17,434 research outputs found

    “Game over, man. Game over”:looking at the Alien in film and videogames

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    In this article we discuss videogame adaptations of the Alien series of films, in particular Alien: Colonial Marines (2013) and Alien: Isolation (2014). In comparing critical responses and developer commentary across these texts, we read the very different affective, aesthetic and socio-political readings of the titular alien character in each case. The significant differences in what it means to ‘look’ at this figure can be analyzed in terms of wider storytelling techniques that stratify remediation between film and games. Differing accounts of how storytelling techniques create intensely ‘immersive’ experiences such as horror and identification—as well as how these experiences are valued—become legible across this set of critical contexts. The concept of the ‘look’ is developed as a comparative series that enables the analysis of the affective dynamics of film and game texts in terms of gender-normative ‘technicity’, moving from the ‘mother monster’ of the original film to the ‘short controlled burst’ of the colonial marines and finally to the ‘psychopathic serendipity’ of Alien: Isolation

    Japan: Game Over

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    David Castillo, 'Game Over'

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    The Official Student Newspaper of UAS

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    "Game Over": A New "The End" -- Literary Traditions: Utopia -- The Desert Can Kill You in a Thousand Ways -- The Importance of Choosing Respect -- Calendar & Comics

    Multiplayer Strategic Game over Internet

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    Import 22/07/2015Cílem této bakalářské práce je vytvořit Strategickou hru, která je zařazena do historického světa s pomocí kouzel. Hra je vytvořena v programovacím jazyce Java pomocí využití 3D herního enginu s názvem jMonkeyEngine 3.0. Umožňuje hru dvou hráčů proti sobě a také v případě odpojení jednoho z nich hru proti lehké umělé inteligenci. První část této práce obsahuje úvod do tématu, technologie použité při tvorbě, popis hry a další důležité informace, které byly potřebné k úspěšnému dokončení této hry. Druhá část je zaměřena na průběh tvorby této hry, její implementaci a další informace spojené s touto prací.The aim of this thesis is to create a strategic game which is included into historical world with magic. The game is created by Java programming language with using 3D game engine called jMonkeyEngine 3.0. The game allows to play two players against each other and also the game between easy artificial intelligence if one of the players will disconnect. The first part contains an introduction to the topic, the technology used in the creation of the game, description of the game and other important information which were necessary to complete this game successfully. The second part is focused on the process of making this work, its implementation and other information related to this work.460 - Katedra informatikyvýborn

    2D Catapulting Game over Internet

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    Import 04/11/2015Cílem práce je vytvořit 2D hru s možností hraní přes internet, ve které je hlavním cílem co nejvyšší dosažená vzdálenost katapultem vymrštěné postavičky. Ta se v průběhu hry střetává s různými překážkami, které ovlivňují její let. Součástí hry jsou také minihry, jejichž úspěšné plnění pomáhá hráči získat rychlost a dostat se tak dále. Veškeré herní animace jsou vytvořeny v aplikaci Spine. Jedná se o animaci pomocí koster a klíčových snímků. Hra je implementována ve frameworku LibGDX, který je zaměřen na vývoj v jazyce Java. V první části práce řeším implementaci hry a technologie použité při jejím vývoji, ve druhé programátorskou dokumentaci s využitím diagramů jazyka UML a ve třetí uživatelskou dokumentaci.Goal of this bachelor is to develop 2D game with the possibility of playing over Internet, in which the main goal is to reach the biggest possible distance with catapulted character. During the gameplay, the character is confronted with different obstacles, which affects his flight. Part of game are also minigames. Successful fulfillment of minigames helps player to gain more speed and get further. All of the animations are done using Spine application, which works with skeletons and keyframes. The game is implemented in LibGDX framework for Java. In the first part I deal with implementation and technologies used to develop the game, in second part there is programmer documentation with use of UML diagrams and third part is user documentation.460 - Katedra informatikyvýborn

    Turn-based Strategic Game over Internet

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    Import 03/11/2016Cílem této práce je vytvořit počítačovou hru, hratelnou proti ostatním hráčům přes internet. Práce je programovaná v jazyce Java. Jako komunikační prostředek přes internet využívá TCP spojení. Trvalá data jsou ukládána do lokální databáze s využití Java Persistence API (JPA), a také XML soubory. Projekt se skládá ze tří částí. Hlavními částmi jsou server a klient, doplňkovou je editor map. Uživateli nabízí grafické rozhraní v souladu s futuristickou tématikou hry. Možnost nastavení více uživatelů a herních serverů. Vlastní vytvořené mapy je možné po přihlášení nahrát na server. Uživatel ve hře spravuje vlastní základu, kterou postupně vylepšuje, čímž přináší bonusy pro své týmy. Každý tým se skládá z vojáků a technologií, kterými disponují. Uživatel si navrhuje zbroje i zbraně pro své vojáky v speciálním systému určujícím cenu výzkumu a výroby. Na obrazovce velitelství vidí dostupné mise, náhodně generované serverem z dostupných map a úkolů. V misích je využita výška terénu a tzv. "mlha války".Goal of this project is to create the computer game playable with other players over the internet. Project is programmed in Java. As a communication between client and server is uset TCP connection. Permanent data are stored in local databse with usage of Java Persistence API (JPA), and in XML files too. Project have three parts. Main parts are client and server. Additionally there is also map editor. For users is there graphical user interface in futuristic theme of the game. Users can easily switch between more accounts and servers. Client offers possibility to upload created maps to server. User is managing own base, upgrading it, to provide bonusses for his teams. Every team have own soldiers and technologies. Those technologies are invented by user in special system that is calculating research cost and material cost of invented item. User can sign up on missions in headquarters screen. Missions are randomly generated on server with use of available maps and win conditions. They also uses terrain height and "fog of war".460 - Katedra informatikydobř

    Ann wins the nonrepetitive game over four letters and the erase-repetition game over six letters

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    We consider two games between two players Ann and Ben who build a word together by adding alternatively a letter at the end of the shared word. In the nonrepetitive game, Ben wins the game if he can create a square of length at least 44, and Ann wins if she can build an arbitrarily long word before that. In the erase-repetition game, whenever a square occurs the second part of the square is erased and the goal of Ann is still to build an arbitrarily large word (Ben simply wants to limit the size of the word in this game). Grytczuk, Kozik, and Micek showed that Ann has a winning strategy for the nonrepetitive game if the alphabet is of size at least 66 and for the erase-repetition game is the alphabet is of size at least 88. In this article, we lower these bounds to respectively 44 and 66. The bound obtain by Grytczuk et al. relied on the so-called entropy compression and the previous bound by Pegden relied on some particular version of the Lov\'asz Local Lemma. We recently introduced a counting argument that can be applied to the same set of problems as entropy compression or the Lov\'asz Local Lemma and we use our method here. For these two games, we know that Ben has a winning strategy when the alphabet is of size at most 3, so our result for the nonrepetitive game is optimal, but we are not able to close the gap for the erase-repetition game.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2104.0996

    Game over?

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