92 research outputs found

    Towards Stability Analysis of Data Transport Mechanisms: a Fluid Model and an Application

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    The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) utilizes congestion avoidance and control mechanisms as a preventive measure against congestive collapse and as an adaptive measure in the presence of changing network conditions. The set of available congestion control algorithms is diverse, and while many have been studied from empirical and simulation perspectives, there is a notable lack of analytical work for some variants. To gain more insight into the dynamics of these algorithms, we: (1) propose a general modeling scheme consisting of a set of functional differential equations of retarded type (RFDEs) and of the congestion window as a function of time; (2) apply this scheme to TCP Reno and demonstrate its equivalence to a previous, well known model for TCP Reno; (3) show an application of the new framework to the widely-deployed congestion control algorithm TCP CUBIC, for which analytical models are few and limited; and (4) validate the model using simulations. Our modeling framework yields a fluid model for TCP CUBIC. From a theoretical analysis of this model, we discover that TCP CUBIC is locally uniformly asymptotically stable -- a property of the algorithm previously unknown.Comment: IEEE INFOCOM 201

    Network level performance of differentiated services (diffserv) networks

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    The Differentiated Services (DiffServ) architecture is a promising means of providing Quality of Service (QoS) in Internet. In DiffServ networks, three service classes, or Per-hop Behaviors (PHBs), have been defined: Expedited Forwarding (EF), Assured Forwarding (AF) and Best Effort (BE). In this dissertation, the performance of DiffServ networks at the network level, such as end-to-end QoS, network stability, and fairness of bandwidth allocation over the entire network have been extensively investigated. It has been shown in literature that the end-to-end delay of EF traffic can go to infinity even in an over-provisioned network. In this dissertation, a simple scalable aggregate scheduling scheme, called Youngest Serve First (YSF) algorithm is proposed. YSF is not only able to guarantee finite end-to-end delay, but also to keep a low scheduling complexity. With respect to the Best Effort traffic, Random Exponential Marking (REM), an existing AQM scheme is studied under a new continuous time model, and its local stable condition is presented. Next, a novel virtual queue and rate based AQM scheme (VQR) is proposed, and its local stability condition has been presented. Then, a new AQM framework, Edge-based AQM (EAQM) is proposed. EAQM is easier to implement, and it achieves similar or better performance than traditional AQM schemes. With respect to the Assured Forwarding, a network-assist packet marking (NPM) scheme has been proposed. It has been demonstrated that NPM can fairly distribute bandwidth among AF aggregates based on their Committed Information Rates (CIRs) in both single and multiple bottleneck link networks

    TCP performance enhancement in wireless networks via adaptive congestion control and active queue management

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    The transmission control protocol (TCP) exhibits poor performance when used in error-prone wireless networks. Remedy to this problem has been an active research area. However, a widely accepted and adopted solution is yet to emerge. Difficulties of an acceptable solution lie in the areas of compatibility, scalability, computational complexity and the involvement of intermediate routers and switches. This dissertation rexriews the current start-of-the-art solutions to TCP performance enhancement, and pursues an end-to-end solution framework to the problem. The most noticeable cause of the performance degradation of TCP in wireless networks is the higher packet loss rate as compared to that in traditional wired networks. Packet loss type differentiation has been the focus of many proposed TCP performance enhancement schemes. Studies conduced by this dissertation research suggest that besides the standard TCP\u27s inability of discriminating congestion packet losses from losses related to wireless link errors, the standard TCP\u27s additive increase and multiplicative decrease (AIMD) congestion control algorithm itself needs to be redesigned to achieve better performance in wireless, and particularly, high-speed wireless networks. This dissertation proposes a simple, efficient, and effective end-to-end solution framework that enhances TCP\u27s performance through techniques of adaptive congestion control and active queue management. By end-to-end, it means a solution with no requirement of routers being wireless-aware or wireless-specific . TCP-Jersey has been introduced as an implementation of the proposed solution framework, and its performance metrics have been evaluated through extensive simulations. TCP-Jersey consists of an adaptive congestion control algorithm at the source by means of the source\u27s achievable rate estimation (ARE) —an adaptive filter of packet inter-arrival times, a congestion indication algorithm at the links (i.e., AQM) by means of packet marking, and a effective loss differentiation algorithm at the source by careful examination of the congestion marks carried by the duplicate acknowledgment packets (DUPACK). Several improvements to the proposed TCP-Jersey have been investigated, including a more robust ARE algorithm, a less computationally intensive threshold marking algorithm as the AQM link algorithm, a more stable congestion indication function based on virtual capacity at the link, and performance results have been presented and analyzed via extensive simulations of various network configurations. Stability analysis of the proposed ARE-based additive increase and adaptive decrease (AJAD) congestion control algorithm has been conducted and the analytical results have been verified by simulations. Performance of TCP-Jersey has been compared to that of a perfect , but not practical, TCP scheme, and encouraging results have been observed. Finally the framework of the TCP-Jersey\u27s source algorithm has been extended and generalized for rate-based congestion control, as opposed to TCP\u27s window-based congestion control, to provide a design platform for applications, such as real-time multimedia, that do not use TCP as transport protocol yet do need to control network congestion as well as combat packet losses in wireless networks. In conclusion, the framework architecture presented in this dissertation that combines the adaptive congestion control and active queue management in solving the TCP performance degradation problem in wireless networks has been shown as a promising answer to the problem due to its simplistic design philosophy complete compatibility with the current TCP/IP and AQM practice, end-to-end architecture for scalability, and the high effectiveness and low computational overhead. The proposed implementation of the solution framework, namely TCP-Jersey is a modification of the standard TCP protocol rather than a completely new design of the transport protocol. It is an end-to-end approach to address the performance degradation problem since it does not require split mode connection establishment and maintenance using special wireless-aware software agents at the routers. The proposed solution also differs from other solutions that rely on the link layer error notifications for packet loss differentiation. The proposed solution is also unique among other proposed end-to-end solutions in that it differentiates packet losses attributed to wireless link errors from congestion induced packet losses directly from the explicit congestion indication marks in the DUPACK packets, rather than inferring the loss type based on packet delay or delay jitter as in many other proposed solutions; nor by undergoing a computationally expensive off-line training of a classification model (e.g., HMM), or a Bayesian estimation/detection process that requires estimations of a priori loss probability distributions of different loss types. The proposed solution is also scalable and fully compatible to the current practice in Internet congestion control and queue management, but with an additional function of loss type differentiation that effectively enhances TCP\u27s performance over error-prone wireless networks. Limitations of the proposed solution architecture and areas for future researches are also addressed

    Improved congestion control for packet switched data networks and the Internet

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    Congestion control is one of the fundamental issues in computer networks. Without proper congestion control mechanisms there is the possibility of inefficient utilization of resources, ultimately leading to network collapse. Hence congestion control is an effort to adapt the performance of a network to changes in the traffic load without adversely affecting users perceived utilities. This thesis is a step in the direction of improved network congestion control. Traditionally the Internet has adopted a best effort policy while relying on an end-to-end mechanism. Complex functions are implemented by end users, keeping the core routers of network simple and scalable. This policy also helps in updating the software at the users' end. Thus, currently most of the functionality of the current Internet lie within the end users' protocols, particularly within Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). This strategy has worked fine to date, but networks have evolved and the traffic volume has increased many fold; hence routers need to be involved in controlling traffic, particularly during periods of congestion. Other benefits of using routers to control the flow of traffic would be facilitating the introduction of differentiated services or offering different qualities of service to different users. Any real congestion episode due to demand of greater than available bandwidth, or congestion created on a particular target host by computer viruses, will hamper the smooth execution of the offered network services. Thus, the role of congestion control mechanisms in modern computer networks is very crucial. In order to find effective solutions to congestion control, in this thesis we use feedback control system models of computer networks. The closed loop formed by TCPIIP between the end hosts, through intermediate routers, relies on implicit feedback of congestion information through returning acknowledgements. This feedback information about the congestion state of the network can be in the form of lost packets, changes in round trip time and rate of arrival of acknowledgements. Thus, end hosts can either execute reactive or proactive congestion control mechanisms. The former approach uses duplicate acknowledgements and timeouts as congestion signals, as done in TCP Reno, whereas the latter approach depends on changes in the round trip time, as in TCP Vegas. The protocols employing the second approach are still in their infancy as they cannot co-exist safely with protocols employing the first approach. Whereas TCP Reno and its mutations, such as TCP Sack, are presently widely used in computer networks, including the current Internet. These protocols require packet losses to happen before they can detect congestion, thus inherently leading to wastage of time and network bandwidth. Active Queue Management (AQM) is an alternative approach which provides congestion feedback from routers to end users. It makes a network to behave as a sensitive closed loop feedback control system, with a response time of one round trip time, congestion information being delivered to the end host to reduce data sending rates before actual packets losses happen. From this congestion information, end hosts can reduce their congestion window size, thus pumping fewer packets into a congested network until the congestion period is over and routers stop sending congestion signals. Keeping both approaches in view, we have adopted a two-pronged strategy to address the problem of congestion control. They are to adapt the network at its edges as well as its core routers. We begin by introducing TCPIIP based computer networks and defining the congestion control problem. Next we look at different proactive end-to-end protocols, including TCP Vegas due to its better fairness properties. We address the incompatibility problem between TCP Vegas and TCP Reno by using ECN based on Random Early Detection (RED) algorithm to adjust parameters of TCP Vegas. Further, we develop two alternative algorithms, namely optimal minimum variance and generalized optimal minimum variance, for fair end-to-end protocols. The relationship between (p, 1) proportionally fair algorithm and the generalized algorithm is investigated along with conditions for its stable operation. Noteworthy is a novel treatment of the issue of transient fairness. This represents the work done on congestion control at the edges of network. Next, we focus on router-based congestion control algorithms and start with a survey of previous work done in that direction. We select the RED algorithm for further work due to it being recommended for the implementation of AQM. First we devise a new Hybrid RED algorithm which employs instantaneous queue size along with an exponential weighted moving average queue size for making decisions about packet marking/dropping, and adjusts the average value during periods of low traffic. This algorithm improves the link utilization and packet loss rate as compared to basic RED. We further propose a control theory based Auto-tuning RED algorithm that adapts to changing traffic load. This algorithm can clamp the average queue size to a desired reference value which can be used to estimate queuing delays for Quality of Service purposes. As an alternative approach to router-based congestion control, we investigate Proportional, Proportional-Integral (PI) and Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) principles based control algorithms for AQM. New control-theoretic RED and frequency response based PI and PID control algorithms are developed and their performance is compared with that of existing algorithms. Later we transform the RED and PI principle based algorithms into their adaptive versions using the well known square root of p formula. The performance of these load adaptive algorithms is compared with that of the previously developed fixed parameter algorithms. Apart from some recent research, most of the previous efforts on the design of congestion control algorithms have been heuristic. This thesis provides an effective use of control theory principles in the design of congestion control algorithms. We develop fixed-parameter-type feedback congestion control algorithms as well as their adaptive versions. All of the newly proposed algorithms are evaluated by using ns-based simulations. The thesis concludes with a number of research proposals emanating from the work reported

    An Efficient Framework of Congestion Control for Next-Generation Networks

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    The success of the Internet can partly be attributed to the congestion control algorithm in the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). However, with the tremendous increase in the diversity of networked systems and applications, TCP performance limitations are becoming increasingly problematic and the need for new transport protocol designs has become increasingly important.Prior research has focused on the design of either end-to-end protocols (e.g., CUBIC) that rely on implicit congestion signals such as loss and/or delay or network-based protocols (e.g., XCP) that use precise per-flow feedback from the network. While the former category of schemes haveperformance limitations, the latter are hard to deploy, can introduce high per-packet overhead, and open up new security challenges. This dissertation explores the middle ground between these designs and makes four contributions. First, we study the interplay between performance and feedback in congestion control protocols. We argue that congestion feedback in the form of aggregate load can provide the richness needed to meet the challenges of next-generation networks and applications. Second, we present the design, analysis, and evaluation of an efficient framework for congestion control called Binary Marking Congestion Control (BMCC). BMCC uses aggregate load feedback to achieve efficient and fair bandwidth allocations on high bandwidth-delaynetworks while minimizing packet loss rates and average queue length. BMCC reduces flow completiontimes by up to 4x over TCP and uses only the existing Explicit Congestion Notification bits.Next, we consider the incremental deployment of BMCC. We study the bandwidth sharing properties of BMCC and TCP over different partial deployment scenarios. We then present algorithms for ensuring safe co-existence of BMCC and TCP on the Internet. Finally, we consider the performance of BMCC over Wireless LANs. We show that the time-varying nature of the capacity of a WLAN can lead to significant performance issues for protocols that require capacity estimates for feedback computation. Using a simple model we characterize the capacity of a WLAN and propose the usage of the average service rate experienced by network layer packets as an estimate for capacity. Through extensive evaluation, we show that the resulting estimates provide good performance

    Hochleistungsrechnen in Baden-WĂŒrttemberg - AusgewĂ€hlte AktivitĂ€ten im bwGRiD 2012 : BeitrĂ€ge zu Anwenderprojekten und Infrastruktur im bwGRiD im Jahr 2012

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    bwGRiD bezeichnet eine einzigartige Kooperation zwischen den Hochschulen des Landes Baden-WĂŒrtttemberg, die Wissenschaftlern aller Disziplinenen Ressourcen im Bereich des HPCs effizient und hochverfĂŒgbar zur VerfĂŒgung zu stellt. Der prĂ€sentierte 8. bwGRiD-Workshop in Freiburg bot die Chance, einen breiten Überblick zum Stand des Projektes zu verschaffen, Anwender und Administratoren gleichsam zu Wort kommen zu lassen und den Austausch zwischen den Fach-Communities zu befördern
