6 research outputs found

    Digital game-based learning : developing a pedagogical model for primary mathematics education

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    Since they contribute to the learning environment and significantly influence all levels of education, digital games are used as educational tools in various learning activities. However, implementation barriers and other difficulties limit the effective use of such games in the classroom, affecting students’ motivation and learning enhancement. The present study was conducted to address this pedagogical gap through the development of a novel learning environment involving digital games, with the overarching purpose of facilitating primary mathematics education via digital game-based learning. The specific aim of the study was to develop a pedagogical model that would highlight appropriate ways in which digital game-based learning can be applied. To this end, theoretical and pedagogical approaches that explicate game-based learning were determined, and a theoretical and empirical pedagogical model for digital game-based learning in primary mathematics education was designed. The research focused on the following themes: (a) teacher scaffolding strategies and effects and (b) collaborative digital gameplay for engagement. Various theoretical and methodological perspectives were considered. Design-based research, a case study, and a systematic literature review were used to answer the research questions. Three datasets were utilized from studies reported in three previous articles. In the first two studies, the participating students used a digital game called Wuzzit Trouble to solve integer arithmetic problems. The first study investigated the various approaches to teacher scaffolding in digital game-based learning classrooms and their influence on students’ perceptions of mathematics learning through the digital game. The second examined the effects of collaborative digital gameplay on three dimensions of student engagement in mathematics. The data collection methods for these two studies included classroom observations, individual interviews, photo-elicitation interviews, and pre- and post-surveys. The third study involved a systematic literature review and analysis of relevant research papers on teacher scaffolding strategies for different stages of game-based learning and their correlative influence on students’ learning. The main result of the present study was a pedagogical model for digital gamebased learning in mathematics. This represents a culmination of educational theories, previous studies related to game-based learning, and the results of the three studies mentioned above. The model provides a pedagogical foundation for mathematics teachers and educational practitioners to design innovative digital game-based learning environment in the classroom. It captures the phases of orientation, gameplay, and expectation in the digital game-based learning process — that is, teachers adopt various approaches to scaffold students in the orientation and gameplay phases, in turn supporting students’ learning activities and outcomes in the expectation phase. The results of the study lay a theoretical foundation for learning and teaching with digital games in education. They also provide a design process for and meaningful perceptions of digital game-based learning in mathematics and can help identify areas for further empirical research and development in primary education. Future research directions and design principles are suggested in this paper.Digitaalisia pelejä käytetään oppimisvälineinä, koska ne tukevat oppimisympäristöä ja niillä on merkittävä vaikutus kaikilla koulutusasteilla. Toteutuksen esteet ja muut vaikeudet silti rajoittavat pelien tehokasta käyttöä opiskelussa ja vaikuttavat opiskelijoiden motivaatioon ja oppimisprosessin etenemiseen. Tässä tutkimuksessa pyrittiin vastaamaan kyseiseen pedagogiseen haasteeseen kehittämällä uusi oppimisympäristö digitaalisten pelien avulla. Perustarkoituksena oli edistää alemman perusasteen matematiikan koulutusta digitaalisiin peleihin perustuvan oppimisen avulla. Erityistavoitteena oli kehittää pedagoginen malli, joka tuo esille tarkoituksenmukaisia tapoja soveltaa digitaalisiin peleihin perustuvaa oppimista. Tavoitteen saavuttamiseksi määriteltiin teoreettisia ja pedagogisia lähestymistapoja, jotka havainnollistavat peleihin perustuvaa oppimista sekä kehitettiin teoreettinen ja empiirinen pedagoginen malli digitaalisiin peleihin perustuvalle oppimiselle alemman perusasteen matematiikan koulutuksessa. Tutkimuksen keskiössä olivat seuraavat teemat: a) opettajien tukistrategiat ja niiden vaikutukset sekä b) yhteisöllinen digitaalinen pelaaminen osallistamisen tukena. Tutkimuksessa käsiteltiin myös eri teoreettisia ja metodologisia näkökulmia. Tutkimuskysymyksiin vastattiin kehittämistutkimuksen, tapaustutkimuksen ja systemaattisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen avulla. Käytössä oli kolme tietoaineistoa tutkimuksista, joista on julkaistu kolme artikkelia. Kahdessa ensimmäisessä tutkimuksessa opiskelijaosallistujat käyttivät digitaalista peliä nimeltä Wuzzit Trouble, jolla tehtiin laskutoimituksia kokonaisluvuilla. Ensimmäinen tutkimus käsitteli lähestymistapoja opettajan antamaan tukeen digitaalisiin peleihin perustuvassa luokkahuoneessa sekä niiden vaikutusta opiskelijoiden käsityksiin matematiikan oppimisesta digitaalisen pelin avulla. Toisessa tutkimuksessa keskityttiin yhteisöllisen digitaalisen pelaamisen vaikutuksiin matematiikassa kolmella opiskelijan osallistamisen tasolla. Näihin kahteen tutkimukseen oli kerätty aineistoa käyttäen muun muassa luokassa tapahtuvaa havainnointia, yksilöhaastatteluja, valokuvamenetelmään perustuvia haastatteluja sekä esi- ja jälkikyselyjä. Kolmanteen tutkimukseen kuului systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus ja analyysi relevanteista tutkimuksista, joissa on tarkasteltu opettajien tukistrategioita peleihin perustuvan oppimisen eri vaiheissa ja strategioiden vaikutusta opiskelijan oppimiseen. Tämän tutkimuksen päätuotoksena oli digitaaliseen peleihin perustuvan oppimisen pedagoginen malli matematiikassa. Se edustaa kasvatusteorioiden huippua, on jatkoa aikaisemmille peleihin perustuvan oppimisen tutkimuksille ja liittyy yllä mainittujen kolmen tutkimuksen tuloksiin. Malli luo pedagogisen pohjan matematiikan opettajille ja muille kasvatusalan ammattilaisille kehittää innovatiivisia digitaalisiin peleihin perustuvia oppimisympäristöjä. Se kattaa orientaatio-, peli- ja tavoitevaiheet digitaalisiin peleihin perustuvassa oppimisprosessissa. Toisin sanoen opettajat käyttävät eri lähestymistapoja tukeakseen opiskelijoita orientaatio- ja pelivaiheissa, ja vastaavasti avustavat opiskelijoita oppimisaktiviteeteissa ja osaamistavoitteiden saavuttamisessa tavoitevaiheen aikana. Tutkimustulokset luovat teoreettisen perustan oppimiselle ja opetukselle digitaalisten pelien avulla. Ne esittelevät myös digitaalisiin peleihin perustuvan matematiikan oppimisen suunnitteluprosessin ja mielekkään tavan hahmottaa aihetta. Samoin ne voivat auttaa tunnistamaan empiirisen jatkotutkimuksen ja -kehittämisen tarpeita alemman perusasteen koulutuksessa. Tutkimuksessa esitetään myös jatkotutkimuksen linjauksia ja suunnitteluperiaatteita

    Saudi Teachers’ Experiences and Attitudes Toward Integrating Video Games for Learning: Affordances and Constraints of Using Video Games in Saudi Arabian Classrooms

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    The effectiveness of integrating educational video games into classrooms depends on teachers’ attitudes toward video games. This descriptive study investigates Saudi teachers’ experiences playing video games and their attitudes about integrating video games into their classrooms in Saudi Arabia. A total of 930 Saudi teachers completed an electronic survey developed by the researcher. Overall, the results of this study showed Saudi teachers’ attitudes toward video games were fairly positive despite a low level of play. Analysis found a relationship between teachers’ philosophy of teaching and their perspectives toward using video games in their classroom for learning. A moderate negative correlation was found between behaviorist philosophy and teachers’ attitudes. On the other hand, there was a moderate positive correlation between cognitivism and constructivism philosophies Saudi teachers’ attitudes toward using video games in classrooms. Moreover, this study identified significant factors that prevented Saudi teachers from using video games in their classroom. The factors preventing Saudi teachers from employing video games in their teaching was explored through two methods: principal component analysis and principal factor analysis. Results identified five nearly identical components/factors. The findings of this study inform educators about Saudi teachers’ perspective of integrating video games in their classroom as well as contribute to the literature about gaming in teaching and learning. The results of this study could encourage parents, educators, and the Saudi Arabia Ministry of Education to provide educational games that satisfy students’ desires for challenge and knowledge

    Comparing Student Engagement with Two Versions of the Game-Based Learning Tools: Mobile and Web

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    Game-Based Learning is useful in teaching because it encourages students to discuss, engage, and collaborate in groups. Research has shown that game-based learning techniques positively impact student engagement, motivation, and learning abilities. Studies explore the impact of game-based learning on different platforms. The result of the studies shows that game-based learning has a positive impact on students when used on Mobile or Web. Hence, studies need to identify which platform is more engaging and effective for the students. This research investigated the difference in student engagement with a game-based learning tool implemented on mobile and web-based platforms. We developed two versions of a peer-quizzing game where the students can create quiz questions related to the learning material, which their peers can attempt to answer. The game allows the students to create three different types of questions: Multiple Choice Questions, True/False, and Short Answers. Students from a first-year introductory programming computer class were recruited as participants to evaluate both versions of the game during one academic term (four months). A bonus participation mark of up to five percent of the course was offered to students who posted at least three questions per week. We collected data about the students’ engagement in in-game activities for the duration of the study. The results show no significant difference in the engagement between the web and the mobile version of the game. However, the number of quizzes asked in the mobile app version and web versions varied in quantity. Students posted more questions in the mobile-based version as compared to the Web version of the game. On the contrary, students solved more questions in the web version than in the App version. We have learned from the study that both game-based learning platforms effectively engage students. In a pre-study survey, we collected the students’ demographic data and their gaming experience and their reflection on the experience with the game with respect to usability, enjoyment, and learning, in a post-study survey. The data from the post-survey questionnaire shows that both versions of the game show similar user experience ratings

    Designing an engaging learning universe for situated interactions in virtual environments

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    A thesis submitted to the University of Bedfordshire, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)Studies related to the Virtual Learning approach are conducted almost exclusively in Distance Learning contexts, and focus on the development of frameworks or taxonomies that classify the different ways of teaching and learning. Researchers may be dealing with the topic of interactivity (avatars and immersion are key components), yet they do so they mainly focusing on the interactions that take place within the virtual world. It is the virtual world that consists the primary medium for communication and interplay. However, the lines are hard to be drawn when it comes to examining and taxonomising the impact of interactions on motivation and engagement as a synergy of learners’ concurrent presence. This study covers this gap and sheds light on this lack—or, at least, inadequacy—of literature and research on the interactions that take place both in the physical and the virtual environment at the same time. In addition, it explores the impact of the instructional design decisions on increasing the learners’ incentives for interplay when trying to make sense of the virtual world, thus leading them to attain higher levels of engagement. To evaluate the potential of interactions holistically and not just unilaterally, a series of experiments were conducted in the context of different Hybrid Virtual Learning units, with the participation of Computer Science & Technology students. One of the goals was to examine the learners’ thoughts and preconceptions regarding the use of virtual worlds as an educational tool. Then, during the practical sessions, the focus was placed on monitoring students’ actions and interactions in both the physical and the virtual environment. Consequently, students were asked as a feedback to report their overall opinion on these actions and interactions undertaken. The study draws a new research direction, beyond the idea of immersion and the development of subject-specific educational interventions. The conclusions provide suggestions and guidelines to educators and instructional designers who wish to offer interactive and engaging learning activities to their students, as well as a taxonomy of the different types of interactions that take place in Hybrid Virtual Learning contexts

    A General Framework for Digital Game-Based Training Systems

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    This dissertation introduces a general framework for developing digital game-based training systems. The framework addresses all aspects of education. In that sense, it involves both teacher and student as game players. A visual review log supports teacher-student-communication. Based on the general framework, a novel digital game-based training system for crime scene investigation training called OpenCrimeScene has been developed and implemented.Diese Dissertation fĂĽhrt ein allgemeines Architekturmodell fĂĽr die Entwicklung von computerspielbasierten Trainingssystemen ein. Das Architekturmodell spricht alle Aspekte der Ausbildung an. In diesem Sinne bezieht es Lehrer und SchĂĽler als Spieler ein. Ein grafisches Bewertungsprotokoll unterstĂĽtzt die Lehrer-SchĂĽler-Kommunikation. Basierend auf dem allgemeinen Architekturmodell wurde ein neues computerspielbasiertes Trainingssystem zur Tatortsicherung entwickelt und implementiert


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    Game-based lifelong learning, web application, three-tier architecture. Game-based learning has been recognized as an important alternative or supplement to traditional in-class, face-to-face teaching. It can help both adults and children in learning new concepts, acquiring expertise and practicing knowledge. Although game-based learning has been applied mainly for teaching children, it can be quite helpful for adult vocational or university learning. In this paper, a web-based game is presented, which has been developed for enhancing the learning experience of university students. Its goal is to serve as a complement to classes, although it can be used independently. It provides the students with many ways of synchronous or asynchronous communication and knowledge acquisition. Through the game, students have to search for information, understand it and use it in discussions with the members of other teams. Many users are able to play the game simultaneously, while many teachers may run different game themes. Microsoft’s ASP.NET scripting environment was used for creating the game’s website and its rationale. The website utilizes also Macromedia’s communication technology (Flash Communication Server MX) for enabling real-time communication by several means (voice, text, etc). Flash was used in the website for building the real-time communication modules as well as for creating a more elegant user interface