6 research outputs found

    One size does not fit all : profiling personalized time-evolving user behaviors

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    Given the set of social interactions of a user, how can we detect changes in interaction patterns over time? While most previous work has focused on studying network-wide properties and spotting outlier users, the dynamics of individual user interactions remain largely unexplored. This work sets out to explore those dynamics in a way that is minimally invasive to privacy, thus, avoids to rely on the textual content of user posts---except for validation. Our contributions are two-fold. First, in contrast to previous studies, we challenge the use of a fixed interval of observation. We introduce and empirically validate the "Temporal Asymmetry Hypothesis", which states that appropriate observation intervals should vary both among users and over time for the same user. We validate this hypothesis using eight different datasets, including email, messaging, and social networks data. Second, we propose iNET, a comprehensive analytic and visualization framework which provides personalized insights into user behavior and operates in a streaming fashion. iNET learns personalized baseline behaviors of users and uses them to identify events that signify changes in user behavior. We evaluate the effectiveness of iNET by analyzing more than half a million interactions from Facebook users. Labeling of the identified changes in user behavior showed that iNET is able to capture a wide spectrum of exogenous and endogenous events, while the baselines are less diverse in nature and capture only 66% of that spectrum. Furthermore, iNET exhibited the highest precision (95%) compared to all competing approaches

    Mining Time-aware Actor-level Evolution Similarity for Link Prediction in Dynamic Network

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    Topological evolution over time in a dynamic network triggers both the addition and deletion of actors and the links among them. A dynamic network can be represented as a time series of network snapshots where each snapshot represents the state of the network over an interval of time (for example, a minute, hour or day). The duration of each snapshot denotes the temporal scale/sliding window of the dynamic network and all the links within the duration of the window are aggregated together irrespective of their order in time. The inherent trade-off in selecting the timescale in analysing dynamic networks is that choosing a short temporal window may lead to chaotic changes in network topology and measures (for example, the actors’ centrality measures and the average path length); however, choosing a long window may compromise the study and the investigation of network dynamics. Therefore, to facilitate the analysis and understand different patterns of actor-oriented evolutionary aspects, it is necessary to define an optimal window length (temporal duration) with which to sample a dynamic network. In addition to determining the optical temporal duration, another key task for understanding the dynamics of evolving networks is being able to predict the likelihood of future links among pairs of actors given the existing states of link structure at present time. This phenomenon is known as the link prediction problem in network science. Instead of considering a static state of a network where the associated topology does not change, dynamic link prediction attempts to predict emerging links by considering different types of historical/temporal information, for example the different types of temporal evolutions experienced by the actors in a dynamic network due to the topological evolution over time, known as actor dynamicities. Although there has been some success in developing various methodologies and metrics for the purpose of dynamic link prediction, mining actor-oriented evolutions to address this problem has received little attention from the research community. In addition to this, the existing methodologies were developed without considering the sampling window size of the dynamic network, even though the sampling duration has a large impact on mining the network dynamics of an evolutionary network. Therefore, although the principal focus of this thesis is link prediction in dynamic networks, the optimal sampling window determination was also considered

    Sparsity-aware neural user behavior modeling in online interaction platforms

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    Modern online platforms offer users an opportunity to participate in a variety of content-creation, social networking, and shopping activities. With the rapid proliferation of such online services, learning data-driven user behavior models is indispensable to enable personalized user experiences. Recently, representation learning has emerged as an effective strategy for user modeling, powered by neural networks trained over large volumes of interaction data. Despite their enormous potential, we encounter the unique challenge of data sparsity for a vast majority of entities, e.g., sparsity in ground-truth labels for entities and in entity-level interactions (cold-start users, items in the long-tail, and ephemeral groups). In this dissertation, we develop generalizable neural representation learning frameworks for user behavior modeling designed to address different sparsity challenges across applications. Our problem settings span transductive and inductive learning scenarios, where transductive learning models entities seen during training and inductive learning targets entities that are only observed during inference. We leverage different facets of information reflecting user behavior (e.g., interconnectivity in social networks, temporal and attributed interaction information) to enable personalized inference at scale. Our proposed models are complementary to concurrent advances in neural architectural choices and are adaptive to the rapid addition of new applications in online platforms. First, we examine two transductive learning settings: inference and recommendation in graph-structured and bipartite user-item interactions. In chapter 3, we formulate user profiling in social platforms as semi-supervised learning over graphs given sparse ground-truth labels for node attributes. We present a graph neural network framework that exploits higher-order connectivity structures (network motifs) to learn attributed structural roles of nodes that identify structurally similar nodes with co-varying local attributes. In chapter 4, we design neural collaborative filtering models for few-shot recommendations over user-item interactions. To address item interaction sparsity due to heavy-tailed distributions, our proposed meta-learning framework learns-to-recommend few-shot items by knowledge transfer from arbitrary base recommenders. We show that our framework consistently outperforms state-of-art approaches on overall recommendation (by 5% Recall) while achieving significant gains (of 60-80% Recall) for tail items with fewer than 20 interactions. Next, we explored three inductive learning settings: modeling spread of user-generated content in social networks; item recommendations for ephemeral groups; and friend ranking in large-scale social platforms. In chapter 5, we focus on diffusion prediction in social networks where a vast population of users rarely post content. We introduce a deep generative modeling framework that models users as probability distributions in the latent space with variational priors parameterized by graph neural networks. Our approach enables massive performance gains (over 150% recall) for users with sparse activities while being faster than state-of-the-art neural models by an order of magnitude. In chapter 6, we examine item recommendations for ephemeral groups with limited or no historical interactions together. To overcome group interaction sparsity, we present self-supervised learning strategies that exploit the preference co-variance in observed group memberships for group recommender training. Our framework achieves significant performance gains (over 30% NDCG) over prior state-of-the-art group recommendation models. In chapter 7, we introduce multi-modal inference with graph neural networks that captures knowledge from multiple feature modalities and user interactions for multi-faceted friend ranking. Our approach achieves notable higher performance gains for critical populations of less-active and low degree users