9,669 research outputs found

    Automatic modeling of virtual humans and body clothing

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    Highly realistic virtual human models are rapidly becoming commonplace in computer graphics. These models, often represented by complex shape and requiring labor-intensive process, challenge the problem of automatic modeling. The problem and solutions to automatic modeling of animatable virtual humans are studied. Methods for capturing the shape of real people, parameterization techniques for modeling static shape (the variety of human body shapes) and dynamic shape (how the body shape changes as it moves) of virtual humans are classified, summarized and compared. Finally, methods for clothed virtual humans are reviewe

    Pose-Guided Human Animation from a Single Image in the Wild

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    We present a new pose transfer method for synthesizing a human animation from a single image of a person controlled by a sequence of body poses. Existing pose transfer methods exhibit significant visual artifacts when applying to a novel scene, resulting in temporal inconsistency and failures in preserving the identity and textures of the person. To address these limitations, we design a compositional neural network that predicts the silhouette, garment labels, and textures. Each modular network is explicitly dedicated to a subtask that can be learned from the synthetic data. At the inference time, we utilize the trained network to produce a unified representation of appearance and its labels in UV coordinates, which remains constant across poses. The unified representation provides an incomplete yet strong guidance to generating the appearance in response to the pose change. We use the trained network to complete the appearance and render it with the background. With these strategies, we are able to synthesize human animations that can preserve the identity and appearance of the person in a temporally coherent way without any fine-tuning of the network on the testing scene. Experiments show that our method outperforms the state-of-the-arts in terms of synthesis quality, temporal coherence, and generalization ability

    DeepIron: Predicting Unwarped Garment Texture from a Single Image

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    Realistic reconstruction of 3D clothing from an image has wide applications, such as avatar creation and virtual try-on. This paper presents a novel framework that reconstructs the texture map for 3D garments from a single image with pose. Assuming that 3D garments are modeled by stitching 2D garment sewing patterns, our specific goal is to generate a texture image for the sewing patterns. A key component of our framework, the Texture Unwarper, infers the original texture image from the input clothing image, which exhibits warping and occlusion of texture due to the user's body shape and pose. The Texture Unwarper effectively transforms between the input and output images by mapping the latent spaces of the two images. By inferring the unwarped original texture of the input garment, our method helps reconstruct 3D garment models that can show high-quality texture images realistically deformed for new poses. We validate the effectiveness of our approach through a comparison with other methods and ablation studies

    The pre-scientific concept of a "soul": A neurophenomenological hypothesis about its origin.

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    In this contribution I will argue that our traditional, folk-phenomenological concept of a "soul� may have its origins in accurate and truthful first-person reports about the experiential content of a specific neurophenomenological state-class. This class of phenomenal states is called the "Out-of-body experience� (OBE hereafter), and I will offer a detailed description in section 3 of this paper. The relevant type of conscious experience seems to possess a culturally invariant cluster of functional and phenomenal core properties: it is a specific kind of conscious experience, which can in principle be undergone by every human being. I propose that it probably is one of the most central semantic roots of our everyday, folk-phenomenological idea of what a soul actually is
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