318 research outputs found

    A Deep Architecture for Semantic Parsing

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    Many successful approaches to semantic parsing build on top of the syntactic analysis of text, and make use of distributional representations or statistical models to match parses to ontology-specific queries. This paper presents a novel deep learning architecture which provides a semantic parsing system through the union of two neural models of language semantics. It allows for the generation of ontology-specific queries from natural language statements and questions without the need for parsing, which makes it especially suitable to grammatically malformed or syntactically atypical text, such as tweets, as well as permitting the development of semantic parsers for resource-poor languages.Comment: In Proceedings of the Semantic Parsing Workshop at ACL 2014 (forthcoming

    Fixed-Point Performance Analysis of Recurrent Neural Networks

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    Recurrent neural networks have shown excellent performance in many applications, however they require increased complexity in hardware or software based implementations. The hardware complexity can be much lowered by minimizing the word-length of weights and signals. This work analyzes the fixed-point performance of recurrent neural networks using a retrain based quantization method. The quantization sensitivity of each layer in RNNs is studied, and the overall fixed-point optimization results minimizing the capacity of weights while not sacrificing the performance are presented. A language model and a phoneme recognition examples are used

    Scaling Recurrent Neural Network Language Models

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    This paper investigates the scaling properties of Recurrent Neural Network Language Models (RNNLMs). We discuss how to train very large RNNs on GPUs and address the questions of how RNNLMs scale with respect to model size, training-set size, computational costs and memory. Our analysis shows that despite being more costly to train, RNNLMs obtain much lower perplexities on standard benchmarks than n-gram models. We train the largest known RNNs and present relative word error rates gains of 18% on an ASR task. We also present the new lowest perplexities on the recently released billion word language modelling benchmark, 1 BLEU point gain on machine translation and a 17% relative hit rate gain in word prediction

    Text segmentation with character-level text embeddings

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    Learning word representations has recently seen much success in computational linguistics. However, assuming sequences of word tokens as input to linguistic analysis is often unjustified. For many languages word segmentation is a non-trivial task and naturally occurring text is sometimes a mixture of natural language strings and other character data. We propose to learn text representations directly from raw character sequences by training a Simple recurrent Network to predict the next character in text. The network uses its hidden layer to evolve abstract representations of the character sequences it sees. To demonstrate the usefulness of the learned text embeddings, we use them as features in a supervised character level text segmentation and labeling task: recognizing spans of text containing programming language code. By using the embeddings as features we are able to substantially improve over a baseline which uses only surface character n-grams.Comment: Workshop on Deep Learning for Audio, Speech and Language Processing, ICML 201

    Generating Steganographic Text with LSTMs

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    Motivated by concerns for user privacy, we design a steganographic system ("stegosystem") that enables two users to exchange encrypted messages without an adversary detecting that such an exchange is taking place. We propose a new linguistic stegosystem based on a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) neural network. We demonstrate our approach on the Twitter and Enron email datasets and show that it yields high-quality steganographic text while significantly improving capacity (encrypted bits per word) relative to the state-of-the-art.Comment: ACL 2017 Student Research Worksho
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