14 research outputs found

    XML-basierte Sichtweise auf die einzelnen Phasen des Produktlebenszyklus von ambienten Beleuchtungssystemen

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    Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, eine XML-basierte Sichtweise auf die einzelnen Phasen des Produktlebenszyklus von ambienten Beleuchtungssystemen zu realisieren. Dies hat zu der Entwicklung des XML-Konverters geführt, der speziell für den Produktentwicklungsprozess von ambienten Beleuchtungssystemen entwickelt wurde. Ausgangspunkt waren die intelligente Datenbereitstellung, -aufbereitung, -weitergabe entlang des gesamten Produktlebenszyklus von ambienten Beleuchtungssystemen in einer gültigen XML-basierten Datenstruktur, die Organisation und Verwaltung der immensen Datenmengen, die in jeder Phase des Produktlebenszyklus von ambienten Beleuchtungssystemen auffallen, die Protokolle des Datenaustausches zwischen den Phasen des Produktlebenszyklus und für die verteilte Produktentwicklung, sowie die Automatisierung dieses Datenaustausches. Dieser Beitrag ist insbesondere wichtig, weil er der erste ist, der diese Thematik in ihrer Gesamtheit betrachtet, analysiert und behandelt. Er liefert eine konkrete Lösung der Problemstellung und somit stellt er die ersten Schritte in diese Thematik dar. Seit dem Anfang dieser Arbeit lag der Fokus immer auf der erweiterbaren Auszeichnungssprache XML, weil XML flexible Mechanismen für den Datenaustausch und die Aufbereitung von Inhalten für die unterschiedlichsten Zielmedien liefert und weil sie viele Potentiale zu versprechen scheint. Über die Trennung von Inhalt, Struktur und Erscheinungsbild gelingt es, im XML dies und mehr zu realisieren. Die Erweiterbarkeit von XML an bestehende Problemlösungen ist ein weiterer wichtiger Aspekt bei der Weiterentwicklung und Verbreitung von den XML-Dokumentenstrukturen. Im Laufe dieser Arbeit wird u.a. ganz klar, dass XML die Zukunft insbesondere im Bereich des Daten- und Dokumentenaustausch und der Präsentation von Daten nach aktuellem Stand der Technik gehört. Der hier vorgestellte XML-Konverter ist erst ein Einstieg in die Thematik und stellt somit die erste Lösung dieser Problematik dar. Für die weitere Entwicklung des XML-Konverters ist eine Verbesserung der inkrementellen Verarbeitung denkbar


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    This study is a first attempt to examine the part of women in the social networking at the court. My starting point is the thesis, that only a new phrasing of the concept of the distinction between "public" and "privacy" will adduce an useful model for interpretation of the role of women in the courtly society. This is the background of my examination of a group of women of the courtly society, the female officeholders at the court of Vienna in the first half of the 17th century. In the description of this group, I began with the study of motivations for the service in the Empress's entourage. Also I examined the regional and familial background of these women, the official duties and the everyday life at court. Finally I can show backed by many examples scopes of action for these women and their possibilities to make careers. As a result of my study I can make four major points: Firstly, I can observe at European courts at least two different types of entourages of princesses (Frauenhofstaate). Therein, the Viennese court was representative for the courts of the Holy Roman Empire and some others such as Denmark and Sweden. Secondly, I can demonstrate that the entourage of the Empress was included in the developing process of a Habsburgian courtly aristocracy (habsburgischer Hofadel) with regard to the families and to the regional origins of the female officeholders. Thirdly, the study describes for the first time the responsibilities of female officeholders and their place in the courtly norms system. Fourthly, I am able to describe the female officeholders in different forms of activity in family networks which were constitutive for the courtly society and for the protection of family careers, too. To complete my study, I have included an appendix of sources with the aim to stimulate further comparative researches. Besides this, the book includes short biographies for the 193 female officeholders whom I could identify for the first half of the 17th century. With these biographies I want to document the base of sources for the study and to make available this material for other researches about the Viennese court. The illustrations - many among them are now published for the first time - show some of the protagonists, but principally they show as a source sui generis the place of women in the frame of manifestations of the courtly society like celebrations, coronations or processions. In this way, this work has the nature of a pilot study for all European courts in early modern times

    Eugenische Vernunft : Eingriffe in die reproduktive Kultur durch die Medizin 1900-2000

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    This is a study about the causes and consequences of the eugenic intrusions into our society´s reproductive culture by medicine over the course of the twentieth century. By the turn of the twenty-first century, such scientific intrusions through biotechnological selection at the very beginning of a human´s life have become socially acceptable and part of the task of family planning. Of intrinsic interest is the goal of subjecting the normative ideal images of family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood - which through medical science have advanced eugenic intrusions into the social organization of the species "reproduction" - to a gender-sensitive analysis. This study also highlights how these ideal images are integrated into the development of the biotechnologies of conception and selection, and how these technologies in turn influence familiy planning. The issue are analyzed against the background of social and scientific developments which accompanied and made possible the rise of eugenic rationality in the twentieth century. The sources used for this analysis are medial studies published in the journal Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift between 1900 and 2000; the methodology applied is discourse analysis. The project was financed by a research grant (APART) under the auspices of the Austrian Academy of Science (ÖAW). This research demonstrates: which concepts of gender and generation within the families are inherent to the eugenic ideal images; which social transformation processes were integrated into these ideal images; how and why parenthood and childhood were scientiffically rationalized and modernized; the demands which have increasingly confronted parents over the past decades as regards successful instruction and education; the duties which emanated in the namen of the child´s well-being; and the reasons for which biotechnological selection at the very beginning of human life currently has a sweeping influence on motherhood and childhood. Finally, the study demonstrates that the existing reproductive culture in our society is infused by eugenic rationality. A further investigative dimension of the eugenic mainstream is also developed by virtue of the approach in which the focus consistently points to the scientific reorganization of the entire context of reproduction. And by virture of which the scientification of the reproductive culture is examined and analyzed by contextualizing Austria´s twentieth-century social and socio-political history. In addition, a profound and exemplary critiqu of science is elaborated by employing the approaches of the sociology of science as well as the history of science and drawing upon the Austrian example of (bio)medicine and bio(medical) technologies of conception and selection. Science is presented in its cultural and political entanglement as a bastion of hegemonic masculinity, staking a claim to the connection between science and responsibility

    Vorlesungsverzeichnis. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). SS 2018

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