4 research outputs found

    Generating Feasible Trajectories for Autonomous On-Orbit Grasping of Spinning Debris in a Useful Time

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    The grasping and stabilization of a spinning, noncooperative target satellite by means of a free-flying robot is addressed. A method for computing feasible robot trajectories for grasping a target with known geometry in a useful time is presented, based on nonlinear optimization and a look-up table. An off-line computation provides a data base for a mapping between a four-dimensional input space, to characterize the target motion, and an N-dimensional output space, representing the family of time-parameterized optimal robot trajectories. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the data base for computing grasping maneuvers in a useful time, for a sample range of spinning motions. The debris object consists of a satellite with solar appendages in Low Earth Orbit, which presents collision avoidance and timing challenges for executing the task

    Simultaneous Capture and Detumble of a Resident Space Object by a Free-Flying Spacecraft-Manipulator System

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    A maneuver to capture and detumble an orbiting space object using a chaser spacecraft equipped with a robotic manipulator is presented. In the proposed maneuver, the capture and detumble objectives are integrated into a unified set of terminal constraints. Terminal constraints on the end-effector's position and velocity ensure a successful capture, and a terminal constraint on the chaser's momenta ensures a post-capture chaser-target system with zero angular momentum. The manipulator motion required to achieve a smooth, impact-free grasp is gradually stopped after capture, equalizing the momenta across all bodies, rigidly connecting the two vehicles, and completing the detumble of the newly formed chaser-target system without further actuation. To guide this maneuver, an optimization-based approach that enforces the capture and detumble terminal constraints, avoids collisions, and satisfies actuation limits is used. The solution to the guidance problem is obtained by solving a collection of convex programming problems, making the proposed guidance approach suitable for onboard implementation and real-time use. This simultaneous capture and detumble maneuver is evaluated through numerical simulations and hardware-in-the-loop experiments. Videos of the numerically simulated and experimentally demonstrated maneuvers are included as Supplementary Material

    Design and Operational Elements of the Robotic Subsystem for the e.deorbit Debris Removal Mission

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    This paper presents a robotic capture concept that was developed as part of the e.deorbit study by ESA. The defective and tumbling satellite ENVISAT was chosen as a potential target to be captured, stabilized, and subsequently de-orbited in a controlled manner. A robotic capture concept was developed that is based on a chaser satellite equipped with a seven degrees-of-freedom dexterous robotic manipulator, holding a dedicated linear two-bracket gripper. The satellite is also equipped with a clamping mechanism for achieving a stiff fixation with the grasped target, following their combined satellite-stack de-tumbling and prior to the execution of the de-orbit maneuver. Driving elements of the robotic design, operations and control are described and analyzed. These include pre and post-capture operations, the task-specific kinematics of the manipulator, the intrinsic mechanical arm flexibility and its effect on the arm's positioning accuracy, visual tracking, as well as the interaction between the manipulator controller and that of the chaser satellite. The kinematics analysis yielded robust reachability of the grasp point. The effects of intrinsic arm flexibility turned out to be noticeable but also effectively scalable through robot joint speed adaption throughout the maneuvers. During most of the critical robot arm operations, the internal robot joint torques are shown to be within the design limits. These limits are only reached for a limiting scenario of tumbling motion of ENVISAT, consisting of an initial pure spin of 5 deg/s about its unstable intermediate axis of inertia. The computer vision performance was found to be satisfactory with respect to positioning accuracy requirements. Further developments are necessary and are being pursued to meet the stringent mission-related robustness requirements. Overall, the analyses conducted in this study showed that the capture and de-orbiting of ENVISAT using the proposed robotic concept is feasible with respect to relevant mission requirements and for most of the operational scenarios considered. Future work aims at developing a combined chaser-robot system controller. This will include a visual servo to minimize the positioning errors during the contact phases of the mission (grasping and clamping). Further validation of the visual tracking in orbital lighting conditions will be pursued

    Visual Servo Based Space Robotic Docking for Active Space Debris Removal

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    This thesis developed a 6DOF pose detection algorithm using machine learning capable of providing the orientation and location of an object in various lighting conditions and at different angles, for the purposes of space robotic rendezvous and docking control. The computer vision algorithm was paired with a virtual robotic simulation to test the feasibility of using the proposed algorithm for visual servo. This thesis also developed a method for generating virtual training images and corresponding ground truth data including both location and orientation information. Traditional computer vision techniques struggle to determine the 6DOF pose of an object when certain colors or edges are not found, therefore training a network is an optimal choice. The 6DOF pose detection algorithm was implemented on MATLAB and Python. The robotic simulation was implemented on Simulink and ROS Gazebo. Finally, the generation of training data was done with Python and Blender