653 research outputs found

    Gas Concentration Prediction Based on the Measured Data of a Coal Mine Rescue Robot

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    The coal mine environment is complex and dangerous after gas accident; then a timely and effective rescue and relief work is necessary. Hence prediction of gas concentration in front of coal mine rescue robot is an important significance to ensure that the coal mine rescue robot carries out the exploration and search and rescue mission. In this paper, a gray neural network is proposed to predict the gas concentration 10 meters in front of the coal mine rescue robot based on the gas concentration, temperature, and wind speed of the current position and 1 meter in front. Subsequently the quantum genetic algorithm optimization gray neural network parameters of the gas concentration prediction method are proposed to get more accurate prediction of the gas concentration in the roadway. Experimental results show that a gray neural network optimized by the quantum genetic algorithm is more accurate for predicting the gas concentration. The overall prediction error is 9.12%, and the largest forecasting error is 11.36%; compared with gray neural network, the gas concentration prediction error increases by 55.23%. This means that the proposed method can better allow the coal mine rescue robot to accurately predict the gas concentration in the coal mine roadway

    Proceedings of the 2017 Coal Operators\u27 Conference

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    Proceedings of the 2017 Coal Operators\u27 Conference. All papers in these proceedings are peer reviewed. ISBN: 978174128261

    Mining Technologies Innovative Development

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    The present book covers the main challenges, important for future prospects of subsoils extraction as a public effective and profitable business, as well as technologically advanced industry. In the near future, the mining industry must overcome the problems of structural changes in raw materials demand and raise the productivity up to the level of high-tech industries to maintain the profits. This means the formation of a comprehensive and integral response to such challenges as the need for innovative modernization of mining equipment and an increase in its reliability, the widespread introduction of Industry 4.0 technologies in the activities of mining enterprises, the transition to "green mining" and the improvement of labor safety and avoidance of man-made accidents. The answer to these challenges is impossible without involving a wide range of scientific community in the publication of research results and exchange of views and ideas. To solve the problem, this book combines the works of researchers from the world's leading centers of mining science on the development of mining machines and mechanical systems, surface and underground geotechnology, mineral processing, digital systems in mining, mine ventilation and labor protection, and geo-ecology. A special place among them is given to post-mining technologies research

    Advanced Mobile Robotics: Volume 3

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    Mobile robotics is a challenging field with great potential. It covers disciplines including electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, computer science, cognitive science, and social science. It is essential to the design of automated robots, in combination with artificial intelligence, vision, and sensor technologies. Mobile robots are widely used for surveillance, guidance, transportation and entertainment tasks, as well as medical applications. This Special Issue intends to concentrate on recent developments concerning mobile robots and the research surrounding them to enhance studies on the fundamental problems observed in the robots. Various multidisciplinary approaches and integrative contributions including navigation, learning and adaptation, networked system, biologically inspired robots and cognitive methods are welcome contributions to this Special Issue, both from a research and an application perspective

    Method for Effectively Utilizing Node Energy of WSN for Coal Mine Robot

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    As a special application scenario, the data collected by wireless sensor networks of coal mine robot is from vital and dangerous environment. Therefore, the nodes need to work as long as possible. In order to efficiently utilize the node energy of wireless sensor network, this paper proposes a self-organizing routing method for wireless sensor networks based on Q-learning. The method takes many factors into account, such as the hop number, distance, residual energy, and node communication loss and energy. Each node of the wireless sensor networks is mapped into an Agent. Periodic training is carried out to optimize the route choice. Each Agent chooses the optimal path for data transmission according to the calculated Q evaluation value. Simulation results show that the self-organizing sensor networks using Q-learning can balance the energy consumption of the nodes and prolong the lifetime of the networks

    NIOSH Mining Program: Evidence Package for 2008-2018

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    This document contains materials to demonstrate the relevance and impact of the Mining Program\u2019s work in the areas of disaster preparedness and response, ground control, and respirable hazards

    A survey on gas leakage source detection and boundary tracking with wireless sensor networks

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    Gas leakage source detection and boundary tracking of continuous objects have received a significant research attention in the academic as well as the industries due to the loss and damage caused by toxic gas leakage in large-scale petrochemical plants. With the advance and rapid adoption of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) in the last decades, source localization and boundary estimation have became the priority of research works. In addition, an accurate boundary estimation is a critical issue due to the fast movement, changing shape, and invisibility of the gas leakage compared with the other single object detections. We present various gas diffusion models used in the literature that offer the effective computational approaches to measure the gas concentrations in the large area. In this paper, we compare the continuous object localization and boundary detection schemes with respect to complexity, energy consumption, and estimation accuracy. Moreover, this paper presents the research directions for existing and future gas leakage source localization and boundary estimation schemes with WSNs

    Safety breakthrough - reduced exposures mining system (REMS)

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    Англійська мова для навчання і работи. Навчальний посібник з англійської мови за професійним спрямуванням для студентів і фахівців галузі знань 0503 Розробка корисних копалин Т 1

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    A coursebook includes all the activities of students’ work at ESP course aimed at development of language behaviour necessary for effective communication of students in their study and specialism areas. The tasks and activities given in the coursebook are typicalfor students’ academic and professional domains and situations. The content is organized in modules that covers generic job-related language skills of engineers. The authentic texts taken from real life contain interesting up-to-date information about mining, peculiarities of study abroad, customs and traditions of English-speaking countries. Pack of self-study resources given in Part II contains Glossary of mining terms, tasks and activities aimed at developing a range of vocabulary necessary for mining, different functions and functional exponents to be used in academic and professional environment as well as tasks developing self-awareness, self-assessment and self-organisation skills. Testing points for different grammar structuresare given in Part III. Indices at the end of each part easify the use of the coursebook. The coursebook contains illustrations, various samples of visualizing technical information. The coursebook is designed for ESP students of non-linguistic universities. It can be used as teaching/learning materials for ESP Courses for Mining Engineers as well as for self-study of subject and specialist teachers, practicing mining engineers and researchers in Engineering.У посібнику представлені всі види діяльності студентів з вивчення англійської мови, спрямовані на розвиток мовної поведінки, необхідної для ефективного спілкування в академічному та професійному середовищах. Навчальний посібник містить завдання і вправи, типові для різноманітних академічних та професійних сфер і ситуацій. Структура організації змісту– модульна і охоплює загальні мовленнєві вміння інженерів. Зразки текстів– автентичні, взяті з реального життя, містять цікаву та актуальну інформацію про видобувничу промисловість, особливості навчання за кордоном, традиції та звичаї країн, мова яких вивчається. Ресурси для самостійної роботи(Том ІІ) містять глосарій термінів, завдання та вправи для розвитку словарного запасу та розширення діапазону функціональних зразків, необхідних для виконання певних функцій, та завдання, які спрямовані на розвиток навичок самооцінювання і організації свого навчання. Граматичні явища і вправи для їх засвоєння наводяться в томі ІІІ. Наприкінці кожної частини наведено алфавітно-предметні покажчики. Багато ілюстрацій та різних візуальних засобів подання інформації. Навчальний посібник призначений для студентів технічних університетів гірничого профілю. Може використовуватися для самостійного вивчення англійської мови викладачами, фахівцями і науковцями різних інженерних галузей