5,824 research outputs found

    Social Aspects of New Technologies - the CCTV and Biometric (Framing Privacy and Data Protection) in the Case of Poland

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    The purpose of this paper is to review the institution responsible for the protection of personal data within the European Union and national example - Polish as a country representing the new Member States. The analysis of institutional system - providing legal security of communication and information institutions, companies and citizens against the dangers arising from the ongoing development of innovative new technologies in the European Union and Poland. This article is an attempt to analyze the possibility of using security systems and Biometry CTTV in Poland in terms of legislation. The results of the analysis indicate that, in terms of institutions Poland did not do badly in relation to the risks arising from the implementation of technology. The situation is not as good when it comes to the awareness of citizens and small businesses. This requires that facilitate greater access to free security software companies from data leakage or uncontrolled cyber-terrorist attacks. With regard to the use of security systems, CCTV and biometrics, Poland in legal terms is still early in the process of adapting to EU Directive. The continuous development of technology should force the legislature to establish clear standards and regulations for the application of CCTV technology and biometrics, as it is of great importance in ensuring the fundamental rights and freedoms of every citizen of the Polish Republic.Wyniki analizy wskazują, że pod względem instytucji Polska nie wypada źle w odniesieniu do zagrożeń wynikających z wdrożenia technologii. Sytuacja nie jest tak dobra, jeśli chodzi o świadomość obywateli i mniejszych firm. Wymaga to ułatwiania szerszego dostępu do darmowych programów zabezpieczających firmy przed wyciekiem danych lub niekontrolowanych cyber-ataków terrorystycznych. W odniesieniu do stosowania systemów zabezpieczeń CCTV oraz biometrii, Polska pod względem prawnym jest wciąż na początku procesu dostosowania do dyrektywy UE. Ciągły rozwój technologii powinien zmusić ustawodawcę do stworzenia jednoznacznych standardów i przepisów obowiązujących w zakresie stosowania technologii CCTV oraz biometrii, gdyż ma to ogromne znaczenie w zapewnieniu podstawowych praw i wolności każdego obywatela Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej

    Facebook Users Attitudes towards Secondary Use of Personal Information

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    This paper reports on a study of how user attitudes to institutional privacy change after exposing users to potential inferences that can be made from information disclosed on Facebook. Two sets of focus group sessions with Facebook users were conducted. Three sessions were conducted by demonstrating to the users, on a general level, what can be inferred from posts using prototypical software called DataBait. Another set of three sessions let the users experience the potential inferences from their own actual Facebook profiles by using the DataBait tool. Findings suggest that the participants’ attitudes to secondary use of information changed from affective to cognitive when they were exposed to potential third-party inferences using their own actual personal information. This observation calls for more research into online tools that allow users to manage and educate themselves dynamically about their own disclosure practices

    Oportunidades, riesgos y aplicaciones de la inteligencia de fuentes abiertas en la ciberseguridad y la ciberdefensa

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    The intelligence gathering has transformed significantly in the digital age. A qualitative leap within this domain is the sophistication of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT), a paradigm that exploits publicly available information for planned and strategic objectives. The main purpose of this PhD thesis is to motivate, justify and demonstrate OSINT as a reference paradigm that should complement the present and future of both civilian cybersecurity solutions and cyberdefence national and international strategies. The first objective concerns the critical examination and evaluation of the state of OSINT under the current digital revolution and the growth of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI). The second objective is geared toward categorizing security and privacy risks associated with OSINT. The third objective focuses on leveraging the OSINT advantages in practical use cases by designing and implementing OSINT techniques to counter online threats, particularly those from social networks. The fourth objective embarks on exploring the Dark web through the lens of OSINT, identifying and evaluating existing techniques for discovering Tor onion addresses, those that enable the access to Dark sites hosted in the Tor network, which could facilitate the monitoring of underground sites. To achieve these objectives, we follow a methodology with clearly ordered steps. Firstly, a rigorous review of the existing literature addresses the first objective, focusing on the state of OSINT, its applications, and its challenges. This serves to identify existing research gaps and establish a solid foundation for an updated view of OSINT. Consequently, a critical part of the methodology involves assessing the potential security and privacy risks that could emerge from the misuse of OSINT by cybercriminals, including using AI to enhance cyberattacks, fulfilling the second objective. Thirdly, to provide practical evidence regarding the power of OSINT, we work in a Twitter use case in the context of the 2019 Spanish general election, designing and implementing OSINT methods to understand the behaviour and impact of automated accounts. Through AI and social media analysis, this process aims to detect social bots in the wild for further behaviour characterization and impact assessment, thus covering the third objective. The last effort is dedicated to the Dark web, reviewing different works in the literature related to the Tor network to identify and characterize the techniques for gathering onion addresses essential for accessing anonymous websites, completing the fourth objective. This comprehensive methodology led to the publication of five remarkable scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals, collectively forming the basis of this PhD thesis. As main conclusions, this PhD thesis underlines the immense potential of OSINT as a strategic tool for problem-solving across many sectors. In the age of Big Data and AI, OSINT aids in deriving insights from vast, complex information sources such as social networks, online documents, web pages and even the corners of the Deep and Dark web. The practical use cases developed in this PhD thesis prove that incorporating OSINT into cybersecurity and cyberdefence is increasingly valuable. Social Media Intelligence (SOCMINT) helps to characterize social bots in disinformation contexts, which, in conjunction with AI, returns sophisticated results, such as the sentiment of organic content generated in social media or the political alignment of automated accounts. On the other hand, the Dark Web Intelligence (DARKINT) enables gathering the links of anonymous Dark web sites. However, we also expose in this PhD thesis that the development of OSINT carries its share of risks. Open data can be exploited for social engineering, spear-phishing, profiling, deception, blackmail, spreading disinformation or launching personalized attacks. Hence, the adoption of legal and ethical practices is also important.La recolección de inteligencia ha sufrido una transformación significativa durante la era digital. En particular, podemos destacar el auge y sofisticicación de la Inteligencia de Fuentes Abiertas (OSINT, por sus siglas en inglés de Open Source Intelligence), paradigma que recolecta y analiza la información públicamente disponible para objetivos estratégicos y planificados. El cometido principal de esta tesis doctoral es motivar, justificar y demostrar que OSINT es un paradigma de referencia para complementar el presente y futuro de las soluciones de ciberseguridad civiles y las estrategias de ciberdefensa nacionales e internacionales. El primer objetivo es examinar y evaluar el estado de OSINT en el contexto actual de revolución digital y crecimiento del Big Data y la Inteligencia Artificial (IA). El segundo objetivo está orientado a categorizar los riesgos de seguridad y privacidad asociados con OSINT. El tercer objetivo se centra en aprovechar las ventajas de OSINT en casos de uso prácticos, diseñando e implementando técnicas de OSINT para contrarrestar amenazas online, particularmente aquellas provenientes de las redes sociales. El cuarto objetivo es explorar la Dark web, buscando identificar y evaluar técnicas existentes para descubrir las direcciones aleatorias de las páginas alojadas en la red Tor. Para alcanzar estos objetivos seguimos una metodología con pasos ordenados. Primero, para abordar el primer objetivo, realizamos una revisión rigurosa de la literatura existente, centrándonos en el estado de OSINT, sus aplicaciones y sus desafíos. A continuación, en relación con el segundo objetivo, evaluamos los posibles riesgos de seguridad y privacidad que podrían surgir del mal uso de OSINT por parte de ciberdelincuentes, incluido el uso de IA para mejorar los ciberataques. En tercer lugar, para proporcionar evidencia práctica sobre el poder de OSINT, trabajamos en un caso de uso de Twitter en el contexto de las elecciones generales españolas de 2019, diseñando e implementando métodos de OSINT para entender el comportamiento y el impacto de las cuentas automatizadas. A través de la IA y el análisis de redes sociales, buscamos detectar bots sociales en Twitter para una posterior caracterización del comportamiento y evaluación del impacto, cubriendo así el tercer objetivo. Luego, dedicamos otra parte de la tesis al cuarto objetivo relacionado con la Dark web, revisando diferentes trabajos en la literatura de la red Tor para identificar y caracterizar las técnicas para recopilar direcciones onion, esenciales para acceder a sitios web anónimos de la red Tor. Esta metodología llevó a la publicación de cinco destacados artículos científicos en revistas revisadas por pares, formando colectivamente la base de esta tesis doctoral. Como principales conclusiones, esta tesis doctoral subraya el inmenso potencial de OSINT como herramienta estratégica para resolver problemas en muchos sectores. En la era de Big Data e IA, OSINT extrae conocimiento a partir de grandes y complejas fuentes de información en abierto como redes sociales, documentos online, páginas web, e incluso en la Deep y Dark web. Por otro lado, los casos prácticos desarrollados evidencian que la incorporación de OSINT en ciberseguridad y ciberdefensa es cada vez más valiosa. La Inteligencia de Redes Sociales (SOCMINT, por sus siglas en inglés Social Media Intelligence) ayuda a caracterizar bots sociales en contextos de desinformación. Por su parte, la Inteligencia de la Web Oscura (DARKINT, por sus siglas en inglés Dark Web Intelligence) permite recopilar enlaces de sitios anónimos de la Dark web. Sin embargo, esta tesis expone como el desarrollo de OSINT lleva consigo una serie de riesgos. Los datos abiertos pueden ser explotados para ingeniería social, spear-phishing, perfilado, engaño, chantaje, difusión de desinformación o lanzamiento de ataques personalizados. Por lo tanto, la adopción de prácticas legales y éticas es también imprescindible

    The Unusual Suspects: Journalists as Thieves

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    The publication of confidential information by the press stands in stark contrast to the press\u27 dedication to protecting the confidentiality of sources. While the Supreme Court has taken the position that the press may publish confidential information acquired through routine newsgathering methods, the contours of the phrase routine newsgathering methods are poorly defined In this Article, Professor Lee describes the link between the manner in which information is obtained and the First Amendment\u27s protection of the publication of the information. He concludes that the proper analysis would separate the interests affected by publication from the interests affected by illegal newsgathering

    A Survey on Securing Personally Identifiable Information on Smartphones

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    With an ever-increasing footprint, already topping 3 billion devices, smartphones have become a huge cybersecurity concern. The portability of smartphones makes them convenient for users to access and store personally identifiable information (PII); this also makes them a popular target for hackers. This survey shares practical insights derived from analyzing 16 real-life case studies that exemplify: the vulnerabilities that leave smartphones open to cybersecurity attacks; the mechanisms and attack vectors typically used to steal PII from smartphones; the potential impact of PII breaches upon all parties involved; and recommended defenses to help prevent future PII losses. The contribution of this research is recommending proactive measures to dramatically decrease the frequency of PII loss involving smartphones

    Deanonymizing tor hidden service users through bitcoin transactions analysis

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    With the rapid increase of threats on the Internet, people are continuously seeking privacy and anonymity. Services such as Bitcoin and Tor were introduced to provide anonymity for online transactions and Web browsing. Due to its pseudonymity model, Bitcoin lacks retroactive operational security, which means historical pieces of information could be used to identify a certain user. We investigate the feasibility of deanonymizing users of Tor hidden services who rely on Bitcoin as a method of payment. In particular, we correlate the public Bitcoin addresses of users and services with their corresponding transactions in the Blockchain. In other words, we establish a provable link between a Tor hidden service and its user by simply showing a transaction between their two corresponding addresses. This subtle information leakage breaks the anonymity of users and may have serious privacy consequences, depending on the sensitivity of the use case. To demonstrate how an adversary can deanonymize hidden service users by exploiting leaked information from Bitcoin over Tor, we carried out a real-world experiment as a proof-of-concept. First, we collected public Bitcoin addresses of Tor hidden services from their .onion landing pages. Out of 1.5K hidden services we crawled, we found 88 unique Bitcoin addresses that have a healthy economic activity in 2017. Next, we collected public Bitcoin addresses from two channels of online social networks, namely, Twitter and the BitcoinTalk forum. Out of 5B tweets and 1M forum pages, we found 4.2K and 41K unique online identities, respectively, along with their public personal information and Bitcoin addresses. We then expanded the lists of Bitcoin addresses using closure analysis, where a Bitcoin address is used to identify a set of other addresses that are highly likely to be controlled by the same user. This allowed us to collect thousands more Bitcoin addresses for the users. By analyzing the transactions in the Blockchain, we were able to link up to 125 unique users to various hidden services, including sensitive ones, such as The Pirate Bay, Silk Road, and WikiLeaks. Finally, we traced concrete case studies to demonstrate the privacy implications of information leakage and user deanonymization. In particular, we show that Bitcoin addresses should always be assumed as compromised and can be used to deanonymize users

    User's Privacy in Recommendation Systems Applying Online Social Network Data, A Survey and Taxonomy

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    Recommender systems have become an integral part of many social networks and extract knowledge from a user's personal and sensitive data both explicitly, with the user's knowledge, and implicitly. This trend has created major privacy concerns as users are mostly unaware of what data and how much data is being used and how securely it is used. In this context, several works have been done to address privacy concerns for usage in online social network data and by recommender systems. This paper surveys the main privacy concerns, measurements and privacy-preserving techniques used in large-scale online social networks and recommender systems. It is based on historical works on security, privacy-preserving, statistical modeling, and datasets to provide an overview of the technical difficulties and problems associated with privacy preserving in online social networks.Comment: 26 pages, IET book chapter on big data recommender system

    Foucault, Power and the Modern Panopticon

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