46 research outputs found

    UML Deficiencies from the perspective of Automatic Performance Model Generation

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    A discussion surrounding the use of UML for distributed system design

    Learning Queuing Networks by Recurrent Neural Networks

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    It is well known that building analytical performance models in practice is difficult because it requires a considerable degree of proficiency in the underlying mathematics. In this paper, we propose a machine-learning approach to derive performance models from data. We focus on queuing networks, and crucially exploit a deterministic approximation of their average dynamics in terms of a compact system of ordinary differential equations. We encode these equations into a recurrent neural network whose weights can be directly related to model parameters. This allows for an interpretable structure of the neural network, which can be trained from system measurements to yield a white-box parameterized model that can be used for prediction purposes such as what-if analyses and capacity planning. Using synthetic models as well as a real case study of a load-balancing system, we show the effectiveness of our technique in yielding models with high predictive power

    Software Performance Engineering for Cloud Applications – A Survey

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    Cloud computing enables application service providers to lease their computing capabilities for deploying applications depending on user QoS (Quality of Service) requirements.Cloud applications have different composition, configuration and deployment requirements.Quantifying the performance of applications in Cloud computing environments is a challenging task. Software performance engineering(SPE) techniques enable us to assess performance requirements of software applications at the early stages of development. This assessment helps the developers to fine tune their design needs so that the targeted performance goals can be met. In this paper, we try to analyseperformance related issues of cloud applications and identify any SPE techniques currently available for cloud applications

    Envisioning Model-Based Performance Engineering Frameworks.

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    Abstract Our daily activities depend on complex software systems that must guarantee certain performance. Several approaches have been devised in the last decade to validate software systems against performance requirements. However, software designers still encounter problems in the interpretation of performance analysis results (e.g., mean values, probability distribution functions) and in the definition of design alternatives (e.g., to split a software component in two and redeploy one of them) aimed at fulfilling performance requirements. This paper describes a general model-based performance engineering framework to support designers in dealing with such problems aimed at enhancing the system. The framework relies on a formalization of the knowledge needed in order to characterize performance flaws and provide alternative system design. Such knowledge can be instantiated based on the techniques devised for interpreting performance analysis results and providing feedback to designers. Three techniques are considered in this paper for instantiating the framework and the main challenges to face during such process are pointed out and discussed

    Approaching the Model-Driven Generation of Feedback to Remove Software Performance Flaws

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    Abstract—The problem of interpreting results of perfor-mance analysis and providing feedback on software models to overcome performance flaws is probably the most critical open issue in the field of software performance engineering. Automation in this step would help to introduce perfor-mance validation as an integrated activity in the software lifecycle, without dramatically affecting the daily practices of software developers. In this paper we approach the problem with model-driven techniques, on which we build a general solution. Basing on the concept of performance antipatterns, that are bad practices in software modeling leading to performance flaws, we introduce metamodels and transformations that can support the whole process of flaw detection and solution. The approach that we propose is notation-independent and can be embedded in any (existing or future) concrete modeling notation by using weaving models and automatically generated model transformations. Finally, we discuss the issues opened from this work and the future achievements that are at the hand in this domain thanks to model-driven techniques

    Real-time Emergency Response through Performant IoT Architectures

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    International audienceThis paper describes the design of an Internet of Things (IoT) system for building evacuation. There are two main design decisions for such systems: i) specifying the platform on which the IoT intelligent components should be located; and ii) establishing the level of collaboration among the components. For safety-critical systems, such as evacuation, real-time performance and evacuation time are critical. The approach aims to minimize computational and evacuation delays and uses Queuing Network (QN) models. The approach was tested, by computer simulation, on a real exhibition venue in Alan Turing Building, Italy, that has 34 sets of IoT sensors and actuators. Experiments were performed that tested the effect of segmenting the physical space into different sized virtual cubes. Experiments were also conducted concerning the distribution of the software architecture. The results show that using centralized architectural pattern with a segmentation of the space into large cubes is the only practical solution

    Architectural Support for Software Performance in Continuous Software Engineering: A Systematic Mapping Study

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    The continuous software engineering paradigm is gaining popularity in modern development practices, where the interleaving of design and runtime activities is induced by the continuous evolution of software systems. In this context, performance assessment is not easy, but recent studies have shown that architectural models evolving with the software can support this goal. In this paper, we present a mapping study aimed at classifying existing scientific contributions that deal with the architectural support for performance-targeted continuous software engineering. We have applied the systematic mapping methodology to an initial set of 215 potentially relevant papers and selected 66 primary studies that we have analyzed to characterize and classify the current state of research. This classification helps to focus on the main aspects that are being considered in this domain and, mostly, on the emerging findings and implications for future researc