21 research outputs found


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    Superimposed training low probability of detection underwater communications

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    This paper proposes a superimposed training method for low probability of detection underwater acoustic communications. A long pilot sequence was superimposed to the message for equalization and synchronization purposes. A fast Hadamard transform (FHT) estimated the channel impulse response and compressed the pilot energy. A Wiener filter performed equalization. The interference signal was removed using hyperslice cancellation by coordinate zeroing. An inverse FHT decompressed the remaining sequence energy and the message was retrieved. Results from a shallow water experiment presented bit error rates <10-2 for signal-to-noise ratios <-8 dB.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Image filtering with past parametrized biorthogonal transforms implemented on a new GUI research aid system

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    In this paper the authors show that fast parametrized biorthogonal transforms (FPBT) are well suited for adaptive generalized Wiener image filtering. Research results are obtained with a use of a new graphical user interface system for implementing various fast adaptive techniques, designed, implemented and published by the authors as a part of a project Innovative Economy Programme 2007-2013 „Platforma Informatyczna TEWI”

    A novel decomposed-ensemble time series forecasting framework: capturing underlying volatility information

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    Time series forecasting represents a significant and challenging task across various fields. Recently, methods based on mode decomposition have dominated the forecasting of complex time series because of the advantages of capturing local characteristics and extracting intrinsic modes from data. Unfortunately, most models fail to capture the implied volatilities that contain significant information. To enhance the prediction of contemporary diverse and complex time series, we propose a novel time series forecasting paradigm that integrates decomposition with the capability to capture the underlying fluctuation information of the series. In our methodology, we implement the Variational Mode Decomposition algorithm to decompose the time series into K distinct sub-modes. Following this decomposition, we apply the Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (GARCH) model to extract the volatility information in these sub-modes. Subsequently, both the numerical data and the volatility information for each sub-mode are harnessed to train a neural network. This network is adept at predicting the information of the sub-modes, and we aggregate the predictions of all sub-modes to generate the final output. By integrating econometric and artificial intelligence methods, and taking into account both the numerical and volatility information of the time series, our proposed framework demonstrates superior performance in time series forecasting, as evidenced by the significant decrease in MSE, RMSE, and MAPE in our comparative experimental results

    Optimization of in vivo Cherenkov imaging dosimetry via spectral choices for ambient background lights and filtering

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    SIGNIFICANCE: The Cherenkov emission spectrum overlaps with that of ambient room light sources. Choice of room lighting devices dramatically affects the efficient detection of Cherenkov emission during patient treatment. AIM: To determine optimal room light sources allowing Cherenkov emission imaging in normally lit radiotherapy treatment delivery rooms. APPROACH: A variety of commercial light sources and long-pass (LP) filters were surveyed for spectral band separation from the red to near-infrared Cherenkov light emitted by tissue. Their effects on signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), Cherenkov to background signal ratio, and image artifacts were quantified by imaging irradiated tissue equivalent phantoms with an intensified time-gated CMOS camera. RESULTS: Because Cherenkov emission from tissue lies largely in the near-infrared spectrum, a controlled choice of ambient light that avoids this spectral band is ideal, along with a camera that is maximally sensitive to it. An RGB LED light source produced the best SNR out of all sources that mimic room light temperature. A 675-nm LP filter on the camera input further reduced ambient light detected (optical density \u3e 3), achieving maximal SNR for Cherenkov emission near 40. Reduction of the room light signal reduced artifacts from specular reflection on the tissue surface and also minimized spurious Cherenkov signals from non-tissue features such as bolus. CONCLUSIONS: LP filtering during image acquisition for near-infrared light in tandem with narrow band LED illuminated rooms improves image quality, trading off the loss of red wavelengths for better removal of room light in the image. This spectral filtering is also critically important to remove specular reflection in the images and allow for imaging of Cherenkov emission through clear bolus. Beyond time-gated external beam therapy systems, the spectral separation methods can be utilized for background removal for continuous treatment delivery methods including proton pencil beam scanning systems and brachytherapy

    An artifacts removal post-processing for epiphyseal region-of-interest (EROI) localization in automated bone age assessment (BAA)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Segmentation is the most crucial part in the computer-aided bone age assessment. A well-known type of segmentation performed in the system is adaptive segmentation. While providing better result than global thresholding method, the adaptive segmentation produces a lot of unwanted noise that could affect the latter process of epiphysis extraction.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A proposed method with anisotropic diffusion as pre-processing and a novel Bounded Area Elimination (BAE) post-processing algorithm to improve the algorithm of ossification site localization technique are designed with the intent of improving the adaptive segmentation result and the region-of interest (ROI) localization accuracy.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The results are then evaluated by quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis using texture feature evaluation. The result indicates that the image homogeneity after anisotropic diffusion has improved averagely on each age group for 17.59%. Results of experiments showed that the smoothness has been improved averagely 35% after BAE algorithm and the improvement of ROI localization has improved for averagely 8.19%. The MSSIM has improved averagely 10.49% after performing the BAE algorithm on the adaptive segmented hand radiograph.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The result indicated that hand radiographs which have undergone anisotropic diffusion have greatly reduced the noise in the segmented image and the result as well indicated that the BAE algorithm proposed is capable of removing the artifacts generated in adaptive segmentation.</p

    NEXT-CRAB-0: A High Pressure Gaseous Xenon Time Projection Chamber with a Direct VUV Camera Based Readout

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    The search for neutrinoless double beta decay (0νββ0\nu\beta\beta) remains one of the most compelling experimental avenues for the discovery in the neutrino sector. Electroluminescent gas-phase time projection chambers are well suited to 0νββ0\nu\beta\beta searches due to their intrinsically precise energy resolution and topological event identification capabilities. Scalability to ton- and multi-ton masses requires readout of large-area electroluminescent regions with fine spatial resolution, low radiogenic backgrounds, and a scalable data acquisition system. This paper presents a detector prototype that records event topology in an electroluminescent xenon gas TPC via VUV image-intensified cameras. This enables an extendable readout of large tracking planes with commercial devices that reside almost entirely outside of the active medium.Following further development in intermediate scale demonstrators, this technique may represent a novel and enlargeable method for topological event imaging in 0νββ0\nu\beta\beta.Comment: 32 Pages, 22 figure

    Enhancement of nerve structure segmentation by a correntropy-based pre-image approach

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    El bloqueo de nervios periféricos (PNB) es una técnica ampliamente usada para llevar a cabo anestesia regional en el manejo del dolor. El PNB aplica una sustancia anestésica en el área que rodea el nervio que se quiere intervenir, y su éxito depende de la localización exacta del mismo. Recientemente, las imágenes de ultrasonido (UI) se han utilizado para la localización de nervios periféricos en PNB ya que permiten una visualización no invasiva y directa del nervio y de las estructuras anatómicas alrededor de él; sin embargo, este tipo de imágenes están afectadas por ruido speckle, dificultando su delimitación exacta. De esta manera, es pertinente una etapa de filtrado para atenuar el ruido sin remover información anatómica importante para la segmentación. En este artículo se propone una estrategia para el mejoramiento de UI usando filtrado basado en pre-imágenes. En particular, las imágenes se mapean a un espacio de alta dimensionalidad a través de una función kernel. Específicamente, se emplea un mapeo basado en Correntropía con el fin de codificar estadísticos de orden superior de las imágenes bajo condiciones no-lineales y no-Gaussianas. El enfoque propuesto se valida en la segmentación de nervios para PNB. El enfoque de filtrado basado en pre-imágenes con Correntropía (CPIF) es usado como pre-procesamiento en tareas de segmentación de nervios sobre UI. El rendimiento de la segmentación es medida en términos del coeficiente Dice. De acuerdo con los resultados, CPIF encuentra una aproximación adecuada para las UI al asegurar la identificación de patrones discriminativos de estructuras nerviosas.Peripheral Nerve Blocking (PNB) is a commonly used technique for performing regional anesthesia and managing pain. PNB comprises the administration of anesthetics in the proximity of a nerve. In this sense, the success of PNB procedures depends on an accurate location of the target nerve. Recently, ultrasound images (UI) have been widely used to locate nerve structures for PNB, since they enable a non-invasive visualization of the target nerve and the anatomical structures around it. However, UI are affected by speckle noise, which makes it difficult to accurately locate a given nerve. Thus, it is necessary to perform a filtering step to attenuate the speckle noise without eliminating relevant anatomical details that are required for high-level tasks, such as segmentation of nerve structures. In this paper, we propose an UI improvement strategy with the use of a pre-image-based filter. In particular, we map the input images by a nonlinear function (kernel). Specifically, we employ a correntropy-based mapping as kernel functional to code higher-order statistics of the input data under both nonlinear and non-Gaussian conditions. We validate our approach against an UI dataset focused on nerve segmentation for PNB. Likewise, our Correntropy-based Pre-Image Filtering (CPIF) is applied as a pre-processing stage to segment nerve structures in a UI. The segmentation performance is measured in terms of the Dice coefficient. According to the results, we observe that CPIF finds a suitable approximation for UI by highlighting discriminative nerve patterns