383,155 research outputs found

    Game Factors and Game-Based Learning Design Model

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    How to design useful digital game-based learning is a topic worthy of discussion. Past research focused on specific game genres design, but it is difficult to use when the target game genre differs from the default genres used in the research. This study presents macrodesign concepts that elucidates 11 crucial game-design factors, including game goals, game mechanism, game fantasy, game value, interaction, freedom, narrative, sensation, challenges, sociality, and mystery. We clearly define each factor and analyze the relationships among the 11 factors to construct a game-based learning design model. Two application examples are analyzed to verify the usability of the model and the performance of these factors. It can assist educational game designers in developing interesting games

    To Play, or not to Play: Building a Learning Environment Through Computer Simulations

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    This article analyzes the impact of a computer simulation (business game) on the users’ perceived learning. The theoretical model developed in this paper is derived from the collaborative learning and the Human-Computer Interaction assumptions. The hypotheses relating groups’ dynamics and the user-computer interface design with the users’ perceived learning are tested using the business game “FirmReality”, on an 89 respondents sample. Multiple regression and qualitative results show that, in a computer based simulation context, perceived learning is more influenced by human-computer interaction factors rather than groups dynamics

    Bijak Peribahasa : An Adventure Game In Learning Malay Proverb

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    Bahasa Melayu is one of the core subjects that students need to pass in Ujian Penilaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR). From the preliminary study, the findings showed that students find it hard to memorize the Malay proverb and its meaning. Moreover, students only learn Malay proverbs during class sessions and only memorize for exams without understanding the meaning. The purpose of this project is to design and develop game-based learning applications for UPSR students in learning Malay Proverb. The project was implemented as a Game-based Learning Model as a guideline to develop the application, which involves nine factors including game goal, game fantasy, challenge, game mechanism, sensation, interaction, freedom, game value and mystery. The Game Development Life Cycle Model (GDLC) was implemented as a methodology in this project. Findings of evaluation shows that the game receives 96% level of agreeability as response by the users of the game. Future work for this game is to develop this game on mobile platform, improve by adding multi-player, provide high score for players and enhance the contents of the game

    Key factors and network model for location-based cultural mobile game design

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    The use of smart devices as media for digital learning constitutes a new-generation digital learning paradigm. Therefore, context-aware game-based learning has attracted considerable attention. Location-based games have not only positive effects on learning but also pronounced effects on culture and history. Accordingly, focusing on railway cultural heritages, we attempted to assess interdependent relationships between key factors crucial for the design of a location-based mobile game for cultural heritages. We adopted the analytic network process (ANP) for our assessment. We initially performed a literature review to generalize relevant criteria and elements and developed a questionnaire based on the fuzzy delphi method (FDM); which lead to the selection of key factors, namely 3 criteria and 15 elements. We also applied an online ANP-based questionnaire; on the basis of the experts' opinions, we established a network model and determined the priority order of the key factors. The results revealed that experts considered “culture learning” to be of the highest importance, with the most important three elements being “prior knowledge,” “challenge levels,” and “cultural narrative.” Moreover, culture learning exhibited a strong interaction with content design. In addition, each element had a considerable influence on the remaining elements that could provide references for the construction of location-based cultural mobile games in the future

    Design and evaluation of mobile educational game using m-learning approach for secondary school students

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    Game-based learning is one of the most widely used methods in education nowadays. Starting with Personal Computer platform games, it has now spread its wings to the mobile platform. However, the studies to evaluate the user acceptance on the required design for mobile-based gaming applications are still not as much. Therefore, this study aimed to identify user acceptance on the characteristics of the design interface that are integrated with M-Learning elements. The characteristics of game design that has been obtained from an initial requirement are based on three main constructs namely interface design, information design and interaction design which are then integrated with the elements of M-Learning that has been identified to develop a mobile educational game application. The action game genre is selected based on user opinions from the pilot study while the acceptance model used as the basis of the study is from the UTAUT-EG acceptance model. The methodology of this study was done by combining the quantitative and qualitative data, where pre-test and posttest were conducted on this mobile game application to evaluate its effectiveness. The process started with the analysis of the game design characteristic based on users’ opinion. The sample of this study consist of 85 secondary school students in Form 5 who studied the topic of Novel Literature in the subject of Malay Language. The objective of this study are (i) to design the interface on mobile game-based learning by integrating M-Learning elements, (ii) to identify the user acceptance of the developed game application and (iii) to evaluate the design of the mobile game once it has been completed. Based on the user acceptance questionnaire that has been used, the study found that the mean value obtained from all factors of user acceptance is positive, overall exceeding 4.00 value. The user and expert ratings on the mobile game applications also showed positive appraisal for all rating constructs with the overall mean value is 4.25 for users and 4.36 for experts. t-tests that has been conducted shows that there are significant differences from user scores before and after using the game application. This study shows that the mobile games that have been developed have a positive impact on user acceptance upon the use of games in their learning. Furthermore, the integration of M-Learning elements was also noticed to have a valuable impact on this study. Thus, educational game designers need to pay close attention to the characteristics aspects that are appropriate before designing a mobile educational game interface that is accessible to the target users

    An Initial Exploration of the Perspectives and Experiences of Diverse Learners\u27 Acceptance of Online Educational Engineering Games as Learning Tools in the Classroom

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    This Work-In-Progress falls within the research category of study and, focuses on the experiences and perceptions of first- and second year engineering students when using an online engineering game that was designed to enhance understanding of statics concepts. Technology and online games are increasingly being used in engineering education to help students gain competencies in technical domains in the engineering field. Less is known about the way that these online games are designed and incorporated into the classroom environment and how these factors can ignite inequitable perspectives and experiences among engineering students. Also, little if any work that combines the TAM model and intersectionality of race and gender in engineering education has been done, though several studies have been modified to account for gender or race. This study expands upon the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) by exploring perspectives of intersectional groups (defined as women of color who are engineering students). A Mixed Method Sequential Exploratory Research Design approach was used that extends the TAM model. Students were asked to play the engineering educational game, complete an open-ended questionnaire and then to participate in a focus group. Early findings suggest that while many students were open to learning to use the game and recommended inclusion of online engineering educational games as learning tools in classrooms, only a few indicated that they would use this tool to prepare for exams or technical job interviews. Some of the main themes identified in this study included unintended perpetuation of inequality through bias in favor of students who enjoyed competition-based learning and assessment of knowledge, and bias for students having prior experience in playing online games. Competition-based assessment related to presumed learning of course content enhanced student anxiety and feelings of intimidation and led to some students seeking to “game the game” versus learning the material, in efforts to achieve grade goals. Other students associated use of the game and the classroom weighted grading with intense stress that led them to prematurely stop the use of the engineering tool. Initial findings indicate that both game design and how technology is incorporated into the grading and testing of learning outcomes, influence student perceptions of the technology’s usefulness and ultimately the acceptance of the online game as a learning tool. Results also point to the need to explore how the crediting and assessment of students’ performance and learning gains in these types of games could yield inequitable experiences in these types of courses


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui terdapat pengaruh model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Team Game Tournament (TGT) terhadap hasil belajar siswa pada pembelajaran futsal. Metode yang dgunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimen. Penelitian ini dilakukan di MTs ASSA’ADAH Cicurug dengan populasi siswa MTs ASSA’ADAH Cicurug yang tergabung dalam ekstrakulikuler futsal dan diambil sebanyak 30 siswa dengan teknik purposive sampling. Desain yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah one-group pretest-posttestdesign. Instrumen yang diguakan adalah Game Performance Assessment Intrument (GPAI). Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu menghitung jumlah menghitung rata-rata dan simpangan baku, menghitung uji normalitas dan pengujian hipotesis Uji-t kesamaan rata-rata 1 pihak. Berdasarkan jasil pengolahan data dan analisis data hasil belajar pada pembelajaran futsal dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran Team Game Tournament (TGT) pada tahap menghitung rata-rata tes awal diketahui 4,87 dan tes akhir 6,90 dan simpangan baku tes awal 1,31 dan tes akhir 1,30, pada perhitungan uji normalitas tes awal diketahui Lhitung0,147 1,699 ttabel. Dengan melihat hasil pengolahan dan analisis data, maka dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran Team Game Tournament (TGT) yang diterapkan dalam pembelajaran futsal dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada pembelajaran futsal. Disarankan adanya penelitian lebih lanjut mengenai upaya meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada pembelajaran futsal dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran Team Game Tournament (TGT), karena masih banyak faktor lain yang mempengaruhi yang belum terpecahkan oleh penulis.---------- The aim of this research is to know the influence of cooperative learning strategy of type Team Game Tournament (TGT) toward the futsal learning output. The method use in this research is experiment method. This research was conducted in MTS. Assa’adahCicurug with the population of the student who are belong to futsal extracurricular and the sample was taken 30 students with using the sample by purpose sampling. The design of this research in one-group pretest – posttest design. The instrument which is used in the research in Game Performance Assessment Instrument (GPAI). The data analyzing which is used is by counting the average and simpanganbaku, calculating the normality test and the hypothesis assessment by t-test the equality the have the average 1 role. According data processing and data analyzing the futsal output by using Game Futsal Tournament (TGT) on the calculating the average, the pretest is 4,87 and posttest in 6,90 and simpanganbaku the pretest is 1,31 and posttest is 1,30 on the first calculation by normality test was knowLhitung0,147 1.99 ttabel. Therefore based on the data processing and analyzing, can be concluded that by using Team Game Tournament (TGT) method which is applied in learning futsal can improve futsal learning output. It is suggested to take a continue research due to improving futsal learning output by using Team Game Tournament ( TGT ), because there are so many factors which influence that the writer have no solved

    Modeling Paying Behavior in Game Social Networks

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    Online gaming is one of the largest industries on the Internet, generating tens of billions of dollars in revenues annually. One core problem in online game is to find and convert free users into paying customers, which is of great importance for the sustainable development of almost all online games. Although much research has been conducted, there are still several challenges that remain largely unsolved: What are the fundamental factors that trigger the users to pay? How does users? paying behavior influence each other in the game social network? How to design a prediction model to recognize those potential users who are likely to pay? In this paper, employing two large online games as the basis, we study how a user becomes a new paying user in the games. In particular, we examine how users' paying behavior influences each other in the game social network. We study this problem from various sociological perspectives including strong/weak ties, social structural diversity and social influence. Based on the discovered patterns, we propose a learning framework to predict potential new payers. The framework can learn a model using features associated with users and then use the social relationships between users to refine the learned model. We test the proposed framework using nearly 50 billion user activities from two real games. Our experiments show that the proposed framework significantly improves the prediction accuracy by up to 3-11% compared to several alternative methods. The study also unveils several intriguing social phenomena from the data. For example, influence indeed exists among users for the paying behavior. The likelihood of a user becoming a new paying user is 5 times higher than chance when he has 5 paying neighbors of strong tie. We have deployed the proposed algorithm into the game, and the Lift_Ratio has been improved up to 196% compared to the prior strategy
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