11 research outputs found

    Universal Quantum Walk Control Plane for Quantum Networks

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    Quantum networks are complex systems formed by the interaction among quantum processors through quantum channels. Analogous to classical computer networks, quantum networks allow for the distribution of quantum operations among quantum processors. In this work, we describe a Quantum Walk Control Protocol (QWCP) to perform distributed quantum operations in a quantum network. We consider a generalization of the discrete-time coined quantum walk model that accounts for the interaction between quantum walks in the network graph with quantum registers inside the network nodes. QWCP allows for the implementation of networked quantum services, such as distributed quantum computing and entanglement distribution, abstracting hardware implementation and the transmission of quantum information through channels. Multiple interacting quantum walks can be used to propagate entangled control signals across the network in parallel. We demonstrate how to use QWCP to perform distributed multi-qubit controlled gates, which shows the universality of the protocol for distributed quantum computing. Furthermore, we apply the QWCP to the task of entanglement distribution in a quantum network.Comment: 27 pages; 2 figures. A preliminary version of this work was presented at IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering 2021 (QCE21). arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2106.0983

    Efficient Implementation of Discrete-Time Quantum Walks on Quantum Computers

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    Quantum walks have proven to be a universal model for quantum computation and to provide speed-up in certain quantum algorithms. The discrete-time quantum walk (DTQW) model, among others, is one of the most suitable candidates for circuit implementation due to its discrete nature. Current implementations, however, are usually characterized by quantum circuits of large size and depth, which leads to a higher computational cost and severely limits the number of time steps that can be reliably implemented on current quantum computers. In this work, we propose an efficient and scalable quantum circuit implementing the DTQW on the (Formula presented.) -cycle based on the diagonalization of the conditional shift operator. For t time steps of the DTQW, the proposed circuit requires only (Formula presented.) two-qubit gates compared to the (Formula presented.) of the current most efficient implementation based on quantum Fourier transforms. We test the proposed circuit on an IBM quantum device for a Hadamard DTQW on the 4-cycle and 8-cycle characterized by periodic dynamics and by recurrent generation of maximally entangled single-particle states. Experimental results are meaningful well beyond the regime of few time steps, paving the way for reliable implementation and use on quantum computers

    Caminhadas quânticas por modelo de espalhamento em redes hexagonais e triangulares : uma investigação no espaço de posição e de momento

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. Marcos Gomes Eleutério da LuzTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Exatas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Física. Defesa : Curitiba, 31/05/2023Inclui referênciasResumo: Neste trabalho abordamos como implementar Caminhada Quantica por Modelo de Espalhamento (CQME) em dois tipos distintos de rede: hexagonal e na rede triangular infinita. No caso da rede hexagonal, apresentamos tanto o formalismo para CQME's no espaco de posicao, no qual abordamos redes infinitas e com condicoes de contorno, como para CQME's no espaco de momento. No caso da rede triangular infinita, apresentamos apenas o formalismo para CQME's no espaco de posicao. Em um primeiro momento, apresentamos os principais conceitos e o formalismo de uma Caminhada Aleatoria Classica (CAC) e de seus analogos quanticos, a Caminhada Quantica por Modelo de Moeda (CQMM) e a CQME, estes com tratamento unidimensional. Em seguida apresentamos o formalismo geral para CQME's em redes hexagonais infinitas, e, propomos uma parametrizacao AB para as matrizes de espalhamento desta rede. Nos tambem apresentamos os principais resultados para CQME's com matriz AB, isto e, distribuicao de probabilidades e o Deslocamento Quadratico Medio Radial (DQMR), obtido de maneira numerica e, por um modelo apresentado. Dentro deste contexto, apresentamos entao o formalismo e o resultados obtidos para CQME's imparciais em nanofitas quadradas, alem de propor um modelo que relaciona a distribuicao de probabilidades nas bordas das nanofitas com o tamanho da nanofita. Na sequencia, apresentamos o formalismo generico para CQME's no espaco de momento de redes hexagonais, e, em seguida, propomos um metodo para obter os autovalores do sistema com dependencia da parametrizacao das matrizes espalhamento para os vertices nao equivalentes da rede. Dentro deste contexto, apresentamos os resultados para as bandas de energia, velocidade de Fermi e velocidade de grupo, todos obtidos para CQME's no espaco de momento com matrizes AB. Alem disso, mostramos que para regioes proximas aos pontos de alta simetria K e K' na primeira Zona de Brillouin, os resultados obtidos via CQME convergem com os via Tight Binding First Nearest Neighbors (TB-1NN). Ademais, utilizando a equacao generica de autovalores para CQME no espaco de momento e, tomando uma parametrizacao geradora do SU(3) para as matrizes de espalhamento, nos apresentamos os resultados obtidos por meio de de um metodo numerico computacional para as bandas ? e ?? de tres materiais de Dirac 2D: grafeno, germaneno e siliceno. Apresentamos tambem o formalismo para CQME's na rede triangular infinita e, uma abordagem para analisar a simetria dessa rede utilizando permutacao de rotulos entre os estados topologicamente equivalentes. Alem disso, apresentamos todas as permutacoes possiveis e as simetrias presente entre elas. Por fim, nos apresentamos as conclusoes associadas aos topicos de pesquisa deste trabalho.Abstract: In this thesis we show how to implement Scattering Quantum Walk (SQW) in two types of networks: honeycomb and infinite triangular network. In the case of the hexagonal lattice, we present the SQW formalism in position space with and without boundary conditions, as well as in momentum space. In the case of the triangular lattice, we present the formalism for SQW in position space. First of all, we present the main concepts and the formalism of a Classical Random Walk (CRW) and its quantum analogs, the Coined Quantum Walk (CQW), and the SQW, all of which have a one-dimensional treatment. We then present the formalism for SQW in the infinite honeycomb lattice in position space, and we propose an AB parameterization for the scattering matrices of the system. We also present several key quantities related to SQW using this type of matrix, including probability distributions, radial mean square displacement, and over. We then extend our analysis to SQW with boundary, i.e., the honeycomb square nanoribbons. Within this context, we then present the formalism and the results obtained for unbiased SQW's in square nanoribbons, in addition to proposing a model that relates the probability distribution at the edges of the nanoribbons with the size of the nanoribbon. Next, we present the generic formalism for SQW's in the momentum space of hexagonal lattices, and then propose a method to obtain the eigenvalues of the system with dependence on the parameterization of the scattering matrices for the non-equivalent vertices of the lattice. Within this context, we present results for the energy bands, Fermi velocity and group velocity, all obtained for SQW's in momentum space with AB matrices. Furthermore, we show that for regions close to the high symmetry points K and K' in the first Brillouin Zone, the results obtained via SQW's converge with those via Tight Binding First Nearest Neighbors (TB-1NN). Moreover, using the generic eigenvalues equation for SQW in momentum space and taking a SU(3) generating parameterization for the scattering matrices, we present the results obtained through a numerical computational method for the ? and ?? bands of three 2D Dirac materials: graphene, germanene and silicene. We also present the formalism for SQW's on the infinite triangular lattice and, an approach to analyze the symmetry of this lattice using label permutation between the topologically equivalent states. Moreover, we present all possible permutations, and the symmetries present among them. Finally, we present the conclusions associated with the research topics of this thesis