4,734 research outputs found

    Feature Extraction in Signal Regression: A Boosting Technique for Functional Data Regression

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    Main objectives of feature extraction in signal regression are the improvement of accuracy of prediction on future data and identification of relevant parts of the signal. A feature extraction procedure is proposed that uses boosting techniques to select the relevant parts of the signal. The proposed blockwise boosting procedure simultaneously selects intervals in the signal’s domain and estimates the effect on the response. The blocks that are defined explicitly use the underlying metric of the signal. It is demonstrated in simulation studies and for real-world data that the proposed approach competes well with procedures like PLS, P-spline signal regression and functional data regression. The paper is a preprint of an article published in the Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics. Please use the journal version for citation

    Simple and Effective Visual Models for Gene Expression Cancer Diagnostics

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    In the paper we show that diagnostic classes in cancer gene expression data sets, which most often include thousands of features (genes), may be effectively separated with simple two-dimensional plots such as scatterplot and radviz graph. The principal innovation proposed in the paper is a method called VizRank, which is able to score and identify the best among possibly millions of candidate projections for visualizations. Compared to recently much applied techniques in the field of cancer genomics that include neural networks, support vector machines and various ensemble-based approaches, VizRank is fast and finds visualization models that can be easily examined and interpreted by domain experts. Our experiments on a number of gene expression data sets show that VizRank was always able to find data visualizations with a small number of (two to seven) genes and excellent class separation. In addition to providing grounds for gene expression cancer diagnosis, VizRank and its visualizations also identify small sets of relevant genes, uncover interesting gene interactions and point to outliers and potential misclassifications in cancer data sets

    FLAME, a novel fuzzy clustering method for the analysis of DNA microarray data

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    BACKGROUND: Data clustering analysis has been extensively applied to extract information from gene expression profiles obtained with DNA microarrays. To this aim, existing clustering approaches, mainly developed in computer science, have been adapted to microarray data analysis. However, previous studies revealed that microarray datasets have very diverse structures, some of which may not be correctly captured by current clustering methods. We therefore approached the problem from a new starting point, and developed a clustering algorithm designed to capture dataset-specific structures at the beginning of the process. RESULTS: The clustering algorithm is named Fuzzy clustering by Local Approximation of MEmbership (FLAME). Distinctive elements of FLAME are: (i) definition of the neighborhood of each object (gene or sample) and identification of objects with "archetypal" features named Cluster Supporting Objects, around which to construct the clusters; (ii) assignment to each object of a fuzzy membership vector approximated from the memberships of its neighboring objects, by an iterative converging process in which membership spreads from the Cluster Supporting Objects through their neighbors. Comparative analysis with K-means, hierarchical, fuzzy C-means and fuzzy self-organizing maps (SOM) showed that data partitions generated by FLAME are not superimposable to those of other methods and, although different types of datasets are better partitioned by different algorithms, FLAME displays the best overall performance. FLAME is implemented, together with all the above-mentioned algorithms, in a C++ software with graphical interface for Linux and Windows, capable of handling very large datasets, named Gene Expression Data Analysis Studio (GEDAS), freely available under GNU General Public License. CONCLUSION: The FLAME algorithm has intrinsic advantages, such as the ability to capture non-linear relationships and non-globular clusters, the automated definition of the number of clusters, and the identification of cluster outliers, i.e. genes that are not assigned to any cluster. As a result, clusters are more internally homogeneous and more diverse from each other, and provide better partitioning of biological functions. The clustering algorithm can be easily extended to applications different from gene expression analysis

    A Survey of Feature Selection Strategies for DNA Microarray Classification

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    Classification tasks are difficult and challenging in the bioinformatics field, that used to predict or diagnose patients at an early stage of disease by utilizing DNA microarray technology. However, crucial characteristics of DNA microarray technology are a large number of features and small sample sizes, which means the technology confronts a "dimensional curse" in its classification tasks because of the high computational execution needed and the discovery of biomarkers difficult. To reduce the dimensionality of features to find the significant features that can employ feature selection algorithms and not affect the performance of classification tasks. Feature selection helps decrease computational time by removing irrelevant and redundant features from the data. The study aims to briefly survey popular feature selection methods for classifying DNA microarray technology, such as filters, wrappers, embedded, and hybrid approaches. Furthermore, this study describes the steps of the feature selection process used to accomplish classification tasks and their relationships to other components such as datasets, cross-validation, and classifier algorithms. In the case study, we chose four different methods of feature selection on two-DNA microarray datasets to evaluate and discuss their performances, namely classification accuracy, stability, and the subset size of selected features. Keywords: Brief survey; DNA microarray data; feature selection; filter methods; wrapper methods; embedded methods; and hybrid methods. DOI: 10.7176/CEIS/14-2-01 Publication date:March 31st 202

    Algorithmic Techniques in Gene Expression Processing. From Imputation to Visualization

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    The amount of biological data has grown exponentially in recent decades. Modern biotechnologies, such as microarrays and next-generation sequencing, are capable to produce massive amounts of biomedical data in a single experiment. As the amount of the data is rapidly growing there is an urgent need for reliable computational methods for analyzing and visualizing it. This thesis addresses this need by studying how to efficiently and reliably analyze and visualize high-dimensional data, especially that obtained from gene expression microarray experiments. First, we will study the ways to improve the quality of microarray data by replacing (imputing) the missing data entries with the estimated values for these entries. Missing value imputation is a method which is commonly used to make the original incomplete data complete, thus making it easier to be analyzed with statistical and computational methods. Our novel approach was to use curated external biological information as a guide for the missing value imputation. Secondly, we studied the effect of missing value imputation on the downstream data analysis methods like clustering. We compared multiple recent imputation algorithms against 8 publicly available microarray data sets. It was observed that the missing value imputation indeed is a rational way to improve the quality of biological data. The research revealed differences between the clustering results obtained with different imputation methods. On most data sets, the simple and fast k-NN imputation was good enough, but there were also needs for more advanced imputation methods, such as Bayesian Principal Component Algorithm (BPCA). Finally, we studied the visualization of biological network data. Biological interaction networks are examples of the outcome of multiple biological experiments such as using the gene microarray techniques. Such networks are typically very large and highly connected, thus there is a need for fast algorithms for producing visually pleasant layouts. A computationally efficient way to produce layouts of large biological interaction networks was developed. The algorithm uses multilevel optimization within the regular force directed graph layout algorithm.Siirretty Doriast

    Accurate molecular classification of cancer using simple rules

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>One intractable problem with using microarray data analysis for cancer classification is how to reduce the extremely high-dimensionality gene feature data to remove the effects of noise. Feature selection is often used to address this problem by selecting informative genes from among thousands or tens of thousands of genes. However, most of the existing methods of microarray-based cancer classification utilize too many genes to achieve accurate classification, which often hampers the interpretability of the models. For a better understanding of the classification results, it is desirable to develop simpler rule-based models with as few marker genes as possible.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We screened a small number of informative single genes and gene pairs on the basis of their depended degrees proposed in rough sets. Applying the decision rules induced by the selected genes or gene pairs, we constructed cancer classifiers. We tested the efficacy of the classifiers by leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV) of training sets and classification of independent test sets.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We applied our methods to five cancerous gene expression datasets: leukemia (acute lymphoblastic leukemia [ALL] vs. acute myeloid leukemia [AML]), lung cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, and leukemia (ALL vs. mixed-lineage leukemia [MLL] vs. AML). Accurate classification outcomes were obtained by utilizing just one or two genes. Some genes that correlated closely with the pathogenesis of relevant cancers were identified. In terms of both classification performance and algorithm simplicity, our approach outperformed or at least matched existing methods.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In cancerous gene expression datasets, a small number of genes, even one or two if selected correctly, is capable of achieving an ideal cancer classification effect. This finding also means that very simple rules may perform well for cancerous class prediction.</p

    Personalized Prognosis and Diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes - Vision or Fiction?

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    Typical civilization diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, share several features: their worldwide frequency, the complexity of the underlying pathogenic mechanisms, heterogeneity in the phenotypes and their multifactorial nature due to a wide variety of possible combinations of disease susceptibility or protective genes in different tissues and negative or positive environmental factors. This is in sharp contrast to classical inherited diseases, such as Huntington's chorea, which are often caused by complete loss- or gain-of-function mutations in a single gene. The causative polymorphisms of susceptibility genes, however, are characterized by relatively subtle alterations in the function of the corresponding gene products, i.e. low penetrance and effect size, which do not support the pathogenesis per se, and by their high frequency; these two characteristics result in high expenditures for their identification and a rather low predictive value. In the future, the reliable and early diagnosis of common diseases will thus depend on the determination of all (or as many as possible) polymorphisms of each susceptibility gene together with the corresponding gene products and the metabolites emerging thereof for each individual. Great hopes are currently associated with systems biology to cover these demands in time (i.e. along the pathogenesis) and space (i.e. in all relevant tissues). Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Base