6 research outputs found

    Utilização da Norma JPEG2000 para codificar proteger e comercializar Produtos de Observação Terrestre

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    Applications like, change detection, global monitoring, disaster detection and management have emerging requirements that need the availability of large amounts of data. This data is currently being capture by a multiplicity of instruments and EO (Earth Observation) sensors originating large volumes of data that needs to be stored, processed and accessed in order to be useful – as an example, ENVISAT accumulates, in a yearly basis, several hundred terabytes of data. This need to recover, store, process and access brings some interesting challenges, like storage space, processing power, bandwidth and security, just to mention a few. These challenges are still very important on today’s technological world. If we take a look for example at the number of subscribers of ISP (Internet Service Providers) broadband services on the developed world today, one can notice that broadband services are still far from being common and dominant. On the underdeveloped countries the picture is even dimmer, not only from a bandwidth point of view but also in all other aspects regarding information and communication technologies (ICTs). All this challenges need to be taken into account if a service is to reach the broadest audience possible. Obviously protection and securing of services and contents is an extra asset that helps on the preservation of possible business values, especially if we consider such a costly business as the space industry. This thesis presents and describes a system which allows, not only the encoding and decoding of several EO products into a JPEG2000 format, but also supports some of the security requirements identified previously that allows ESA (European Space Agency) and related EO services to define and apply efficient EO data access security policies and even to exploit new ways to commerce EO products over the Internet.Aplicações como, detecção de mudanças no terreno, monitorização planetária, detecção e gestão de desastres, têm necessidades prementes que necessitam de vastas quantidades de dados. Estes dados estão presentemente a ser capturados por uma multiplicidade de instrumentos e sensores de observação terrestre, que originam uma enormidade de dados que necessitam de ser armazenados processados e acedidos de forma a se tornarem úteis – por exemplo, a ENVISAT acumula anualmente varias centenas de terabytes de dados. Esta necessidade de recuperar, armazenar, processar e aceder introduz alguns desafios interessantes como o espaço de armazenamento, poder de processamento, largura de banda e segurança dos dados só para mencionar alguns. Estes desafios são muito importantes no mundo tecnológico de hoje. Se olharmos, por exemplo, ao número actual de subscritores de ISP (Internet Service Providers) de banda larga nos países desenvolvidos podemos ficar surpreendidos com o facto do número de subscritores desses serviços ainda não ser uma maioria da população ou dos agregados familiares. Nos países subdesenvolvidos o quadro é ainda mais negro não só do ponto de vista da largura de banda mas também de todos os outros aspectos relacionados com Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TICs). Todos estes aspectos devem ser levados em consideração se se pretende que um serviço se torne o mais abrangente possível em termos de audiências. Obviamente a protecção e segurança dos conteúdos é um factor extra que ajuda a preservar possíveis valores de negócio, especialmente considerando industrias tão onerosas como a Industria Espacial. Esta tese apresenta e descreve um sistema que permite, não só a codificação e descodificação de diversos produtos de observação terrestre para formato JPEG2000 mas também o suporte de alguns requisitos de segurança identificados previamente que permitem, á Agência Espacial Europeia e a outros serviços relacionados com observação terrestre, a aplicação de politicas eficientes de acesso seguro a produtos de observação terrestre, permitindo até o aparecimento de novas forma de comercialização de produtos de observação terrestre através da Internet

    Quality-Optimized and Secure End-to-End Authentication for Media Delivery

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    Optimized protection of streaming media authenticity

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    Quality of service technologies for multimedia applications in next generation networks

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    Next Generation Networks are constantly evolving towards solutions that allow the operator to provide advanced multimedia applications with QoS guarantees in heterogeneous, multi-domain and multi-services networks. Other than the unquestionable advantages inherent the ability to simultaneously handle traffic flows at different QoS levels, these architectures require management systems to efficiently perform quality guarantees and network resource utilization. These issues have been addressed in this thesis. DiffServ-aware Traffic Engineering (DS-TE) has been considered as reference architecture for the deployment of the quality management systems. It represents the most advanced technology to accomplish either network scalability and service granularity goals. On the basis of DS-TE features, a methodology for traffic and network resource management has been defined. It provides some rules for QoS service characterization and allows to implement Traffic Engineering policies with a class-based approach. A set of basic parameters for quality evaluation has been defined, that are the Key Performance Indicators; some mathematical model to derive the statistical nature of traffic have been analyzed and an algorithm to improve the fulfillment of quality of service targets and to optimize network resource utilization. It is aimed at reducing the complexity inherent the setting of some of the key parameters in the NGN architectures. Multidomain scenarios with technologies different from DS-TE have been also evaluated, defining some methodologies for network interoperability. Simulations with Opnet Modeler confirmed the efficacy of the proposed system in computing network configurations with QoS targets. With regard to QoS performance at the application level, video streaming applications in wireless domains have been particularly addressed. A rate control algorithm to adjust the rate on a per-window basis has been defined, making use of a short-term prediction of the network delay to keep the probability of playback buffer starvation lower than a desired threshold during each window. Finally, a framework for mutual authentication in web applications has been proposed and evaluated. It integrates an IBA password technique with a challenge-response scheme based on a shared secret key for image scrambling. The wireless environment is mainly addressed by the proposed system, which tries to overcome the severe constraints on security, data transmission capability and user friendliness imposed by such environment


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    The nowadays ubiquitous and effortless digital data capture and processing capabilities offered by the majority of devices, lead to an unprecedented penetration of multimedia content in our everyday life. To make the most of this phenomenon, the rapidly increasing volume and usage of digitised content requires constant re-evaluation and adaptation of multimedia methodologies, in order to meet the relentless change of requirements from both the user and system perspectives. Advances in Multimedia provides readers with an overview of the ever-growing field of multimedia by bringing together various research studies and surveys from different subfields that point out such important aspects. Some of the main topics that this book deals with include: multimedia management in peer-to-peer structures & wireless networks, security characteristics in multimedia, semantic gap bridging for multimedia content and novel multimedia applications

    Information security and assurance : Proceedings international conference, ISA 2012, Shanghai China, April 2012

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