphers, hash functions and MAC algorithms (Section 1); • the recently proposed algebraic attacks on symmetric primitives (Section 2); • the design criteria for symmetric ciphers (Section 3); • the provable properties of symmetric primitives (Section 4); • the major industrial needs in the area of symmetric cryptography (Section 5)