18 research outputs found

    A mediation–moderation framework of consumers’ intention to participate in crowdfunding

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine the role of perceived risk and shopping frequency as a mediator and a moderator in supporting a reward-based crowdfunding (CF) project by potential backers. A research framework is developed based on consumer decision-making styles and literature studies. A total of 218 valid responses are collected from offline shoppers through an online questionnaire to examine their perceptions and motivation to participate in a CF project on Indiegogo, one of the largest reward-based CF platforms. Descriptive statistics and Hayes’ PROCESS macro are used to analyze data. The results reveal five decision-making styles of Thai offline shoppers. When combining these styles, they significantly directly increase the tentative of offline shoppers to support a CF project, but indirectly decrease their backing intention through perceived risk. Past behavior in terms of respondents’ offline shopping behavior insignificantly moderate the relationships between consumer style inventory (CSI) and perceived risk, perceived risk and intention, and CSI and intention, but significantly help to lower their perceived risk. The results guide project owners in reward-based CF platforms in drawing attention from future backers, expanding their market, and creating marketing strategies for potential consumers with different decision-making styles. This work is one of the first papers that explores offline shoppers as potential backers, examines the impact of consumer decision-making styles, and analyze mediation and moderation models in the context of a reward-based CF platform

    Demographic change and operationalization of the landscape in tourism planning: Landscape perceptions of the Generation Z

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    This study focuses on Generation Z, which is one of the most intriguing groups in terms of the future of tourism. The research questions of this study focus on what the landscape components that attract the attention of Generation Z in a tourism destination embrace, and how this interest can be operationalized in the tourism planning of that destination. The research was designed with an interpretive approach as the perceptions regarding landscape will differ according to the social location of the tourists. On-site observation studies were conducted with volunteer members from Generation Z, data being collected, and then analyzed with content analysis. The main findings of the study are as follows: Generation Z members enjoy interacting with local residents at a destination; they find traditional architecture and everyday-life interesting; and morphology, one of the natural environmental characteristics, is fascinating to Generation Z. © 2022 Elsevier Lt


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    Indonesia E-commerce transactions contributed to GDP of IDR 125 trillion in year 2017 and will be estimated to increase by IDR 910 trillion in 2022. The fierce competition among the sellers require seller to provide a competitive advantage in order to increase revenue. Competitive advantage can be gained by the trust of customers who are willing to repurchase online. In this study, we examine how trust affects online repurchase intention by eliciting the interests that buyers receive when making transactions and seeing the existence of the application of gender differences. The study was conducted using a questionnaire using Google forms on 114 respondents. The findings of this study result that customers intend to repurchases online based on the trust eventhough it has risk, without any difference between man and woman as customer behavior


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    Background: Population of online consumers increases rapidly, but the decision-making styles of online consumers and psychiatric denominators such as the personality correlates remain unclear. Subjects and methods: In 196 traditional, and 196 age-, education- and gender-matched online consumers, we have tested the Zuckerman-Kuhlman Personality Questionnaire (ZKPQ) and the Consumer Style Inventory (CSI). Results: After exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, we have defined a five-factor model CSI with 24 items. Online consumers scored lower on ZKPQ Neuroticism-Anxiety and higher on Aggression-Hostility than traditional ones did, and scored higher on CSI Novelty-fashion consciousness and Brand consciousness, and lower on Time consciousness than the traditional consumers did. ZKPQ Neuroticism-Anxiety was positively correlated with CSI Confused by overchoice in both groups, Sociability was positively correlated with Novelty-fashion consciousness and negatively with Time consciousness in traditional group, and Impulsive Sensation Seeking was positively correlated with Novelty-fashion consciousness and Time consciousness in online group. Conclusions: Our study suggests that, regarding the decision-making styles, online consumers display curiosity that lacks security and need other ways to improve their social lives. It also calls further designs to address the contributions of other psychiatric features to the particular decision-making styles in online consumers


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    From the middle of the 20th century, the market researches showed an interest for exploring different consumers’ decision-making styles. The contemporary market researches emphasized the influence of the generational theory on decision-making style. This concept is important, especially for the marketing segmentation. With this in mind, this paper focuses on Generation Z in order to explore the characteristics of their decision making styles. The main aim of the paper is to broaden current knowledge of Generation Z decision-making styles with reference to gender. Consequently, the empirical research was carried out from 1st September 2016 to 1st May 2017, using a purposive sample of 408 members of the Generation Z. In order to achieve the main goal of this paper, Cronbach’s alpha coefficient has been applied to test reliability of the items, explorative factor analysis to determine dimensionality of the constructs and one-way ANOVA to check whether there are statistically significant differences with regard to gender. The results reveal that there are some differences in decision-making styles of the Croatian Generation Z regarding gender. More precisely, the female gender appears to be more recreational and hedonistic, less price value conscious and less impulsive than the male. This research has given rise to many questions and further examination of this important market segment will be required in order to better understand their behaviour

    Gaya Pengambilan Keputusan Pembelian Pakaian Secara Online pada Generasi Z Indonesia

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    Strategic marketing decisions are based on the way the company understands consumers, including the wayconsumers make purchasing decisions. This study aimed to analyze the generation Z consumer decision-makingstyle in Indonesia in the purchasing of clothing by online shop media. Generation Z is a generation that is differentfrom the previous generation because it has a unique character and has technological literacy. In this reseach thedecision-making style used eight factors from the Consumer Style Inventory (CSI). Samples of research were 200people generation 16-22 years old who have bought clothes in online shop. The sampling technique usedpurposive sampling. Data analysis technique used the Confirmatory Factor Analysis. The results showed thatseven factors that were brand consciousness, perfectionist, high-quality consciousness, recreational, hedonisticconsumer, impulsiveness, confused by over choice, fashion-conscious novelty, and habitual and brand loyalorientation found in Indonesian Z generation in purchasing clothes by online. Another factor was that the pricevalue of consciousness is not confirmed in this study. Understanding consumer decision-making styles canexplain the basic considerations of Z generation as young consumers when choosing products from severalalternative product choices, brand selection, online stores, and purchasing intentions

    Electronic Consumer Style Inventory: Factor Exploration And Multi-Comparison Analysis

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    The objective of this research article is to identify the factors of consumer decisionmaking style in the context of electronic purchasing and test the significance of these factors on the basis of gender and age of respondents through multi-comparison analysis. Data for this report came from a survey of consumers (N = 411) with a structured questionnaire design. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), ANOVA and Post-hoc (for multiple comparisons) were used to achieve the objectives of the study. To contribute to an internationally valid and reliable research instrument for consumer decision-making style in the context of electronic purchasing, new constructs were identified, which we will call Electronic Consumer Style Inventory (ECSI). Consistent with the hypotheses, in general, the extracted factors in consumers’ electronic buying decision-making style are found to be significant on the basis of respondent gender and age. Customers’ evaluations of e-service quality are critical to service firms that aim to improve their marketing strategies; consequently, accurate measurement of e-service quality is a major concern for management. The resultant implications of this research are discussed by the authors and can help e-vendors and marketing managers achieve a sustainable competitive advantage in global markets and enhance their performance

    Perfil do comprador de viagens online vs. offline : o efeito moderador do canal de distribuição

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    Mestrado em MarketingO estudo teve como principais objectivos definir o perfil do comprador offline e online de viagens através da análise das variáveis psicográficas/sócio-demográficas do comprador e analisar a relação entre estas variáveis e a compra de viagens, avaliando o possível efeito moderador do canal de distribuição. Os resultados obtidos permitiram identificar que os compradores que recorreram ao canal online têm um nível de aversão ao risco inferior, são mais impulsivos, têm um nível de habilitações literárias superior, são mais novos e a prevalência de indivíduos do género masculino é inferior face aos compradores que recorreram ao canal offline para comprar viagens. Verificou-se ainda que as variáveis aversão ao risco, habilitações literárias e idade são preditores da compra de viagens. De referir também que foi possível concluir que o canal de distribuição tem um efeito moderador na relação entre o nível de habilitações literárias e a compra de viagens. Ao nível académico, este estudo irá contribuir para a caracterização do comprador offline e online de viagens e da relação entre as características psicográficas e sócio-demográficas destes compradores e a compra de viagens. Ao nível da gestão este estudo pode auxiliar as organizações no desenvolvimento de estratégias de comunicação e marketing mais eficazes face às características dos seus compradores, quer recorram ao canal online ou ao offline para comprar viagens.The study aims to define the online and offline buyers' profile by analysing the psychographic/sociodemographic variables and to analyse the relationship between these variables and the purchase of travel products, trying at the same time to evaluate the potential moderating effects of the distribution channel. Based on the results it was possible to identify that online buyers have a lower level of risk aversion, are more impulsive, have a higher level of educational qualifications, are younger and the number of male subjects is lower compared to buyers who turn to the offline channel. It was also found that the variables risk aversion, education and ages are travel products purchase predictors. Also noted that it was possible to conclude that the distribution channel has a moderating effect on the relationship between the level of education and the purchase of travel products. At an academic level, this study will contribute for the characterization of the online and offline travel products buyer profile and for the characterization of the relationship between the psychographic/sociodemographic characteristics of these buyers and the purchase of travel products. At a management level this study can assist organizations in the development of more effective communication and marketing strategies that meet theirs buyers characteristics, who can either use the online or offline channel to purchase travel products.N/