64 research outputs found

    Citation analysis as a practical tool for managers and entrepreneurs: selected scientometric concepts relevant for business model improvement

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    Entrepreneurs often face the challenge of hiring academic researchers who could provide know-how or serve as potential business partners, collaborators or expert consultants. Since hiring experts may be costly, it is essential that only the best specialists be used. I describe some quantitative scientometric tools (such as h-index and gindex) aimed at evaluating academic quality of institutions or of individual researchers. Such tools provide information that is easily accessible, comprehensible and merit-based, although they must be used with caution, since disciplines differ in the absolute values of indexes. I show how to use scientometrics in a comparative manner to document low output and poor quality of the publications of Polish academic authors in the area of business and management. I also argue that some governmental procedures for rewarding academic excellence are not effective because they reduce incentives for publishing academic papers in English.Przedsiębiorcy stają coraz częściej przed wyzwaniem nawiązania współpracy z badaczami, którzy są potencjalnym źródłem wiedzy eksperckiej i mogą służyć jako partnerzy biznesowi, współpracownicy lub eksperci. Ponieważ wynajęcie ekspertów może być kosztowne, istotnym jest, aby byli to specjaliści o najwyższej jakości. Niniejsza praca zawiera przegląd podstawowych narzędzi naukometrycznych (takich jak indeksy h oraz g), dzięki którym menedżer lub przedsiębiorca może w sposób ilościowy oszacować naukową jakość konkretnych osób albo instytucji. Informacja uzyskana w ten sposób jest ogólnie dostępna, łatwo zrozumiała oraz w dużym stopniu oparta na wartości merytorycznej (a nie np. aktywności administracyjnej) ekspertów, aczkolwiek należy jej używać z ostrożnością. Porównawcza ocena całych dyscyplin może być zilustrowana krytyczną analizą aktywności krajowych badaczy w dziedzinie biznesu i zarządzania, którzy publikują w markowych czasopismach mało prac i o niskiej jakości. Naukometria może również udokumentować niską jakość przyjętych standardów ministerialnych (np. przy ocenie parametrycznej), które zniechęcają autorów do publikowania prac w języku angielskim

    Edukacja menedżerów w Polsce: więcej heurystyki i jakości

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    Edukacja menedżerów w nowej, „sieciowej“, rzeczywistości ekonomicznej świata wymaga położenia nacisku na miękkie umiejętności budowania kapitału społecznego oraz stosowania metod heurystycznych dla rozwiązywania problemów. Pojawia się konieczność pokonania oporu przed innowacyjnością, poprzez budowanie nieformalnej kultury organizacyjnej, która pomoże rozkwitnąć kooperacji oraz kreatywności.Education of managers in the new, networked, economic reality requires placing more emphasis on „soft skills“ of building social capital and using heuristic methods for problemsolving. There is a need to overcome resistance against innovations, through building informal organizational cultures which foster cooperation and creativity

    Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books 47 (10) 1994

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    Innovatics – a new toolbox of skills for innovative production managers

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    We describe a metaphorical “toolbox” for innovatics – a new set of skills for managers who specialize in innovation management and in the study of innovations. We emphasize the importance of quantitative skills, multidisciplinary inspirations and heuristic methods for generatig innovative solutions. Knowledge of organizational behavior is essential to create in the workplace environment conducive to innovativeness

    Features of an e-learning environment which promote critical and creative thinking: choice, feedback, anonymity, and assessment

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    I discuss features that are important for creative and critical thinking which should be recreated in e-learning applications. Anonymity maximizes chances for development of creativity and for objective and accurate assessment. I also describe a ‘quadruple anonymity’ system implemented at Nowy Sacz Business School – National-Louis University in Poland, the goal of which is to improve objectivity of thesis evaluation by referees. E-learning environment is ideal for implementing functionalities which make choice, feedback, and controlled anonymity easily available to the users to be effective, feedback should be appropriately timed, incremental, impartial, and impersonal. Evaluation of student or employee performance or of proposed ideas or solutions should rely on explicitly stated quantitative criteria, developed along well thought-through measurement scales and utilising proper descriptive statistics and visualisation methods. A description of the nominal group heuristic method is provided as an example of a heuristic method which relies on creativity, anonymity and unbiased evaluation

    Synergia z punktu widzenia ekogenetyki ilościowej: o złotych miksturach, magicznej interakcji i unikalnej korelacji typów i środowisk

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    Synergy from the viewpoint of quantitative ecogenetics: golden mixtures, magical interactions and unique correlations of types and environments The problems encountered by ecogenetics of finding the best combinations of varieties and environments are very similar to those facing researchers or consultants in the areas of management, organizational behavior and applied psychology. It is difficult to define synergy and determine when synergy occurs, because that depends on our hypothesis and on the choice of a measurement scale. For example, multiplicative interactive effects of combined factors which could be interpreted as synergistic disappear if the measurements are expressed on a logarithmic scale. Nonlinearity of reaction norms of interacting types makes it almost impossible to interpolate and extrapolate the synergy effects beyond the described set of conditions. Effects declared as beneficially synergistic may also have side-effects or negative long-term consequences

    Issues in NASA program and project management

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    This volume is the sixth in an ongoing series on aerospace project management at NASA. Articles in this volume cover evolution of NASA cost estimating; SAM 2; National Space Science Program: strategies to maximize science return; and human needs, motivation, and results of the NASA culture surveys. A section on resources for NASA managers rounds out the publication

    The Claims of Religion Upon Medical Men : Protestant Christianity and Medicine in Nineteenth-Century America

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    This is the first study to examine how pastors lost authority over bodily healing in the nineteenth century. I argue that clergymen adapted to the scientific and cultural developments of the post-Darwin era by encouraging a separation of bodily healing and spiritual healing that was unprecedented in Christianity. In 1840, ministers wielded much more authority than physicians, who still practiced a heroic medicine whose foundations predated Christ. Ministers insisted that doctors\u27 value lay in their willingness to be proselytizing Christians. The doctor who wanted to reach the upper echelon of his profession had to save the souls of the wayward and dying whom the Protestant minister could not reach. Technical skill meant little. By the end of the century, germ theory and the rise of the field of public health meant that the physician could save lives as never before. Conversely, the Protestant clergyman\u27s moral authority decayed as Darwin -and the myriad geologists and biblical historians who attacked notions of an inerrant Biblical account - made atheism viable for the first time in Western history. As medicine surpassed the ministry - and every other profession - to take the lead in the late 1800s, clergymen adopted a new tack. Eager to establish themselves as specialists in spiritual healing - in an age when specialization dominated the professions - clergymen stopped demanding that physicians save both bodies and souls. The clergyman\u27s new ideal doctor was one who stayed abreast of scientific developments and served as a mediator of science - spreading the healing gospel of public health to the unwashed masses

    College and Research Libraries 39 (2) March 1978

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    Ailing, Aging, Addicted: Studies of Compromised Leadership

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    What role did drug abuse play in John F. Kennedy\u27s White House, and how was it kept from the public? How did general anesthetics and aging affect the presidency of Ronald Reagan? Why did Winston Churchill become more egocentric, Woodrow Wilson more self- righteous, and Josef Stalin more paranoid as they aged—and how did those qualities alter the course of history? Was Napoleon poisoned with arsenic or did underlying disease account for his decline at the peak of his power? Does syphilis really explain Henry VIII\u27s midlife transformation? Was there more than messianism brewing in the brains of some zealots of the past, among them Adolf Hitler, Joan of Arc, and John Brown? Most important of all, when does one man\u27s illness cause millions to suffer, and when is it merely a footnote to history? To answer such questions requires the clinical intuition of a practicing physician and the scholarly perspective of a trained historian. Bert Park, who qualifies on both counts, offers here fascinating second opinions, basing his retrospective diagnoses on a wide range of sources from medicine and history. Few books so graphically portray the impact on history of physiologically compromised leadership, misdiagnosis, and inappropriate medical treatment. Park not only untangles medical mysteries from the past but also offers timely suggestions for dealing with such problems in the future. As a welcome sequel to his first work, The Impact of Illness on World Leaders, this book offers scholars, physicians, and general readers an entertaining, albeit sobering, analysis. Bert E. Park, M.D., is a practicing neurological surgeon, an adjunct professor of history, and a member of the Editorial Advisory Committee of the Papers of Woodrow Wilson. Historians will be grateful for Park\u27s meticulous and wide-ranging citations and well-crafted index. This book will entertain, provoke, and stimulate historians, physicians, and general readers alike, and should stimulate further scholarship concerning the pathography of world leaders. —Bulletin of the History of Medicinehttps://uknowledge.uky.edu/upk_history_in_general/1003/thumbnail.jp