11 research outputs found

    Thematic Trends Around Gamification in MOOC: A Bibliometric Analysis

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    Currently, educational systems have assumed a relevant role in developing knowledge and strengthening skills in individuals, an aspect that has become a determining factor for the advancement of society. However, these systems present constant challenges, especially influenced by the advance in information and communication technologies, access to the Internet, and mobile devices, which implies transformations in the new paradigms of teaching and learning methodologies. In this scenario, gamification has been one of the strategies used within virtual learning environments such as MOOCs to increase student motivation in the development of courses. In the last decade, interest in this topic has been evidenced. Therefore, this study aims to identify the main research trends in studies on gamification in MOOCs in the last ten years. For this purpose, a bibliometric analysis was carried out using the Scopus database, from which 265 publications were obtained. The main actors (authors and journals) most cited and thematic trends were identified based on the recurrence of keywords. Among the findings, it was identified that researchers are interested in e-Learning, motivation, online learning, serious games, student engagement, badges and rewards, and the use of the Internet as a tool for learning.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Identifying Game Elements Suitable for MOOCs

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    Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) have increasingly become objects of research interest and studies in recent years. While MOOCs could be a means to address massive audiences, they suffer from high drop-out rates and low user engagement. Gamification is known as the application of game design elements in non-gaming scenarios to solve problems or to influence a user’s behaviour change. By applying gamification to MOOCs, we aim to enhance users’ engagement and goal achievement within a MOOC environment. To define our gamification strategy, we asked 42 experts in the fields of game design, learning science and technology-enhanced learning to rate 21 selected game design patterns according to their suitability within a MOOC environment application. The data collected allowed us to identify a set of nine game design patterns as promising candidates to be tested in MOOC environment

    Penggunaan Gamitifikasi pada Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)

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    Pada era Revolusi Industri 4.0 Gamifikasi dan Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) merupakan fenomena baru dalam pembelajaran terbuka dan dikenal sebagai strategi yang baik untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan. Namun demikian, MOOC memiliki dua kelemahan utama: pertama, kurangnya pemahaman untuk mengetahui sasaran pribadi; dan kedua, tingkat penyelesaian yang rendah dibandingkan dengan jumlah pendaftaran ke MOOCs. Untuk dapat mengatasi dua kelemahan tersebut peneliti mengusulkan pemanfaatan Gamifikasi. Dalam tulisan ini akan diuraikan berbagai penelitian yang berkaitan dengan Gamifikasi dan MOOC. Metodologi penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan studi literatur. Hasilnya diketahui bahwa MOOC tidak memerlukan tingkat penyelesaian penuh seperti kursus tradisional yang biasanya dianggap sebagai keberhasilan. Selain itu gamifikasi dapat meningkatkan efektifitas MOOC untuk dapat mengatasi masalah utama dalam penerapannya melalui pengguanaan elemen-elemen penting dalam gamifikasi.AbstractSince the beginning of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 Gamification and the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) is a new phenomenon in open learning and is known as a good strategy to improve the quality of education. However, the MOOC has two main disadvantages: first, lack of understanding to know personal goals; and second, the completion rate is low compared to the number of registrations to MOOCs. To be able to overcome these two weaknesses, researchers will propose the use of Gamification. In this paper various studies relating to Gamification and MOOC will be described. The methodology of this research uses a qualitative approach with emphasis on data analysis. The result is that the MOOC does not require a full level of completion like a traditional course which is usually considered a success. In addition, gamification can increase the effectiveness of the MOOC to be able to overcome the main problems in its application through the use of important elements in gamificatio

    gMOOCs – Flow and Persuasion to Gamify MOOCs

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    Gamification has gained great interest recently in several fields. However, while the literature reports that a gamification design relying on external motivation only can lead users to cognitive dissonance, most gamification approaches use points, badges and leaderboards as dominant game elements. We present our developed testable predictions with the aim of investigating additional motivational theories (flow and persuasion) to argue for a deeper integration of gamification and the learning content at hand. Relying on expert selected game elements, we consequently derive design considerations to create gMOOCs, gamified massive online open courses, designed according to the principles of flow and persuasion. Our findings are the basis of our experiment and a contribution to the development of a new theoretical design for gamificatio

    Towards Implementing Gamification in MOOCs

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    Gamification is well known as a design strategy used to generate a change in users’ behaviour, such as motivation. However, while in recent years interest in it has been growing, empirical evidence on the effects that the application of game elements can generate on users’ behaviour is still lacking. We present the results of a study as a step towards designing gamification with better understanding of the possible effects that each game element could generate on end users. By involving three groups of experts: game designers, learning scientists and specialists in technology-enhanced learning (TEL), we assessed a selected number of 21 game design patterns in relation to the effects these could generate on learning performance, goal achievement and engagement of learners if implemented in a Massive Online Open Course (MOOC). Based on quantitative and qualitative data collected, 9 game elements have been selected to be further investigated

    Tendências das Propostas de Gamificação no Moodle: uma Revisão Sistemática

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    Gamification is an approach that uses elements of games and its exploration has raised the interest of researchers, teachers and students in promoting a more engaging teaching-learning process, including in virtual learning environments (VLEs). Therefore, this paper presents the results of a Systematic Literature Review (SLR), which analyzed 22 articles, selected from Abed, Google Scholar, IEEExplore and SBC databases. The results showed that points, rankings and badges are the most used elements in the Moodle virtual learning environment, and among the potential aspects in the teaching-learning process, the motivation and engagement of students stand out.    Keywords: Gamification. Moodle. Motivation.A gamificação é uma abordagem que utiliza elementos de jogos e a sua exploração vem despertando o interesse de pesquisadores, professores e alunos em promover um processo de ensino-aprendizagem mais engajador, inclusive em ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem (AVAs). Diante disso, este trabalho apresenta os resultados da Revisão Sistemática da Literatura (SLR), que analisou 22 artigos, selecionados nas bases da Abed, Google Scholar, IEEExplore e SBC. Os resultados mostraram que os pontos, rankings e emblemas são os elementos mais utilizados no ambiente virtual de aprendizagem Moodle, e entre os aspectos potenciais no processo de ensino-aprendizagem, destacam-se a motivação e o engajamento dos alunos.    Palavras-chave: Gamificação. Moodle. Motivação

    Creating Engaging Experiences in MOOCs through In-Course Redeemable Rewards

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    Gamification strategies have been proposed to mitigate student disengagement and dropouts in massive online environments, due to the positive results shown by these strategies at lower scales. Among various gamification strategies, redeemable rewards have been identified as an effective element to intrinsically motivate students and increase their engagement in educational settings, including MOOCs. Yet, effective design, implementation and enactment of this gamification strategy in MOOC contexts might face new challenges, given the unique characteristics of these learning settings such as massiveness. As an attempt to help teachers use redeemable rewards in MOOCs, this paper analyzes the characteristics of MOOCs that influence its integration and presents a proposal of a system supporting the design, implementation and enactment of such rewards. The envisioned system is illustrated by a scenario that describes the main features of this system for teachers and students.This research has been partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, under project grants TIN2014-53199-C3-2-R and TIN2017-85179-C3-2-R, and the Regional Goverment of Castilla y Leo ́n together with the European Regional Development Fund, under project grant VA082U16. The authors thank the rest of the GSIC-EMIC research team for their valuable ideas and support


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang serta mengimplementasikan aplikasi gamifikasi berbasis information and communication technology (ICT) pada perkuliahan optik yang dapat meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis dan berpikir kreatif mahasiswa calon guru fisika secara beriringan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah mixed methods dengan desain embedded experimental model. Tahap uji coba dilakukan dengan menggunakan time series design yang melibatkan 34 mahasiswa pada salah satu universitas di Jakarta dan 20 mahasiswa pada salah satu universitas di Bandung. Tahap implementasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan pre-test post-test nonequivalent multiple group design yang melibatkan 48 mahasiswa pada salah satu universitas di Ternate (Lokasi I) dan 58 mahasiswa pada salah satu universitas di Bandung (Lokasi II). Data kuantitatif terkait penguasaan konsep, keterampilan berpikir kritis dan berpikir kreatif mahasiswa dikumpulkan melalui instrumen tes terintegrasi yang terdiri dari 46 item soal pilihan ganda, 4 item soal pilihan ganda beralasan dan 1 item soal uraian. Data keterlibatan serta perilaku belajar mahasiswa diperoleh dengan menganalisis basis data log history aplikasi OG. Data kualitatif terkait tanggapan mahasiswa dikumpulkan melalui angket. Melalui penelitian ini telah dihasilkan aplikasi gamifikasi berbasis ICT yang dinamakan dengan OpticalGamification (OG). Desain OG model serial didasarkan pada teori belajar bermakna, dimana model ini telah berhasil dalam menyajikan setiap level (sub topik) dan evaluasi dalam sesi-sesi yang dikerjakan secara berurutan. Desain OG model random didasarkan pada teori pembelajaran orang dewasa, dimana model ini telah berhasil memberikan kebebasan akses bagi mahasiswa pada setiap level (sub topik) dan evaluasi dalam sesi-sesi yang dapat dikerjakan secara acak sesuai dengan keinginan mahasiswa. Fitur-fitur pada OpticalGamification (OG) meliputi fitur profil, gamifikasi, forum, proyek, halaman prestasi dan leaderboards. Fitur gamifikasi dirancang dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran siklus belajar tipe empiris abduktif yang meliputi fase eksplorasi, fase pengenalan konsep dan fase aplikasi konsep. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan dalam peningkatan penguasaan konsep dan keterampilan berpikir kritis antara mahasiswa pada grup serial dan grup random. Peningkatan keterampilan berpikir kreatif mahasiswa pada grup random secara signifikan lebih meningkat dibandingkan dengan grup serial khususnya untuk indikator fluency dan flexibility. Pola perilaku belajar mahasiswa pada grup random menunjukkan adanya urutan perilaku yang lebih beragam dibandingkan grup serial. Kedua model gamifikasi yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif solusi dalam merancang aplikasi gamifikasi untuk pembelajaran yang lebih efektif dan efisien dimasa mendatang

    Investigating the effect of gamification on the adoption of fitness apps on mobile devices in South Africa

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    Despite the large number of downloads of mobile apps and the growth of the fitness mobile app industry, research shows that fitness mobile apps are faced with the issue of having a low adoption rate. This thesis focusses on fitness mobile apps and attempts to understand this issue of adoption or continuous fitness mobile app usage in a South African context and specifically looks at the role of gamification in fitness mobile app adoption. The research is conducted to better understand how gamification affects and can improve fitness mobile app adoption. Gamification can be defined as the addition of points, badges, leaderboards and other elements found in games to other non-game related areas such as fitness apps. A survey was administered to three cohorts of students at the University of Cape Town in South Africa to assess this. The cohorts focused on MyFitnessPal, Nike+ or Strava gamified fitness mobile apps, respectively, in order to allow for comparisons of survey responses across the three fitness mobile apps. The survey design used an extension of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to quantitatively measure the relationship between gamification in fitness mobile apps and the behavioural intention to adopt the fitness mobile app. User perspectives on how gamification affects adoption of fitness mobile apps was also gathered in the survey. Perceived usefulness (PU), perceived ease of use (PEU) and perceived enjoyment (PE) were found to have a positive relationship to the behavioural intention (BI) to adopt a fitness mobile app in the sample. Across the cohort’s subjective norm didn't significantly contribute to the BI to adopt a fitness mobile app. Interestingly it was found to correlate negatively with the variable BI when analyzing the responses from the Nike+ cohort. In the cohorts for MyFitnessPal and Strava this was not the case as these two variables were found to be positively correlated. The progress bar was perceived to be the most useful gamification element in a fitness mobile app in all three cohorts when compared with leaderboards, badges, levels and points. When looking at how gamification improves adoption motivations the following popular reasons were provided by participants: progress tracking and achievement (encourage improvement). This was followed by the common themes PEU, PE, award/incentive, competitive aspect and goal setting assistance. The findings from this study contribute to better understanding how gamification improves fitness app adoption in a South African context