71 research outputs found

    Aggregations of quadratic inequalities and hidden hyperplane convexity

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    We study properties of the convex hull of a set SS described by quadratic inequalities. A simple way of generating inequalities valid on SS is to to take a nonnegative linear combinations of the defining inequalities of SS. We call such inequalities aggregations. Special aggregations naturally contain the convex hull of SS, and we give sufficient conditions for such aggregations to define the convex hull. We introduce the notion of hidden hyperplane convexity (HHC), which is related to the classical notion of hidden convexity of quadratic maps. We show that if the quadratic map associated with SS satisfies HHC, then the convex hull of SS is defined by special aggregations. To the best of our knowledge, this result generalizes all known results regarding aggregations defining convex hulls. Using this sufficient condition, we are able to recognize previously unknown classes of sets where aggregations lead to convex hull. We show that the condition known as positive definite linear combination together with hidden hyerplane convexity is a sufficient condition for finitely many aggregations to define the convex hull. All the above results are for sets defined using open quadratic inequalities. For closed quadratic inequalities, we prove a new result regarding aggregations giving the convex hull, without topological assumptions on SS.Comment: 26 pages, 3 figure

    Complexity of optimizing over the integers

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    In the first part of this paper, we present a unified framework for analyzing the algorithmic complexity of any optimization problem, whether it be continuous or discrete in nature. This helps to formalize notions like "input", "size" and "complexity" in the context of general mathematical optimization, avoiding context dependent definitions which is one of the sources of difference in the treatment of complexity within continuous and discrete optimization. In the second part of the paper, we employ the language developed in the first part to study information theoretic and algorithmic complexity of {\em mixed-integer convex optimization}, which contains as a special case continuous convex optimization on the one hand and pure integer optimization on the other. We strive for the maximum possible generality in our exposition. We hope that this paper contains material that both continuous optimizers and discrete optimizers find new and interesting, even though almost all of the material presented is common knowledge in one or the other community. We see the main merit of this paper as bringing together all of this information under one unifying umbrella with the hope that this will act as yet another catalyst for more interaction across the continuous-discrete divide. In fact, our motivation behind Part I of the paper is to provide a common language for both communities

    On the relationship between standard intersection cuts, lift-and-project cuts, and generalized intersection cuts

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    We examine the connections between the classes of cuts in the title. We show that lift-and-project (L&P) cuts from a given disjunction are equivalent to generalized intersection cuts from the family of polyhedra obtained by taking positive combinations of the complements of the inequalities of each term of the disjunction. While L&P cuts from split disjunctions are known to be equivalent to standard intersection cuts (SICs) from the strip obtained by complementing the terms of the split, we show that L&P cuts from more general disjunctions may not be equivalent to any SIC. In particular, we give easily verifiable necessary and sufficient conditions for a L&P cut from a given disjunction D to be equivalent to a SIC from the polyhedral counterpart of D. Irregular L&P cuts, i.e. those that violate these conditions, have interesting properties. For instance, unlike the regular ones, they may cut off part of the corner polyhedron associated with the LP solution from which they are derived. Furthermore, they are not exceptional: their frequency exceeds that of regular cuts. A numerical example illustrates some of the above properties. © 2016 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg and Mathematical Optimization Societ

    Mathematical Programming Decoding of Binary Linear Codes: Theory and Algorithms

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    Mathematical programming is a branch of applied mathematics and has recently been used to derive new decoding approaches, challenging established but often heuristic algorithms based on iterative message passing. Concepts from mathematical programming used in the context of decoding include linear, integer, and nonlinear programming, network flows, notions of duality as well as matroid and polyhedral theory. This survey article reviews and categorizes decoding methods based on mathematical programming approaches for binary linear codes over binary-input memoryless symmetric channels.Comment: 17 pages, submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. Published July 201

    Do We Understand Quantum Mechanics - Finally?

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    After some historical remarks concerning Schroedinger's discovery of wave mechanics, we present a unified formalism for the mathematical description of classical and quantum-mechanical systems, utilizing elements of the theory of operator algebras. We then review some basic aspects of quantum mechanics and, in particular, of its interpretation. We attempt to clarify what Quantum Mechanics tells us about Nature when appropriate experiments are made. We discuss the importance of the mechanisms of "dephasing" and "decoherence" in associating "facts" with possible events and rendering complementary possible events mutually exclusive.Comment: 42 pages, contribution to the Proceedings of a conference in memory of Erwin Schroedinger, Vienna, January 201

    The Covering Radius and a Discrete Surface Area for Non-Hollow Simplices

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    We explore upper bounds on the covering radius of non-hollow lattice polytopes. In particular, we conjecture a general upper bound of d/2 in dimension d, achieved by the “standard terminal simplices” and direct sums of them. We prove this conjecture up to dimension three and show it to be equivalent to the conjecture of González-Merino and Schymura (Discrete Comput. Geom. 58(3), 663–685 (2017)) that the d-th covering minimum of the standard terminal n-simplex equals d/2, for every n≥d . We also show that these two conjectures would follow from a discrete analog for lattice simplices of Hadwiger’s formula bounding the covering radius of a convex body in terms of the ratio of surface area versus volume. To this end, we introduce a new notion of discrete surface area of non-hollow simplices. We prove our discrete analog in dimension two and give strong evidence for its validity in arbitrary dimension.G. Codenotti and F. Santos were supported by the Einstein Foundation Berlin under grant EVF-2015-230. F. Santos was also supported by grants MTM2017-83750-P/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and PID2019-106188GB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 of the Spanish State Research Agency. M. Schymura was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) within the Project Convexity, geometry of numbers, and the complexity of integer programming (Nr. 163071)

    The Thermomajorization Polytope and Its Degeneracies

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    Drawing inspiration from transportation theory, in this work, we introduce the notions of “well-structured” and “stable” Gibbs states and we investigate their implications for quantum thermodynamics and its resource theory approach via thermal operations. It is found that, in the quasi-classical realm, global cyclic state transfers are impossible if and only if the Gibbs state is stable. Moreover, using a geometric approach by studying the so-called thermomajorization polytope, we prove that any subspace in equilibrium can be brought out of equilibrium via thermal operations. Interestingly, the case of some subsystem being in equilibrium can be witnessed via the degenerate extreme points of the thermomajorization polytope, assuming that the Gibbs state of the system is well structured. These physical considerations are complemented by simple new constructions for the polytope’s extreme points, as well as for an important class of extremal Gibbs-stochastic matrices

    Arithmetic geometry of toric varieties. Metrics, measures and heights

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    We show that the height of a toric variety with respect to a toric metrized line bundle can be expressed as the integral over a polytope of a certain adelic family of concave functions. To state and prove this result, we study the Arakelov geometry of toric varieties. In particular, we consider models over a discrete valuation ring, metrized line bundles, and their associated measures and heights. We show that these notions can be translated in terms of convex analysis, and are closely related to objects like polyhedral complexes, concave functions, real Monge-Amp\`ere measures, and Legendre-Fenchel duality. We also present a closed formula for the integral over a polytope of a function of one variable composed with a linear form. This allows us to compute the height of toric varieties with respect to some interesting metrics arising from polytopes. We also compute the height of toric projective curves with respect to the Fubini-Study metric, and of some toric bundles.Comment: Revised version, 230 pages, 3 figure

    When Deep Learning Meets Polyhedral Theory: A Survey

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    In the past decade, deep learning became the prevalent methodology for predictive modeling thanks to the remarkable accuracy of deep neural networks in tasks such as computer vision and natural language processing. Meanwhile, the structure of neural networks converged back to simpler representations based on piecewise constant and piecewise linear functions such as the Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU), which became the most commonly used type of activation function in neural networks. That made certain types of network structure \unicode{x2014}such as the typical fully-connected feedforward neural network\unicode{x2014} amenable to analysis through polyhedral theory and to the application of methodologies such as Linear Programming (LP) and Mixed-Integer Linear Programming (MILP) for a variety of purposes. In this paper, we survey the main topics emerging from this fast-paced area of work, which bring a fresh perspective to understanding neural networks in more detail as well as to applying linear optimization techniques to train, verify, and reduce the size of such networks
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