40,577 research outputs found

    Польський славіст про українсько-російську вербальну «дорогу навпростець»

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    Рецензія на книгу: Bracki Artur. Surżyk: Historia i teraźniejszość. — Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego. — Gdańsk 2009. — 273 s.Book review on: Bracki Artur. Surżyk: Historia i teraźniejszość. — Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego. — Gdańsk 2009. — 273 s

    Hypsocephalus dahli is a junior synonym of Microneta pusilla (Araneae, Linyphiidae)

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    Comparison of the detailed species-specific original drawings of Microneta pusilla Menge, 1869 with the holotype of Hypsocephalus dahli (Lessert, 1909) and the record of one female close to the type locality of Microneta pusilla in Gdansk, Poland indicate that Hypsocephalus dahli is a junior synonym of Microneta pusilla. Hypsocephalus pusillus (Menge, 1869) is therefore proposed as the valid name for this species. Here we discuss the taxonomic status of both species and present a distribution map that accounts for records in Poland

    Forestry in Poland with special attention to the region of the Pomeranian Young Moraine

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    In the year 2004 the ASFV celebrated its 50th anniversary holding a conference in Sulczyno, Kartuzy. This event offered the possibility to give an actual overview of forest resources and forest functions in Poland. The excursions of the meeting focused on the fascinating, diversified forest landscape formed by the Pomeranian phase of the Baltic glaciation. The Kartuzy Forest District is situated in the heart of the Kashubian Lakeland and the moraine hills. The landscape is not only characterized by the natural occurrence of Baltic beech forests but also by high diversity of soils and meso- and microclimatic de-viations providing habitats for rare plant species, including some plants typical of mountain regions. The tree species combination of the District is formed by pine, spruce, and beech. The oldest parts of the forests are legally protected as nature reserves

    Sex-speare vs. Shake-speare: On Nudity and Sexuality in Some Screen and Stage Versions of Shakespeare’s Plays

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    The article attempts to address the issue of nudity and eroticism in stage and screen versions of Shakespeare’s plays. Elizabethan theatrical conventions and moral and political censorship of the English Renaissance did not allow for an explicit presentation of naked bodies and sexual interactions on stage; rather, these were relegated to the verbal plane, hence the bawdy language Shakespeare employed on many occasions. Conventions play a significant role also in the present-day, post-1960s and post-sexual revolution era, whereby human sexuality in Western culture is not just alluded to, but discussed and presented in an open manner. Consequently, nudity on stage and screen in versions of Shakespeare’s plays has become more marked and outspoken. Indeed, in both filmic and TV productions as well as stage performances directors and actors more and more willingly have exposed human body and sexuality to the viewer/spectator. My aim is to look at such instances from the perspective of realism and realistic conventions that the three media deploy and the effect nudity/sex can have on the recipient. The conclusion is that theatre is most conventional and stark realism and directness of the message need to be carefully dosed. Similarly to the theatre, television, more specifically television theatre, is, too, a most direct genre, as television is inherently a live medium, the broadcasts of which occur here and now, in the present tense (ideally). Film is markedly different from the two previous forms of art: it is narrated in the past tense, thus creating a distance between what is shown and the viewer, and allowing for more literalness. Naturally, particular cases discussed in the article go beyond these rather simple divisions

    Measuring of quality of life in Polish metropolises – application of method of standardized indicators

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    Quality of life surveys should be an important part of the comprehensive management of urban areas. This especially refers to Poland where the integration but also a competition between metropolises has just started. Positioning studies conducted in relation to the local communities living in large cities are a valuable source of information. They are a useful tool to identify the attractiveness of metropolises which helps to compare their position to other cities, diagnose potential weaknesses and the application of development strategies allowing to increase the quality of life and hence the competitiveness. The purpose of the paper is analysis of quality of life indicators in Polish metropolises and measuring their position in term of quality of life, using the selected indicators. The study was conducted on the example of 10 largest cities in Poland: Warszawa, Poznań, Wrocław, Katowice, Lublin, Bydgoszcz, Gdańsk, Kraków, Szczecin, Łódź. The selection criterion was the number of urban residents which ranges from 307 thousands (Katowice) to 1,7 million (Warszawa). It was decided that the analysis will focus on indicators that illustrate different dimensions of quality of life. The data were classified into 8 categories that reflect different aspects of quality of life in citie

    Art as a laboratory – Guy Ben-Ary’s work

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    Szykowna Sylwia, Art as a laboratory – Guy Ben-Ary’s work. “Images” vol. XXV, no. 34. Poznań 2019. Adam Mickiewicz University Press. Pp. 115–124. ISSN 1731-450X. DOI 10.14746/i.2019.34.07. The present paper deals with the work of an Israeli artist, Guy Ben-Ary. His work is a prime example of artistic practice in the field of bio art. Bio art provokes critical thinking about the place and role of people in today’s world. The main purpose of the article is to describe changes in contemporary artistic practices within the framework of art as a laboratory, the aim of which is to study reality.  Szykowna Sylwia, Art as a laboratory – Guy Ben-Ary’s work. “Images” vol. XXV, no. 34. Poznań 2019. Adam Mickiewicz University Press. Pp. 115–124. ISSN 1731-450X. DOI 10.14746/i.2019.34.07. The present paper deals with the work of an Israeli artist, Guy Ben-Ary. His work is a prime example of artistic practice in the field of bio art. Bio art provokes critical thinking about the place and role of people in today’s world. The main purpose of the article is to describe changes in contemporary artistic practices within the framework of art as a laboratory, the aim of which is to study reality

    Directions in research of the oldest Polish press (1501–1729)

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    This article contains a brief overview of the research on Polish press from the years 1501–1729, and discusses its directions and results conducted by historians and press experts after 1945. A citation analysis is widely used in the evaluation of the research output. The interest in the oldest Polish press is relatively high. A total of 55 scholars worked in the field, publishing 102 works (including 16 books), cited 524 times (including 267 times below the half-life period). Eight authors had the largest contribution: Konrad Zawadzki, Kazimierz Maliszewski, Jan Lankau, Władysław Myk, Adam Przyboś, Jan Pirożyński, Janusz A. Drob and Urszula Augustyniak. The most frequent subjects of research were ephemeral and serial newspapers, Merkuriusz Polski and handwritten newspapers, as well as other periodic newspapers and press from Gdańs