129 research outputs found

    Real-time Planning as Decision-making Under Uncertainty

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    In real-time planning, an agent must select the next action to take within a fixed time bound. Many popular real-time heuristic search methods approach this by expanding nodes using time-limited A* and selecting the action leading toward the frontier node with the lowest f value. In this thesis, we reconsider real-time planning as a problem of decision-making under uncertainty. We treat heuristic values as uncertain evidence and we explore several backup methods for aggregating this evidence. We then propose a novel lookahead strategy that expands nodes to minimize risk, the expected regret in case a non-optimal action is chosen. We evaluate these methods in a simple synthetic benchmark and the sliding tile puzzle and find that they outperform previous methods. This work illustrates how uncertainty can arise even when solving deterministic planning problems, due to the inherent ignorance of time-limited search algorithms about those portions of the state space that they have not computed, and how an agent can benefit from explicitly meta-reasoning about this uncertainty

    Real-time sampling-based motion planning with dynamic obstacles

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    Autonomous robots are increasingly becoming incorporated in everyday human activities, and this trend does not show any signs of slowing down. One task that autonomous robots will need to reliably perform among humans and other dynamic objects is motion planning. That is, to reliably navigate a robot to a desired pose as quickly as possible while minimizing the probability of colliding with other objects. This involves not only planning around the predicted future trajectories of dynamic obstacles, but doing so in a real-time manner so that the robot can remain reactive to its surroundings. Current methods do not directly address this problem. This thesis proposes a new real-time planning algorithm called real-time R* (RTR*). RTR* is based on the R* search algorithm that couples random sampling with heuristic search and has been shown to work well in several different robotics domains. Several modifications needed to transform R* into a real-time algorithm are described. Additional modifications that were developed specifically for this problem domain are also detailed. An empirical evaluation is given comparing RTR* with several state-of-the-art motion planning and real-time search algorithms. RTR* shows promising performance and improves on R*, however it underperforms the current state-of-the-art. Several enhancements are discussed that could improve the behavior of RTR*

    Robot motion planning using real-time heuristic search

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    Autonomous mobile robots must be able to plan quickly and stay reactive to the world around them. Currently, navigating in the presence of dynamic obstacles is a problem that modern techniques struggle to handle in a real-time manner, even when the environment is known. The solutions range from using: 1) sampling-based algorithms which cut down on the shear size of these state spaces, 2) algorithms which quickly try to plan complete paths to the goal (to avoid local minima) and 3) using real-time search techniques designed for static worlds. Each of these methods have fundamental flaws that prevent it from being used in practice. In this thesis I offer three proposed techniques to help improve planning among dynamic obstacles. First, I present a new partitioned learning technique for splitting the costs estimates used by heuristic search techniques into those caused by the static environment and those caused by the dynamic obstacles in the world. This allows for much more accurate learning. Second, I introduce a novel decaying heuristic technique for generalizing cost-to-go over states of the same pose (x. y.theta.v) in the world. Third, I show a garbage collection mechanism for removing useless states from our search to cut down on the overall memory usage. Finally, I present a new algorithm called Partitioned Learning Real-time A*. PLRTA* uses all three of these new enhancements to navigate through worlds with dynamic obstacles in a real-time manner while handling the complex situations in which other algorithms fail. I empirically compare our algorithm to other competing algorithms in a number of random instances as well as hand crafted scenarios designed to highlight desirable behavior in specific situations. I show that PLRTA* outperforms the current state-of-the-art algorithms in terms of minimizing cost over a large number of robot motion planning problems, even when planning in fairly confined environments with up to ten dynamic obstacles

    Metareasoning for Heuristic Search Using Uncertainty

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    Heuristic search methods are widely used in many real-world autonomous systems. Yet, people always want to solve search problems that are larger than time allows. To address these challenging problems, even suboptimally, a planning agent should be smart enough to intelligently allocate its computational resources, to think carefully about where in the state space it should spend time searching. For finding optimal solutions, we must examine every node that is not provably too expensive. In contrast, to find suboptimal solutions when under time pressure, we need to be very selective about which nodes to examine. In this dissertation, we will demonstrate that estimates of uncertainty, represented as belief distributions, can be used to drive search effectively. This type of algorithmic approach is known as metareasoning, which refers to reasoning about which reasoning to do. We will provide examples of improved algorithms for real-time search, bounded-cost search, and situated planning

    Metareasoning for Heuristic Search Using Uncertainty

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    Heuristic search methods are widely used in many real-world autonomous systems. Yet, people always want to solve search problems that are larger than time allows. To address these challenging problems, even suboptimally, a planning agent should be smart enough to intelligently allocate its computational resources, to think carefully about where in the state space it should spend time searching. For finding optimal solutions, we must examine every node that is not provably too expensive. In contrast, to find suboptimal solutions when under time pressure, we need to be very selective about which nodes to examine. In this dissertation, we will demonstrate that estimates of uncertainty, represented as belief distributions, can be used to drive search effectively. This type of algorithmic approach is known as metareasoning, which refers to reasoning about which reasoning to do. We will provide examples of improved algorithms for real-time search, bounded-cost search, and situated planning

    Adaptive search techniques in AI planning and heuristic search

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    State-space search is a common approach to solve problems appearing in artificial intelligence and other subfields of computer science. In such problems, an agent must find a sequence of actions leading from an initial state to a goal state. However, the state spaces of practical applications are often too large to explore exhaustively. Hence, heuristic functions that estimate the distance to a goal state (such as straight-line distance for navigation tasks) are used to guide the search more effectively. Heuristic search is typically viewed as a static process. The heuristic function is assumed to be unchanged throughout the search, and its resulting values are directly used for guidance without applying any further reasoning to them. Yet critical aspects of the task may only be discovered during the search, e.g., regions of the state space where the heuristic does not yield reliable values. Our work here aims to make this process more dynamic, allowing the search to adapt to such observations. One form of adaptation that we consider is online refinement of the heuristic function. We design search algorithms that detect weaknesses in the heuristic, and address them with targeted refinement operations. If the heuristic converges to perfect estimates, this results in a secondary method of progress, causing search algorithms that are otherwise incomplete to eventually find a solution. We also consider settings that inherently require adaptation: In online replanning, a plan that is being executed must be amended for changes in the environment. Similarly, in real-time search, an agent must act under strict time constraints with limited information. The search algorithms we introduce in this work share a common pattern of online adaptation, allowing them to effectively react to challenges encountered during the search. We evaluate our contributions on a wide range of standard benchmarks. Our results show that the flexibility of these algorithms makes them more robust than traditional approaches, and they often yield substantial improvements over current state-of-the-art planners.Die Zustandsraumsuche ist ein oft verwendeter Ansatz um verschiedene Probleme zu lösen, die in der Künstlichen Intelligenz und anderen Bereichen der Informatik auftreten. Dabei muss ein Akteur eine Folge von Aktionen finden, die einen Pfad von einem Startzustand zu einem Zielzustand bilden. Die Zustandsräume von praktischen Anwendungen sind häufig zu groß um sie vollständig zu durchsuchen. Aus diesem Grund leitet man die Suche mit Heuristiken, die die Distanz zu einem Zielzustand abschätzen; zum Beispiel lässt sich die Luftliniendistanz als Heuristik für Navigationsprobleme einsetzen. Heuristische Suche wird typischerweise als statischer Prozess angesehen. Man nimmt an, dass die Heuristik während der Suche eine unveränderte Funktion ist, und die resultierenden Werte werden direkt zur Leitung der Suche benutzt ohne weitere Logik darauf anzuwenden. Jedoch könnten kritische Aspekte des Problems erst im Laufe der Suche erkannt werden, wie zum Beispiel Bereiche des Zustandsraums in denen die Heuristik keine verlässlichen Abschätzungen liefert. In dieser Arbeit wird der Suchprozess dynamischer gestaltet und der Suche ermöglicht sich solchen Beobachtungen anzupassen. Eine Art dieser Anpassung ist die Onlineverbesserung der Heuristik. Es werden Suchalgorithmen entwickelt, die Schwächen in der Heuristik erkennen und mit gezielten Verbesserungsoperationen beheben. Wenn die Heuristik zu perfekten Werten konvergiert ergibt sich daraus eine zusätzliche Form von Fortschritt, wodurch auch Suchalgorithmen, die sonst unvollständig sind, garantiert irgendwann eine Lösung finden werden. Es werden auch Szenarien betrachtet, die schon von sich aus Anpassung erfordern: In der Onlineumplanung muss ein Plan, der gerade ausgeführt wird, auf Änderungen in der Umgebung angepasst werden. Ähnlich dazu muss sich ein Akteur in der Echtzeitsuche unter strengen Zeitauflagen und mit eingeschränkten Informationen bewegen. Die Suchalgorithmen, die in dieser Arbeit eingeführt werden, folgen einem gemeinsamen Muster von Onlineanpassung, was ihnen ermöglicht effektiv auf Herausforderungen zu reagieren die im Verlauf der Suche aufkommen. Diese Ansätze werden auf einer breiten Reihe von Benchmarks ausgewertet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Flexibilität dieser Algorithmen zu erhöhter Zuverlässigkeit im Vergleich zu traditionellen Ansätzen führt, und es werden oft deutliche Verbesserungen gegenüber modernen Planungssystemen erzielt.DFG grant 389792660 as part of TRR 248 – CPEC (see https://perspicuous-computing.science), and DFG grant HO 2169/5-1, "Critically Constrained Planning via Partial Delete Relaxation

    Planning under time pressure

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    Heuristic search is a technique used pervasively in artificial intelligence and automated planning. Often an agent is given a task that it would like to solve as quickly as possible. It must allocate its time between planning the actions to achieve the task and actually executing them. We call this problem planning under time pressure. Most popular heuristic search algorithms are ill-suited for this setting, as they either search a lot to find short plans or search a little and find long plans. The thesis of this dissertation is: when under time pressure, an automated agent should explicitly attempt to minimize the sum of planning and execution times, not just one or just the other. This dissertation makes four contributions. First we present new algorithms that use modern multi-core CPUs to decrease planning time without increasing execution. Second, we introduce a new model for predicting the performance of iterative-deepening search. The model is as accurate as previous offline techniques when using less training data, but can also be used online to reduce the overhead of iterative-deepening search, resulting in faster planning. Third we show offline planning algorithms that directly attempt to minimize the sum of planning and execution times. And, fourth we consider algorithms that plan online in parallel with execution. Both offline and online algorithms account for a user-specified preference between search and execution, and can greatly outperform the standard utility-oblivious techniques. By addressing the problem of planning under time pressure, these contributions demonstrate that heuristic search is no longer restricted to optimizing solution cost, obviating the need to choose between slow search times and expensive solutions
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