1,792 research outputs found

    Computational Analysis and Generation of Slogans

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    I reklam anvĂ€nds sloganer för att förbĂ€ttra Ă„terkallandet av den annonserade produkten av konsumenter och skilja den frĂ„n andra pĂ„ marknaden. Att skapa effektiva slagord Ă€r en resurskrĂ€vande uppgift för mĂ€nniskor. I denna avhandling beskriver vi en ny metod för att automatiskt generera sloganer, med tanke pĂ„ ett mĂ„lkoncept (t ex bil) och en adjektivsegenskap för att uttrycka (t ex elegant) som input. Dessutom föreslĂ„r vi en metod för att generera nominella metaforer med hjĂ€lp av en metafor-tolkningsmodell för att möjliggöra generering av metaforiska slagord. Metoden för att generera sloganer extraherar skelett frĂ„n befintliga sloganer, sĂ„ fyller det ett skelett med lĂ€mpliga ord genom att anvĂ€nda flera sprĂ„kliga resurser (som ett förvar av grammatiska och semantiska relationer och sprĂ„kmodeller) och genetiska algoritmer samtidigt som man optimerar flera mĂ„l sĂ„som semantiska relateradhet, sprĂ„kkorrigering och anvĂ€ndning av retoriska enheter. Vi utvĂ€rderar metaforen och slogangenereringsmetoderna med hjĂ€lp av en tĂ€nktalkoplattform. PĂ„ en 5-punkts Likert-skala ber vi online-domare att bedöma de genererade metaforerna tillsammans med tre andra metaforer som genererades med andra metoder och visa hur bra de kommunicerar den eftersökta betydelsen. Slogangenereringsmetoden utvĂ€rderas genom att be crowdsourced-domare att bedöma genererade sloganer frĂ„n fem perspektiv, vilka Ă€r 1) hur bra Ă€r sloganet relaterat till Ă€mnet, 2) hur korrekt Ă€r sloganets sprĂ„k, 3) hur metaforiskt Ă€r sloganet, 4) hur engagerande, attraktivt och minnesvĂ€rt Ă€r det och 5) hur bra Ă€r sloganet överlag. Dessa frĂ„gor Ă€r utvalda för att undersöka effekterna av relateradhet till produkten och den markerade egenskapen, anvĂ€ndningen av retoriska anordningar och sprĂ„kets korrekthet pĂ„ den övergripande uppskattningen av slogan. PĂ„ samma sĂ€tt utvĂ€rderar vi befintliga sloganer som har skapats av Ă€kta mĂ€nniskor. Baserat pĂ„ utvĂ€rderingarna analyserar vi metoden som helhet tillsammans med de enskilda optimeringsfunktionerna och ger insikter om befintliga sloganer. Resultaten frĂ„n vĂ„ra utvĂ€rderingar visar att vĂ„r metaforgeneringsmetod kan producera lĂ€mpliga metaforer. För slogangenereraren bevisar resultaten att metoden har varit framgĂ„ngsrik i att producera minst en effektiv slogan för varje utvĂ€rderad input. ÄndĂ„ finns det utrymme för att förbĂ€ttra metoden, som diskuteras i slutet av avhandlingen

    Liquid Cinematography and the Representation of Viral Threats in Alfonso Cuarón’s Children of Men

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    Recent cinema has been a reliable purveyor of dystopian tales that focus on the global spread of viruses. The anxiety and fascination over the end of the world and, in particular, over the invasion of infectious pathogens has turned these films into apt modes of expression of a post-9/11 context of pervasive fear that sociologists like Ulrich Beck have termed “world risk society.” This article provides a close textual analysis of one of these films, Alfonso Cuarón’s Children of Men (2006), situating it at the forefront of this trend. Following Zygmunt Bauman’s notion of liquid fear, this article aims to explore how the visual language of the long take and the continuous superposition of intertextual references help to construct a liquid space and time in which viral threats, like epidemics and immunological fear mongering discourses on terrorism and migration, easily proliferate. The infertility epidemic works as a suitable metaphor of this liquid environment, representing not only the barren malaise of our globalized times but also every invisible fear that spreads across borders, invades and segregates individuals into healthy Us and contaminated and dehumanized Others

    Vismantic : Meaning-making with Images

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    Jufo-ID 72909. (ICCC 2015).This paper presents Vismantic, a semi-automatic system generating proposals of visual composition (visual ideas) in order to express specific meanings. It implements a process of developing visual solutions from ‘what to say’ to ‘how to say’, which requires both conceptual and visual creativity. In particular, Vismantic extends previous work on using conceptual knowledge to find diverse visual representations of abstract concepts, with the capacity of combining two images in three ways, including juxtaposition, replacement and fusion. In an informal evaluation consisting of five communication tasks, Vismantic demonstrated the potential of producing a number of expressive and diverse ideas, among which many are surprising. Our analysis of the generated images confirms that visual meaning making is a subtle interaction between all elements in a picture, for which Vismantic demands more visual semantic knowledge, higher image analysis and synthesis skills, and the ability of interpreting composed images, in order to deliver more ideas that make sense.Peer reviewe

    Mind and Matter

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    Do brains create material reality in thinking processes or is it the other way around, with things shaping the mind? Where is the location of meaning-making? How do neural networks become established by means of multimodal pattern replications, and how are they involved in conceptualization? How are resonance textures within cellular entities extended in the body and the mind by means of mirroring processes? In which ways do they correlate to consciousness and self-consciousness? Is it possible to explain out-of-awareness unconscious processes? What holds together the relationship between experiential reality, bodily processes like memory, reason, or imagination, and sign-systems and simulation structures like metaphor and metonymy visible in human language? This volume attempts to answer some of these questions

    How rhetoric theory informs the creative advertising development process

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    This paper explores rhetoric theory as a comprehensive theory of the advertising development process. It compares the five canons of rhetoric with the stages in the advertising development process to explore the possibility of finding parallels between them. Close examination and comparison suggest there are parallels. It goes further to examine whether the generative mechanisms of each canon have explanations for strategies employed in its equivalent stage in the advertising development process. To explore fully, principles extracted from rhetoric theory and a model developed from it subsequently found support in advertising practice and findings from advertising research. The theory states that the principles of rhetoric must undergird strategies in the advertising development process before persuasiveness can be guaranteed. This is the “big picture” perspective which the theory proffers for both research and practice

    Older Consumers and Celebrity Advertising

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    Older consumers have long been the 'invisible majority' in advertising despite the rapid increase in an ageing population. A significant proportion of this population have high levels of disposable income, even in times of recession, but advertisers are not encouraging them to part with it. This paper intends to find out why advertisers have been slow or struggle to target older consumers effectively. Using a case study approach this paper has two aims: to explore the portrayal and representation of older consumers, with specific reference to the use of celebrities and to understand the value of a more progressive, aspirational set of role models that older consumers can identify with

    Change and Exchange: Economies of Literature and Knowledge in Early Modern Europe

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    The introductory essay outlines the way in which Change and Exchange places literature, and, in a wider sense, imaginative practice, at the centre of early modern economic knowledge. Probing the affinity between economic and metaphorical experience in terms of the transactional processes of change and exchange, it sets up the parameters within which the essays in the volume collectively forge a language to grasp early modern economic phenomena and their epistemic dimensions. It prepares the reader for the stimulating combination of materials that the book presents: the range of generic contexts engendered by emergent economic practices, structures of feeling and modes of knowing made available by new economic relations, and economies of transformation in discursive domains that are distinct from ‘economics’ as we understand it but cognate in their intuition of change and exchange as shaping agents


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    This is the second in a series of three articles that will outline a proposed scientific model with the goal of stimulating a new vision toward resolving the Mind-matter question and acknowledging an underlying connectiveness in the universe. Scientific is understood to mean that the "parts" or links already exist as useful concepts in the scientific community. The model being proposed assumes that everyday reality is not simply "out there" nor is it "within." Rather, it is suggested that everyday reality is a "perception" we construct from aspects of the "unity" within which we are immersed. Parr I presented the basic assumptions of the model and introduced the model by exploring aspects of a reality that extends beyond our limited concepts of three dimensional space plus time. 1‱2 The power of symbolic patterns in the physical for serving the role of mediator between the happenings in the physical (or outer reality) and the menral (or inner reality) was emphasized. Part II, Mapping Beyond Space-Time, discusses a process of interfacing between Mind and matter consistenr with the concepts of quantum physics. Emphasis is placed upon the quantum feature of non-locality and upon twistor theory. The issues of causality and reproducibility in science are discussed. The article concludes with a description of the dynamics of the process-how the interplay takes place and works. This includes an outline of other symbolic tools of mathematics such as chaos theory that permit extending out three dimensional thinking. In Part III the authors will explore [he relationship of their model to human experience

    Conceptual Representations for Computational Concept Creation

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    Computational creativity seeks to understand computational mechanisms that can be characterized as creative. The creation of new concepts is a central challenge for any creative system. In this article, we outline different approaches to computational concept creation and then review conceptual representations relevant to concept creation, and therefore to computational creativity. The conceptual representations are organized in accordance with two important perspectives on the distinctions between them. One distinction is between symbolic, spatial and connectionist representations. The other is between descriptive and procedural representations. Additionally, conceptual representations used in particular creative domains, such as language, music, image and emotion, are reviewed separately. For every representation reviewed, we cover the inference it affords, the computational means of building it, and its application in concept creation.Peer reviewe
