11 research outputs found

    Investigation of the Sense of Agency in Social Cognition, based on frameworks of Predictive Coding and Active Inference: A simulation study on multimodal imitative interaction

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    When agents interact socially with different intentions, conflicts are difficult to avoid. Although how agents can resolve such problems autonomously has not been determined, dynamic characteristics of agency may shed light on underlying mechanisms. The current study focused on the sense of agency (SoA), a specific aspect of agency referring to congruence between the agent's intention in acting and the outcome. Employing predictive coding and active inference as theoretical frameworks of perception and action generation, we hypothesize that regulation of complexity in the evidence lower bound of an agent's model should affect the strength of the agent's SoA and should have a critical impact on social interactions. We built a computational model of imitative interaction between a robot and a human via visuo-proprioceptive sensation with a variational Bayes recurrent neural network, and simulated the model in the form of pseudo-imitative interaction using recorded human body movement data. A key feature of the model is that each modality's complexity can be regulated differently with a hyperparameter assigned to each module. We first searched for an optimal setting that endows the model with appropriate coordination of multimodal sensation. This revealed that the vision module's complexity should be more tightly regulated than that of the proprioception module. Using the optimally trained model, we examined how changing the tightness of complexity regulation after training affects the strength of the SoA during interactions. The results showed that with looser regulation, an agent tends to act more egocentrically, without adapting to the other. In contrast, with tighter regulation, the agent tends to follow the other by adjusting its intention. We conclude that the tightness of complexity regulation crucially affects the strength of the SoA and the dynamics of interactions between agents.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figure

    Reservoir SMILES: Towards SensoriMotor Interaction of Language and Embodiment of Symbols with Reservoir Architectures

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    Language involves several hierarchical levels of abstraction. Most models focus on a particular level of abstraction making them unable to model bottom-up and top-down processes. Moreover, we do not know how the brain grounds symbols to perceptions and how these symbols emerge throughout development. Experimental evidence suggests that perception and action shape one-another (e.g. motor areas activated during speech perception) but the precise mechanisms involved in this action-perception shaping at various levels of abstraction are still largely unknown. My previous and current work include the modelling of language comprehension, language acquisition with a robotic perspective, sensorimotor models and extended models of Reservoir Computing to model working memory and hierarchical processing. I propose to create a new generation of neural-based computational models of language processing and production; to use biologically plausible learning mechanisms relying on recurrent neural networks; create novel sensorimotor mechanisms to account for action-perception shaping; build hierarchical models from sensorimotor to sentence level; embody such models in robots

    An exploratory computational analysis in mice brain networks of widespread epileptic seizure onset locations along with potential strategies for effective intervention and propagation control

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    Mean-field models have been developed to replicate key features of epileptic seizure dynamics. However, the precise mechanisms and the role of the brain area responsible for seizure onset and propagation remain incompletely understood. In this study, we employ computational methods within The Virtual Brain framework and the Epileptor model to explore how the location and connectivity of an Epileptogenic Zone (EZ) in a mouse brain are related to focal seizures (seizures that start in one brain area and may or may not remain localized), with a specific focus on the hippocampal region known for its association with epileptic seizures. We then devise computational strategies to confine seizures (prevent widespread propagation), simulating medical-like treatments such as tissue resection and the application of an anti-seizure drugs or neurostimulation to suppress hyperexcitability. Through selectively removing (blocking) specific connections informed by the structural connectome and graph network measurements or by locally reducing outgoing connection weights of EZ areas, we demonstrate that seizures can be kept constrained around the EZ region. We successfully identified the minimal connections necessary to prevent widespread seizures, with a particular focus on minimizing surgical or medical intervention while simultaneously preserving the original structural connectivity and maximizing brain functionality

    Branching Time Active Inference: empirical study and complexity class analysis

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    Active inference is a state-of-the-art framework for modelling the brain that explains a wide range of mechanisms such as habit formation, dopaminergic discharge and curiosity. However, recent implementations suffer from an exponential (space and time) complexity class when computing the prior over all the possible policies up to the time horizon. Fountas et al. (2020) used Monte Carlo tree search to address this problem, leading to very good results in two different tasks. Additionally, Champion et al. (2021a) proposed a tree search approach based on (temporal) structure learning. This was enabled by the development of a variational message passing approach to active inference (Champion, Bowman, GrzeĹ›, 2021), which enables compositional construction of Bayesian networks for active inference. However, this message passing tree search approach, which we call branching-time active inference (BTAI), has never been tested empirically. In this paper, we present an experimental study of the approach (Champion, GrzeĹ›, Bowman, 2021) in the context of a maze solving agent. In this context, we show that both improved prior preferences and deeper search help mitigate the vulnerability to local minima. Then, we compare BTAI to standard active inference (AcI) on a graph navigation task. We show that for small graphs, both BTAI and AcI successfully solve the task. For larger graphs, AcI exhibits an exponential (space) complexity class, making the approach intractable. However, BTAI explores the space of policies more efficiently, successfully scaling to larger graphs. Then, BTAI was compared to the POMCP algorithm (Silver and Veness, 2010) on the frozen lake environment. The experiments suggest that BTAI and the POMCP algorithm accumulate a similar amount of reward. Also, we describe when BTAI receives more rewards than the POMCP agent, and when the opposite is true. Finally, we compared BTAI to the approach of Fountas et al. (2020) on the dSprites dataset, and we discussed the pros and cons of each approach