21,832 research outputs found

    Generalized Optimization Framework for Graph-based Semi-supervised Learning

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    We develop a generalized optimization framework for graph-based semi-supervised learning. The framework gives as particular cases the Standard Laplacian, Normalized Laplacian and PageRank based methods. We have also provided new probabilistic interpretation based on random walks and characterized the limiting behaviour of the methods. The random walk based interpretation allows us to explain di erences between the performances of methods with di erent smoothing kernels. It appears that the PageRank based method is robust with respect to the choice of the regularization parameter and the labelled data. We illustrate our theoretical results with two realistic datasets, characterizing di erent challenges: Les Miserables characters social network and Wikipedia hyper-link graph. The graph-based semi-supervised learning classi- es the Wikipedia articles with very good precision and perfect recall employing only the information about the hyper-text links

    On multi-view learning with additive models

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    In many scientific settings data can be naturally partitioned into variable groupings called views. Common examples include environmental (1st view) and genetic information (2nd view) in ecological applications, chemical (1st view) and biological (2nd view) data in drug discovery. Multi-view data also occur in text analysis and proteomics applications where one view consists of a graph with observations as the vertices and a weighted measure of pairwise similarity between observations as the edges. Further, in several of these applications the observations can be partitioned into two sets, one where the response is observed (labeled) and the other where the response is not (unlabeled). The problem for simultaneously addressing viewed data and incorporating unlabeled observations in training is referred to as multi-view transductive learning. In this work we introduce and study a comprehensive generalized fixed point additive modeling framework for multi-view transductive learning, where any view is represented by a linear smoother. The problem of view selection is discussed using a generalized Akaike Information Criterion, which provides an approach for testing the contribution of each view. An efficient implementation is provided for fitting these models with both backfitting and local-scoring type algorithms adjusted to semi-supervised graph-based learning. The proposed technique is assessed on both synthetic and real data sets and is shown to be competitive to state-of-the-art co-training and graph-based techniques.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/08-AOAS202 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    A random matrix analysis and improvement of semi-supervised learning for large dimensional data

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    This article provides an original understanding of the behavior of a class of graph-oriented semi-supervised learning algorithms in the limit of large and numerous data. It is demonstrated that the intuition at the root of these methods collapses in this limit and that, as a result, most of them become inconsistent. Corrective measures and a new data-driven parametrization scheme are proposed along with a theoretical analysis of the asymptotic performances of the resulting approach. A surprisingly close behavior between theoretical performances on Gaussian mixture models and on real datasets is also illustrated throughout the article, thereby suggesting the importance of the proposed analysis for dealing with practical data. As a result, significant performance gains are observed on practical data classification using the proposed parametrization

    Semi-Supervised Sound Source Localization Based on Manifold Regularization

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    Conventional speaker localization algorithms, based merely on the received microphone signals, are often sensitive to adverse conditions, such as: high reverberation or low signal to noise ratio (SNR). In some scenarios, e.g. in meeting rooms or cars, it can be assumed that the source position is confined to a predefined area, and the acoustic parameters of the environment are approximately fixed. Such scenarios give rise to the assumption that the acoustic samples from the region of interest have a distinct geometrical structure. In this paper, we show that the high dimensional acoustic samples indeed lie on a low dimensional manifold and can be embedded into a low dimensional space. Motivated by this result, we propose a semi-supervised source localization algorithm which recovers the inverse mapping between the acoustic samples and their corresponding locations. The idea is to use an optimization framework based on manifold regularization, that involves smoothness constraints of possible solutions with respect to the manifold. The proposed algorithm, termed Manifold Regularization for Localization (MRL), is implemented in an adaptive manner. The initialization is conducted with only few labelled samples attached with their respective source locations, and then the system is gradually adapted as new unlabelled samples (with unknown source locations) are received. Experimental results show superior localization performance when compared with a recently presented algorithm based on a manifold learning approach and with the generalized cross-correlation (GCC) algorithm as a baseline