7 research outputs found

    Effects of Narrative Structure and Salient Decision Points in Role Playing Games

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    This research-in-progress paper reports an experimental study that investigates two research problems: first, how does narrative structure impact the experience of role-playing games (RPGs)? And second, what are the effects of salient decision points on players’ perceptions of narrative structure and game play? Can players perceive branching narrative without salient decision points? Previous research literature was reviewed, two hypotheses were developed based on prior research, and an experiment was designed to test these two hypotheses. The findings will likely shed light on the development of narrative and feedback structures in RPGs and other allied fields, such as digital media, virtual reality, and human-computer interaction

    Are You Seeing What I'm Seeing? An Eye-Tracking Evaluation of Dynamic Scenes

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    Based on the data from the 2006/7 multimedia exhibition, RePossessed, during which over 400 members of the public watched scenes from Hitchcock's Vertigo, this paper describes the basis of an approach to the use of eye-tracking techniques, visualisations, and metrics to measure the influence of directorial techniques on film viewers' experience. Used as part of a repertoire of tools, the visualisation and quantitative evaluation of eye movement data can provide an intuitive and accessible approach to the evaluation of moving image based media and allow the conventions, assumptions and intuitive practices of film-making to be examined

    Presentation adaptation for multimodal interface systems: Three essays on the effectiveness of user-centric content and modality adaptation

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    The use of devices is becoming increasingly ubiquitous and the contexts of their users more and more dynamic. This often leads to situations where one communication channel is rather impractical. Text-based communication is particularly inconvenient when the hands are already occupied with another task. Audio messages induce privacy risks and may disturb other people if used in public spaces. Multimodal interfaces thus offer users the flexibility to choose between multiple interaction modalities. While the choice of a suitable input modality lies in the hands of the users, they may also require output in a different modality depending on their situation. To adapt the output of a system to a particular context, rules are needed that specify how information should be presented given the users’ situation and state. Therefore, this thesis tests three adaptation rules that – based on observations from cognitive science – have the potential to improve the interaction with an application by adapting the presented content or its modality. Following modality alignment, the output (audio versus visual) of a smart home display is matched with the user’s input (spoken versus manual) to the system. Experimental evaluations reveal that preferences for an input modality are initially too unstable to infer a clear preference for either interaction modality. Thus, the data shows no clear relation between the users’ modality choice for the first interaction and their attitude towards output in different modalities. To apply multimodal redundancy, information is displayed in multiple modalities. An application of the rule in a video conference reveals that captions can significantly reduce confusion. However, the effect is limited to confusion resulting from language barriers, whereas contradictory auditory reports leave the participants in a state of confusion independent of whether captions are available or not. We therefore suggest to activate captions only when the facial expression of a user – captured by action units, expressions of positive or negative affect, and a reduced blink rate – implies that the captions effectively improve comprehension. Content filtering in movies puts the character into the spotlight that – according to the distribution of their gaze to elements in the previous scene – the users prefer. If preferences are predicted with machine learning classifiers, this has the potential to significantly improve the user’ involvement compared to scenes of elements that the user does not prefer. Focused attention is additionally higher compared to scenes in which multiple characters take a lead role