24 research outputs found

    The Importance of Robust Features in Mitigating Catastrophic Forgetting

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    Continual learning (CL) is an approach to address catastrophic forgetting, which refers to forgetting previously learned knowledge by neural networks when trained on new tasks or data distributions. The adversarial robustness has decomposed features into robust and non-robust types and demonstrated that models trained on robust features significantly enhance adversarial robustness. However, no study has been conducted on the efficacy of robust features from the lens of the CL model in mitigating catastrophic forgetting in CL. In this paper, we introduce the CL robust dataset and train four baseline models on both the standard and CL robust datasets. Our results demonstrate that the CL models trained on the CL robust dataset experienced less catastrophic forgetting of the previously learned tasks than when trained on the standard dataset. Our observations highlight the significance of the features provided to the underlying CL models, showing that CL robust features can alleviate catastrophic forgetting

    Relaxing the Forget Constraints in Open World Recognition

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    In the last few years deep neural networks has significantly improved the state-of-the-art of robotic vision. However, they are mainly trained to recognize only the categories provided in the training set (closed world assumption), being ill equipped to operate in the real world, where new unknown objects may appear over time. In this work, we investigate the open world recognition (OWR) problem that presents two challenges: (i) learn new concepts over time (incremental learning) and (ii) discern between known and unknown categories (open set recognition). Current state-of-the-art OWR methods address incremental learning by employing a knowledge distillation loss. It forces the model to keep the same predictions across training steps, in order to maintain the acquired knowledge. This behaviour may induce the model in mimicking uncertain predictions, preventing it from reaching an optimal representation on the new classes. To overcome this limitation, we propose the Poly loss that penalizes less the changes in the predictions for uncertain samples, while forcing the same output on confident ones. Moreover, we introduce a forget constraint relaxation strategy that allows the model to obtain a better representation of new classes by randomly zeroing the contribution of some old classes from the distillation loss. Finally, while current methods rely on metric learning to detect unknown samples, we propose a new rejection strategy that sidesteps it and directly uses the model classifier to estimate if a sample is known or not. Experiments on three datasets demonstrate that our method outperforms the state of the art

    ScrollNet: Dynamic Weight Importance for Continual Learning

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    The principle underlying most existing continual learning (CL) methods is to prioritize stability by penalizing changes in parameters crucial to old tasks, while allowing for plasticity in other parameters. The importance of weights for each task can be determined either explicitly through learning a task-specific mask during training (e.g., parameter isolation-based approaches) or implicitly by introducing a regularization term (e.g., regularization-based approaches). However, all these methods assume that the importance of weights for each task is unknown prior to data exposure. In this paper, we propose ScrollNet as a scrolling neural network for continual learning. ScrollNet can be seen as a dynamic network that assigns the ranking of weight importance for each task before data exposure, thus achieving a more favorable stability-plasticity tradeoff during sequential task learning by reassigning this ranking for different tasks. Additionally, we demonstrate that ScrollNet can be combined with various CL methods, including regularization-based and replay-based approaches. Experimental results on CIFAR100 and TinyImagenet datasets show the effectiveness of our proposed method. We release our code at https://github.com/FireFYF/ScrollNet.git.Comment: Accepted at Visual Continual Learning workshop (ICCV2023

    Class-Incremental Learning for Wireless Device Identification in IoT

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    Deep Learning (DL) has been utilized pervasively in the Internet of Things (IoT). One typical application of DL in IoT is device identification from wireless signals, namely Noncryptographic Device Identification (NDI). However, learning components in NDI systems have to evolve to adapt to operational variations, such a paradigm is termed as Incremental Learning (IL). Various IL algorithms have been proposed and many of them require dedicated space to store the increasing amount of historical data, and therefore, they are not suitable for IoT or mobile applications. However, conventional IL schemes can not provide satisfying performance when historical data are not available. In this paper, we address the IL problem in NDI from a new perspective, firstly, we provide a new metric to measure the degree of topological maturity of DNN models from the degree of conflict of class-specific fingerprints. We discover that an important cause for performance degradation in IL enabled NDI is owing to the conflict of devices’ fingerprints. Second, we also show that the conventional IL schemes can lead to low topological maturity of DNN models in NDI systems. Thirdly, we propose a new Channel Separation Enabled Incremental Learning (CSIL) scheme without using historical data, in which our strategy can automatically separate devices’ fingerprints in different learning stages and avoid potential conflict. Finally, We evaluated the effectiveness of the proposed framework using real data from ADS-B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast), an application of IoT in aviation. The proposed framework has the potential to be applied to accurate identification of IoT devices in a variety of IoT applications and services

    Layer-Wise Partitioning and Merging for Efficient and Scalable Deep Learning

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    Deep Neural Network (DNN) models are usually trained sequentially from one layer to another, which causes forward, backward and update locking's problems, leading to poor performance in terms of training time. The existing parallel strategies to mitigate these problems provide suboptimal runtime performance. In this work, we have proposed a novel layer-wise partitioning and merging, forward and backward pass parallel framework to provide better training performance. The novelty of the proposed work consists of 1) a layer-wise partition and merging model which can minimise communication overhead between devices without the memory cost of existing strategies during the training process; 2) a forward pass and backward pass parallelisation and optimisation to address the update locking problem and minimise the total training cost. The experimental evaluation on real use cases shows that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches in terms of training speed; and achieves almost linear speedup without compromising the accuracy performance of the non-parallel approach